Throw Mine Skill...

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Azimuth.7091


I been looking at Engineers and thinking. Does anyone use [Throw Mine] skill. If so please post and share with me.

Other than that I was thinking the DEV’s should change the skill to a kit.

So looking in the forums i came up with this kit using all the idea people have made for kits. The idea goes on like this

[Artillery Kit]
=Rocket Shot
(1) Auto attack shoots Rockets
-The animation for this attack (something like the Charr elite Charrzooka)
-The Damage for the attack to make it not op should be like the Tool Belt skill from the Rocket Turret ,_Rocket_{damage 304, radius240 range 1200} with a 3/4 CD

=Lead Shots
(2) Shoots multi- shots like the Warriors Volley or the Engineers Poison Darts
-The damage {200 damage shoots 8 shots the inflecting Weakness for 2sec per shot. Also a combo finisher having a 2.5 CD time}

=Static Bolt
(3) The animation is like the Elemental staff attack Chain Lighting
-The damage{147 damage, 5 maximum targets, 1000 range, with a 12sec CD time.}

=Drill Shot
(4) The animation is like the Warriors Kill Shot but when fire you inflect 2sec stun to yourself.
-The damage {500 damage, 1200 range, 15 sec CD}

(5) I say leave as the Throw Mine skill, and the F2-F4 option should stay the same as well



IF you don’t like its okay, if you do sweet, I’m not asking for this but it would be fun to have, its not op just a lot of random stuff to make players go (O_O") " I want to play as a engineer"

Galvon Engineer 80 / Sor/
LOL, Who still use Runes

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


yeah so ppl can finally play a more effective aoe nade + aoe mines build.
that will surely go well with the (one) developer that works on class balancing (assuming they have someone dedicaded to that is actually already a bit much)

nades + mine is already good for the burst alone
mine is a great aoe knockback with very low cooldown – same problem as always with this great class though – it takes a skill slot and is not a kit or stun breaker

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Azimuth.7091


Who why when i read your post you sound mad, im just trying to be fun on my free time with ideas

Galvon Engineer 80 / Sor/
LOL, Who still use Runes

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Linc.6834


LMAO this is SO funny because throw mine USED to be a kit with 5 mines you could use.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Yes, I use Throw Mine. I had to try it because it seemed unloved. It’s been great and the bugs are not difficult to work around. I use it as a boon-stripping knockback grenade. It will explode if you throw it near enough to the target. Works well in combination with bomb kit and explody supply crate turrets.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I’ve used Throw Mine in one of my better builds, oddly enough. It deals pretty good damage, when the cooldown and toolbelt are considered – I’d often see chunks of health drop off of things, along with boons.

Also: Yeah, there used to be a Mine Kit. You want to see how that worked? Go fight the first Charr Skill Challenge guy. Centurion Gearclaw or something.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Azimuth.7091


lol yeah i just found the info about the “mine kit”, aso people keep posting i want to find a build for the mine or a use
is it only 1 boon or all?

toss me some ideas

Galvon Engineer 80 / Sor/
LOL, Who still use Runes

(edited by Azimuth.7091)

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kai.3680


Who why when i read your post you sound mad, im just trying to be fun on my free time with ideas

I wouldn’t take the response personally. People are frustrated because it seems difficult to rationalize putting the mine into a build. As one user pointed out it is not a kit which would give multiple functions and neither is it a stunbreaker that would give some defense. The dps is not altogether terrible given the fact that it is paired with a knockback, boon removal, and short recharge time. As a toolbelt skill the minefield leaves much to be desired. Although it can potentially remove 5 boons it is incredibly obvious to human players and against mobs they can sometimes run right over them and not set them off. You do have the ability to detonate them but a reliable setting and forgetting would really be a crucial feature to me. Paired with static discharge you can actually get 2 discharges from the minefield. One from the initial laying and a second from the detonation. This will only be effective if you lay the field when you are surrounded as the discharge goes in whatever direction you are facing, not necessarily towards a mob.

Whenever I run non Orr map content I make sure and get the mine out as it really is a fun tool to use. It’s unfortunate that its application in higher difficulty content seems to be diminished. Unstoppable champs will just romp right over your mine.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


The only times I have ever found a use for it was in spvp when fighting a thief one on one. Throw mine under me and use the tool kit mines as a way to help me guess were he is coming from. Once throw mine activates I just look toward the side were the toolkit mines blew off. Thats about all I ever used it for though, anti backstabbing defense.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


ooOOoo I forgot that the toolbelt mines also remove boons… Thanks for reminding me!

I recommend that you do not rely upon their proximity detection detonation.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: darkace.8925


I been looking at Engineers and thinking. Does anyone use [Throw Mine] skill. If so please post and share with me.

I get the distinct impression you don’t really care how people use Throw Mine and that it’s just what you want dropped to make room for your new kit, but I do use it. I use it as an added means of crowd control to shield myself and my Rifle Turret when facing anything above a “trash mob” enemy.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: waka.9826


ive started using it in pvp and i have to say its greatly underrated and its amazing.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Electro.4173


I find Throw Mine quite useful. A knockback utility and on-demand blast finisher with a really low cooldown and pretty decent damage to boot. Good for keeping enemies a bay a bit more, particularly since you can throw it down pre-battle and let the enemy smash into it all on their own (PvE of course) while you pepper them with shots.

The only problem I have with it is that, given the fact that I run a turret build, its hard to justify using it over a third turret slot, even though it does synergize with turrets quite well (keeping enemies away means free shots for your turrets). But I do use it, and its probably the utility I use most besides turrets themselves.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


You can also stand on your mine if you’re fighting a thief, so they walk into it when they try to backstab you.

It’s a skill I’ve been interested in trying out since it does seem somewhat handy, but I haven’t been able to work it into any builds I want to play yet.

It almost seems to be more useful to throw it directly at people rather than place defensively. Ends up being a ranged knockback with some added perks like boon stripping.

I don’t think the toolbelt ability is that great though… those deployed mines seem kind of flaky, as in low damage and small trigger radius.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


It almost seems to be more useful to throw it directly at people rather than place defensively.


Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


It’s really situational honestly. For many situations it doesn’t work just to throw the mine unless you’re melee range. IF you’re going to do that, it’s best to take something else. Another kit can be used to put on more conditions, toolkit magnet can be used to bring them back in your control or you could use Elixir U for more utility and damage. Without a specific purpose, you’re wasting your slot on throw-mine.

I’ve found 2 good uses for it though. One is to place it in front of the doors leading into structures of WvW. When the enemy tries to dash in there, they get the mine blowing up and knocking them back and it leads to a few kills and less defenders. The second use I’ve found is to booby trap jumping puzzles. The blowout makes it great for screwing the enemy over.

Throw Mine Skill...

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


When you want boon stripping and knockdowns in melee, the slot is not wasted. Doing the unexpected with skills, like not using a trap skill as a trap, is what leads to new and effective tactics. And lots of loot bags. This is not to say that the trap skill can’t also be used like a trap, only to say that it can be more.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast