This must be some type of joke.

This must be some type of joke.

in Engineer

Posted by: Livinglegend.3058


So I’m running around in WvW looking for stragglers to 1v1, I see a ranger running away from a tower into the water. I chase him looking for an easy kill because you know I’m the king of underwater combat…

I must chase this ranger for a good 2mins trying to burn him down. All hes doing is running and healing. I finally kill him, he stops to accept his fate, or so I thought. Im bombarding him with grenades, absolutely destroying him. Instead of dying he starts to regenerate health at an amazing rate, like hes out of combat. He resurrects himself and continues to run. So i burst him down a second time. He res’s himself again and heals to full health…and runs. The third time i kill him he does it again stands still and starts to regenerate health. He’s up again..this time he starts to fight, bursting me down. I aggro a few krait while fighting and then the tables are turned he starts to win. I escape and make out of the water to fight him on land with about 1/3 of my health hes about a little more then half health, after a few exchanges of blows hes beaten me…but just barely.

At no point did this guy kill a krait or other mob to rally, only after the third time did mobs even get involved in the fight. Someone…Please explain to me how that’s even possible.

This must be some type of joke.

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


You would probably get more insight on the ranger forums but my guess is his pet kept reviving him

This must be some type of joke.

in Engineer

Posted by: havoc.8569


Grenades do jack squat underwater unless the target is 1) not moving and 2) against solid surface.

If the target is moving away from you (or even perpendicular), the grenades will miss. If the target is not against a surface, 1-2 of the grenades will go right past them doing nothing.

To conclude, do not use grenades underwater.

This must be some type of joke.

in Engineer

Posted by: Livinglegend.3058


Only time im using Nades, is when hes stopped and im right on top of him.

This must be some type of joke.

in Engineer

Posted by: Krew.3081


Should of got it on fraps

This must be some type of joke.

in Engineer

Posted by: Calms.9318


The underwater pet resurrect is just ridiculous – I’m fairly certain it’ll be fixed.

This must be some type of joke.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I had the same problem about a week ago, I finally manage to finish him off with a well timed speargun burst , he actually survived longer in downed state than alive (I even used elixir x to try and finish him).

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
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