I imagine my opinions here are going to get a bit of hate since I’m asking for a particular skill to be nerfed, but I think there’s a pretty glaring balance issue when a vast majority of Engineer builds run the same healing skill and most other skills are never used. I don’t even see Elixir H used on HGH builds. That’s ridiculous.
So, here is what I think should be done with each of Engineer’s heals.
Healing Gyro is rendered crap by the fact that its cooldown is dependent on the Gyro’s lifespan. Even if this behavior is not removed for any of the other Gyros, I’m pretty sure all Scrappers will be thankful if the Healing Gyro’s cooldown is made to start immediately, even if that means removing the Scrapper’s ability to activate a self-destruct. No, we haven’t been able to test this skill yet, but its issue is already quite obvious. That’s a 42 second cooldown if it isn’t blown up early. That’s even more counterintuitive than Healing Turret, and in a way that punishes instead of rewards. This has nothing to offer over the similar-in-function Healing Turret and the similar-in-cooldown A.E.D..
A.E.D. seems to me to be slightly unreliable. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but my experiences have lead me to believe that “the damage is negated” is misleading. I believe that simultaneous damage sources are able to get around the damage negation as I’ve had times where A.E.D. didn’t quite perform as expected when up against Subject Alpha. Additionally, there are some extremely powerful attacks in dungeons that seem to down me even when A.E.D. is active, or it just heals far less than I expected as if the attack cuts into the healing. It takes some experimentation to learn when it’s safe to utilize A.E.D. and when it is not. Besides the occasional inconsistency, though, I think this healing skill is extremely good at its particular niche. I do wish Static Shock would behave differently, though. Utilizing auto-targeting and canceling instead of going on cooldown if the target is out of range, for example.
Elixir H is okay in its cooldown and base amount. Its position will be improved if Healing Turret is nerfed slightly. It does have a problem with its boons, though. Obviously some reliability would make it a lot better, but if the devs insist on some randomness, then it still has a problem in that it gives Swiftness instead of Vigor. I can only imagine the Swiftness is intended to help the Engineer run out of AoEs before they hit, but many AoEs in high end PvE content are too big for Swiftness to be sufficient, and Engineer already has a lot of Swiftness sources already. Swiftness is an extremely disappointing result in combat compared to Protection or Regeneration. I would like to see Swiftness changed to Vigor, which would make it fit better with the effects of Toss Elixir H, or changed to Super Speed which would more effectively help the Engineer flee AoEs and cannot be maintained quite like Swiftness can. I expect Super Speed is a little too good in combination with Scrapper, so Vigor seems like the better choice. That said, I want to reiterate that reliability, one boon I can expect every time I use it, would be even better.
Healing Turret is pretty silly in its current implimentation. Turrets, ideally, should be something Engineers keep out to provide support over time in combat. Let’s ignore for the moment that they, like every other minion in the game, are rendered useless by the absurd spike damage sprinkled throughout dungeons. Healing Turret has two problems unique to it. By picking it up after overcharging it, Healing Turret gains the best cooldown out of all of Engineer’s healing skills: 15 seconds. Because this is the same cooldown as Cleansing Burst, that leads to the turret’s other problem: There is no incentive for leaving the turret on the field. I believe the solution to both of these problems is to give the turret a 28 second cooldown. When picking up the turret, that would result in a much more fair (compared to Engineer’s other healing skills) 21 second cooldown, and it becomes more desirable to leave the turret on the field when party support is more important than self-healing.
As for the problem all turrets (and for that matter all minions and pets) face, I think the solution is fairly simple. Give minions incoming damage resistance and/or a damage ceiling from enemies higher rank than Elite. That would prevent enemies like Subject Alpha from rendering them completely useless.
Med Kit is useless in its current implementation. You can find the reasons all over the Engineer section of the forums, so I won’t beat a dead horse here, but I desperately want developers to realize the problem is with the pickups. Turn them into PBAoEs, modified copies of Med Blast, or really anything more reliable than what they are right now.
Edit: Fixed a few typos.
(edited by SilvasRuin.5713)