Time to sneak into a keep

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: koroshi.2658


I regret not taking the flamethrower.

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

How did they NOT notice you?

How did you kill with Pistol’s weak #1?

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Velron.3729


That was awesome! haha

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Jigain.8231


It’s moments like that one lives for.

This post may contain a high concentration of sarcasm and irony.
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


Great video~ really fun times, and I have no idea how so few noticed you.

How did they NOT notice you?

How did you kill with Pistol’s weak #1?

If you mean the first ranger, the Vet Wizard did most of the work.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


Best yet. You are trouble.

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Whelm.9072


This needs ‘Yakety Sax’ as a theme song.

Yep, Flamethrower would have really been effective making you ‘king of the hill’. That knockback and blind along with BoB – fun stuff.

Great video

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Jigain.8231


I was actually thinking more along the lines of Entrance of the Gladiators for a musical score. :P

This post may contain a high concentration of sarcasm and irony.
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.

Time to sneak into a keep

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Great run Koroshi. Thanks for posting that.