Thought for an alternative elite skill

Thought for an alternative elite skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Relztra.8716


So, I heard somewhere that Anet was looking at giving a second class portals that were similar to a mesmer. Got to thinking a little bit and came up with this:

The FTD, or Friendly Teleport Device (Or some other random name that is more entertaining). The way I thought it might work would be simple. The device would cause it’s user to enter stealth for a short period of time (3 seconds or so maybe?) and create a portal entrance. Upon exiting stealth the exit would be created and the portal would last for 5 seconds. This could possibly work as a stun breaker as well, although I think that may start pushing ‘over powered’ buttons. Cool down would be 90 seconds.

Of course I could go with the alternative and say that this ability would break stuns on use and create a portal entrance. When used a second time the portal exit is created (not a stun breaker though). Effect could last 15 seconds while the portal itself would still last for 5. Cool Down could be at 90 seconds still.

Attempted to give it portal properties without it being the ‘exact same skill’. Could even drop an actual portal pad that could be broken by enemy players (lol TF2).

Odds are this won’t get added or looked at so I figured I would toss it up here for fun to see what everyone comes up with. Thanks for reading!

Thought for an alternative elite skill

in Engineer

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


Hrm, I don’t remember anything about a new portal skill being added. Do you happen to have a link?

Last I heard they were saying the portal skill is fun but had some unintended game play consequences (for skipping content and such) so it seems surprising that they would be considering adding another one. Especially since there’s already the portal gun.

Thought for an alternative elite skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


I would say replace our Mortar with a Megaturret.

240 second cooldown. Lasts 1 minute. Tossable with the Deploy Turrets trait.

This turret launches rockets and nets at the enemy, alternating between the two at the speed and range of the Rifle Turret.

The Overcharge is actually a detonation device for the turret, launching the turret into the air to explode and send shrapnel in a 240 radius which causes a little damage and 5 stacks of bleeding for 10 seconds.

How does this sound?

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

Thought for an alternative elite skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Resouled.5614


Pretty kitten good!^

However make it a gattling gun instead lol

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

Thought for an alternative elite skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


If they would design the mortar as an improved Charrzooka, I would be extremely happy.
Give it the visuals of a shoulder carried launcher, and keep the heals, the knockback etc… just make it mobile and undestroyable (you still take damage as normal). But keep the stability.

I wouldn’t mind the relative ‘short’ range than, since it’s mobile. It has long range, but it’s silly that grenades outrange it…

Supply crate is usefull, especially since it’s ‘versatile’: it has offense, crowd control and defense at the same time. Just let supply crate proc stability too and it would be perfect.

But I think I would take a portable mortar over the crate even, it simply sounds too much fun!

As for a new portal elite: yes I think engineers could do with that.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Thought for an alternative elite skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

How about an elite kit? Although the portal (FTD) sounds really nice, I must admit a elite sniper kit would be awesome ^^.

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks