Thumper turret blast finisher?
The overcharge ability of turrets that attack targets will only work if there is a target within the radius of the turret’s skill.
Perfect Dark [PD]
Neither Thumper nor Flame Turret will activate their overcharge outside of combat, or without a target within range, despite both being self-centered AoE effects.
It works outside of combat (at least in PvE). You just have to time it correctly. It provides 3 blast finishers (1 from overcharge, 1 from blowing it up, and one from toolbelt). the correct sequence is: drop and immediately overcharge thumper turret, drop big ol bomb, and drop either fire (for might) or smoke (for stealth) bomb. then, blow up the turret once the bomb goes off and use the toolbelt.
Oh, right, the bug where overcharging it, and detonating it before the overcharge fires, creates a double Blast finisher. Not supposed to happen, but does.
WTB ability to overcharge flame/thumper outisde of combat so I can stealth skip with turret build pls.
WTB ability to overcharge flame/thumper outisde of combat so I can stealth skip with turret build pls.
If you’re out of combat just switch one of the utility skills to bomb kit, blast Smoke Bomb, while running switch to Elixir S, toss the belt elixir for 5 more seconds of stealth, then switch back to the utility skill.
Stealth from blasting a smoke field is capped at 5 stacks so BoB + healing/thumper turret will suffice.
Bill Kilgore – [BIER] –
(edited by Mork vom Ork.2598)