This is absolutely ridiculous

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Doomcaster.5084


I have a level 53 decent geared engineer with 2x level 51 pistols and a level 15 guardian. I am surprised that my level 15 guardian does almost the same or more damage using 1(auto attack).

And if I use the other special abilities my guardian does way more damage than my engineer.

This is utter nonsense! Are pistols insanely bugged? Should I use any other weapon?

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: DigitalMaster.4870


cross-class comparison… level them to 80 first, and research their limits and potentials.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Actually he’s just responding to what we all know to be true. Engineers at level 80 with similar builds and runes and gear have to do backflips and use every single Fkey to get the same affect as any other class does right now.

My FT is nerfed so bad and misses most of the time so It doesn’t do most of the damage against my enemies, guess what does. The sigils i have equipped, if it weren’t for those sigils I’d be spending figuratively all day trying to kill a mob in each battle.

I’ve done just about every build out there because I wanted to see for myself what it was like, I have an easier time on my ranger/guardian/thief then i do on my engineer in any build. It’s really sad that so many classes can three shot everything and engineers must fire bullet after bullet or throw a ton of grenades just to do the same thing. (and I’m speaking in pve terms.) We’ve got a long way to go.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Pistol 1 deals very, VERY, poor damage. It has been mathed out that the basedamage is very poor, and the scaling even worst.

By design Engineers deal less damage then other professions, because of something commonly known as the Hybrid Tax.
In otherwords. You will deal less damage then any other profession, and if by some reason you do not, expect a n.erf.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Doomcaster.5084


Should i go for rifle? or maybe grenades?

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


Yes it’s true. Only way to play pistols on engineer is condition damage.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Coltz.5617


Pistol 1 deals very, VERY, poor damage. It has been mathed out that the basedamage is very poor, and the scaling even worst.

By design Engineers deal less damage then other professions, because of something commonly known as the Hybrid Tax.
In otherwords. You will deal less damage then any other profession, and if by some reason you do not, expect a n.erf.

hybrid tax.. I hear no such thing with my elementalist

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Ricky Rouse.1583

Ricky Rouse.1583

Yes it’s true. Only way to play pistols on engineer is condition damage.

With a two second bleed on your bread and butter skill that you can stack to about 4-5 before it expires?

I’d rather not.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


Yes it’s true. Only way to play pistols on engineer is condition damage.

With a two second bleed on your bread and butter skill that you can stack to about 4-5 before it expires?

I’d rather not.

Welcome to the engineer.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Grugosh.6471


Yes it’s true. Only way to play pistols on engineer is condition damage.

I for myself run pistols on power / Crit with static discharge, swiftness/vigor and u can do ok damage. But as all know don’t expect damage like Warr/Rang/Ele/thief.

Anyhow the Explosive shot mechanic’s s-u-c-k’s for bleed spread. Should deal bleed on explosion to 5 five targets instead. That would be cool. And the it should be a 2,5 sec bleed instead of 2sec.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


I stack condition damage on my engie and I find my elixir gun auto attack to be more effective than the pistol. It has a higher base damage, I get the sigil bonuses, adds weakness, and the bleed lasts 4 seconds which lets me stack more than pistol’s 2 seconds.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Yes, main hand pistols are bugged for all professions. They autoattack at the same speed as a rifle when the tooltips say they’re supposed to be faster.

Remember that bleeds only tick damage once per second, so you won’t get any benefit from +condition duration on those 2sec bleeds until you get up to +50% (i.e. 3sec bleed).

Pistols work just as well with power as condition damage. You shouldn’t be using your autoattack anyway, so just use whatever method you choose to actually deal damage (grenade kit, bomb kit, static discharge) most of the time and swap to your pistols or pistol/shield for the 2-5 skills when you need them.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Gurpsmeister.9068


hybrid tax.. I hear no such thing with my elementalist[/quote] me, we engineers know that you elementalists are apparently better at versatility (Which is all we can do) but don’t have to pay for it.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Dante.1508


hybrid tax.. I hear no such thing with my elementalist me, we engineers know that you elementalists are apparently better at versatility (Which is all we can do) but don’t have to pay for it.

Yes makes no sense, we are suppose to be the versatility class (according to Anet) yet Elementalists kill us in every respect even DPS, what the hell are we if other classes kill us in the only thing we are suppose to be good at?

This class needs an over haul and a direction to follow asap..

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Elementalist is supposed to be the King of Versatility.

They just never came up with something other than versatility to try to give the Engineer, which has led to our current situation.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Salt.6794


Yes it’s true. Only way to play pistols on engineer is condition damage.

With a two second bleed on your bread and butter skill that you can stack to about 4-5 before it expires?

I’d rather not.

You might want to use more than just auto-attack. Running P/P you have one non-condition type attack plus whatever attacks your kit(s) bring.

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: GoZero.9708


Yes makes no sense, we are suppose to be the versatility class (according to Anet) yet Elementalists kill us in every respect even DPS, what the hell are we if other classes kill us in the only thing we are suppose to be good at?

This class needs an over haul and a direction to follow asap..

You hit the nail on the head. ANet’s lack of clarity on what the Engineer is supposed to be is even highlighted in their patch notes from the December 14th patch:

The Engineer is a highly versatile class. While it doesn’t have the long range capabilities of the Ranger, or the melee capabilities of the Warrior or Guardian, they are comfortable at medium ranges in most fights. They have a lot of control, and use their boons to keep themselves (and allies) alive in a fight. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.

We’re expected to sacrifice our offense for versatility (which take up extremely valuable Utility Slots) for the sake of a number of Kits that also suffer in damage and being statistically screwed. True, we are good at control but in PvE the bosses that we actually need to control are completely immune to it and half the classes in PvP can pull out Invulnerability or Stability when stomping or running away and make our controls completely moot. Our boons are regarded as terrible (no reliable protection or stability which are the most valuable boons and very bad Regeneration that comes from the Healing Turret) and completely suck at applying them to others (small ground targeting radius that’s trying to hit a teammate that’s often moving and is completely unreliable in trying to buff entire groups without having them all stack up for a single ten second boon). And our kits aren’t “based on the situation”, they’re based on the build we use. Hell, to get two of them to be viable now we have to put 30 points into either Explosives or Firearms and starve the rest of our traits. That’s not what I would call “versatile”.

Compared this to:

We see the elementalist as the king of versatility. The skill ceiling for the Ele is exceptional, as the ability to leverage all four attunements at the right time is crucial for understanding the elemetnalist. The Ele boasts some of the best team support and control abilities in the game, as well as some great area of effect damage.

Where as Engineers are “highly versatile”, the Elementalist are the flippin’ kings of versatility. Like the Engineer, they have alternative weapon skills that don’t require equipping a different weapon. Unlike the Engineer, they default to having 20 weapon skills without sacrificing their Utility skills and while their access to them is slower well… they don’t have to sacrifice their Utility skills to access them. I can’t make that point enough. Sorry if I don’t consider the Toolbelt (which has half of the skills having either painful recharge times or underwhelming effects) to be exactly useful compared to that. They also tend to benefit from a number of traits that unlike the Engineer’s Kit are actually built to uniquely benefit all of their Attunements.

This leaves the Engineer looking like a sort of bulkier Elementalist-lite. That’s not exactly fair to Engineers who enter the class expecting to have access to powerful turrets, unique weapons and intelligent design like you would expect an Engineer to have because that’s exactly how the class is billed by ANet.

(edited by GoZero.9708)

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: Raideen.5973


I leveled my Asura engineer to 80. Spent 45 gold that I got from a flaming shield skin sale on exotics.

Then he took an arrow to the knee.

He is currently a cheerleader…err, bench warming cheerleader.

(edited by Raideen.5973)

This is absolutely ridiculous

in Engineer

Posted by: mikeson.7605


I leveled my Asura engineer to 80. Spent 45 gold that I got from a flaming shield skin sale on exotics.

Then he took an arrow to the knee.

He is currently a cheerleader…err, bench warming cheerleader.

This made me laugh hard.

On a serious note, FT sucks, 2 is obstructed all the kitten time.
Sad thing is, im still stuck using it

(edited by mikeson.7605)