This is a great time to balance Engineers

This is a great time to balance Engineers

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Balance Team: This is a perfect time to balance engineers in PVE.

Your post today mentioned that you believed in having customization.

Right now in this class, it’s behind Heart of Thorns level of damage balancing in PVE.

It’s lacking in options in Elixirs (the potions themselves not the kits) explosives have been terrible for some time now, the detonation trigger size as well as the damage explosives do is way behind.

If you let this class go another expansion without addressing these issues it will end up being a terrible burden later.

We have no condition fields from elixirs to really be useful, we have nothing like what’s available in the other classes to balance this class out in combat using elixirs such as poison fields without the use of a gyro or elixir gun for example.

Healing turret is the single only useful healing mechanic in this class the rest are terribly limited right now.

I wonder if the balance team will take the time this class deserves while you have the chance to update these other older options to keep up with the changes the expansions have introduced because this class has become a class of fewer and fewer options as each expansion comes out, it’s become a niche class and I don’t feel that was your original intent.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!