Tip for starting Engineers
Engineer can be decent in PvE, at least. I solo’d the Champion golem patrolling part of Malchor’s Leap earlier, before grouping up with two Guardians and a Warrior to four-man the Dwayna temple quest chain.
Just don’t expect big numbers or an impressive amount of speed.
it clearly must be the class. not you, the class. for real.
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
Well i wanted to try something else, im used to play warriors.. but i wanted to make it for WvW and its fun to play.. dont get me wrong, but after a while you feel like beeing useless.. in my eyes some other classes are way better for WvW.
Maybe its good in PVE, i lvled it there to lvl 60.. but PVE isnt that hard with any class to be honest ( dunno about dungeons )
Spended hours on it, and 150-200g on gear
150-200g? Did you buy one set of each armor or something? You can gear up with all exotics for less than 20g.
And yeah we don’t do much direct damage. My ach for most dam in one attack is still over 200k so I’m not too worried about it.
One thing the profession isn’t great at is producing big numbers, so if that’s what you’re after then you’ve probably made the right decision in shelving your Engineer. However, spend a while on this forum and you’ll see that Engineers are actually not in a bad place when it comes to WvWvW, there are a couple of builds in particular that, when used well, seem to be extremely effective, even in spite of the bugs that plague the profession.
Engineer needs thought, planning, attention to skill synergy, and decent timing but if you’re prepared to put in the work then it seems to pay off. Glass cannon is not a build likely to pay off in PvP unless you’re very smart with your utilities and toolbelt.
Spended hours on it, and 150-200g on gear
150-200g? Did you buy one set of each armor or something? You can gear up with all exotics for less than 20g.
Good point, spending that amount of gold on gearing is, frankly, unnecessary. One thing you can’t do with an Engineer is buy success.
Piken Square
(edited by binidj.5734)
One thing the profession isn’t great at is producing big numbers, so if that’s what you’re after then you’ve probably made the right decision in shelving your Engineer. However, spend a while on this forum and you’ll see that Engineers are actually not in a bad place when it comes to WvWvW, there are a couple of builds in particular that, when used well, seem to be extremely effective, even in spite of the bugs that plague the profession.
Engineer needs thought, planning, attention to skill synergy, and decent timing but if you’re prepared to put in the work then it seems to pay off. Glass cannon is not a build likely to pay off in PvP unless you’re very smart with your utilities and toolbelt.
Spended hours on it, and 150-200g on gear
150-200g? Did you buy one set of each armor or something? You can gear up with all exotics for less than 20g.
Good point, spending that amount of gold on gearing is, frankly, unnecessary. One thing you can’t do with an Engineer is buy success.
The thing with a gimmick/gag/support engi is, you won’t get many rewards except the warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart. Talking WvW here.
And the damage builds are not up to par against other professions. This is more obvious whenever we have some bug/feature that subjectively unlocks the situation we are in, like the EG heal bug or Pie atm.
Personally I ate through 5 sets of gear since the release of GW2. Granted, some of it is Karma gear. But my point is, it can get expensive to learn that you’re just the Jester of Versatility.
One thing that occured to me, speaking of the Jester of Versatility is, that maybe ANet never thought of the Engineer to be a main character profession.
Maybe more of a profession people roll when they want to see something different and have fun trolling around with.
Oddly enough this spot is occupied by the Thief right now in my opinion.
Got fed up with difficulty of gameplay or lack of fun on your main? Log to your alt Thief and roflstomp people by playing with your elbows. Better yet, form a group of 5 thieves and ROFLstomp. ;D
Red Guard
(edited by Pannonica.5378)
Hmm my glass engineer starts with the 20% crit potion.. then i try to net my opponent, and after he dodges 2x i shoot my 3 toolbet skills, first i shoot 10% vulnerable then i shoot the wrench toolbelt and after that i shoot the last bullet from belt. All the toolbelt skills shoot lightning bolts too (2-4k dmg each) if critted.
The recharge is good, but still only 4k damage with crit and 98 crit dmg is not that high if you compare it with other classes.
Magnetron :
With some build, You can hit for 16k with a precise combo. In less time that it take to do yours.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Well yes, you can do a 16-20k damage combo ( if your opponent isnt any good ) but you cannot miss! or be blocked or what that new elementalist does vanish in thin air etc.. then your screwed
Also vs thiefs.. you miss everything, best defence if hes vanished is to take out the wrench and start hitting around you and use the gear shield if he appears next to you.. but that really takes good timing.. And i have since a few week more and more skill lag with bigger groups, so timing isnt working for me
Whenever a Thief is stealthed near me I always run around like a lunatic lobbing grenades & bombs out my back end. Half the time I find the Thief dead when he comes out of stealth.
Tirydia – Scrapper
I love when it happens! :P
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Whenever a Thief is stealthed near me I always run around like a lunatic lobbing grenades & bombs out my back end. Half the time I find the Thief dead when he comes out of stealth.
So, what you’re saying is that you kill stealthed thieves with… ahem… fart-bombs. :|
Hilarious image, but a very good tip for new engineers. Also, Jump Shot the spot where the thief vanished!
Tarnished Coast
Panic Time!
Haha, yeah I imagine it looks hilarious from a distance. The good thieves will just back off and start pegging you with the Shortbow though, so keep an eye out for that.
Tirydia – Scrapper
First things first, you shouldn’t compare an engineer’s DPS to a Warrior’s DPS. We can burst for 25k~30k+ in PvE though. I have no idea what you bought with all that gold as well.
Second, you’re right that you can 1-combo almost anything and that includes bunker eles. All you need is timing. I find it easy fighting a bunker ele because I play one too and I know how they rotate their skills. Just make sure all your skills hit and you should be fine. If they don’t you should take your gear shield out and start running away and make another plan.
But yes, I don’t feel any threat when I run into an enemy engineer in WvW and meeting them in the field is quite rare as well.
Well yes, you can do a 16-20k damage combo ( if your opponent isnt any good ) but you cannot miss! or be blocked or what that new elementalist does vanish in thin air etc.. then your screwed
Also vs thiefs.. you miss everything, best defence if hes vanished is to take out the wrench and start hitting around you and use the gear shield if he appears next to you.. but that really takes good timing.. And i have since a few week more and more skill lag with bigger groups, so timing isnt working for me
Thieves are the easiest class to kill with Engineers. By far. When they go invisible near you, you KNOW they are next to you, so throw down your 100 nades and they die. Pretty much every time.
Anyone who says that Engineers can’t be good hasn’t played them enough or at least hasn’t tried to make working builds. I discovered 100 nades myself through a lot of testing of traits and skills. It’s not like the other professions where skill comes from hitting 2. That’s what’s so great about it.
Message me any time in game.
High Five, GA! Glad you found a build that isn’t as frustrating for you as Elixers.
Can someone here post their gear, stats, and build please?
I find it hard to believe that you guys are actually doing well with an Engi. I will have to see it to believe it in this case. It can just be me that I am en extremely incompetent Engi player.
I am currently running at static charge build. I guess it would be considered a glass cannon build. I am running all rare gear, green trinkets, and exotic rifle. I went to run AC exp to test out the build…..what I found? Sadness. Why? cuz it was just sad that its actually called a build. A LOT less dmg, survivability, boons, support than both my DD Ele and HB Warr.
You know whats funny? My Engi has ALMOST as much power as my HB warrior has…yet its dmg output does not EVEN compare. Now, the only way to get that much power and precision (41%) was to almost have no vit and toughness. My Warrior (has exotics but the point still remains) has MORE power, prec, and a crap ton more of vit and toughness than my Engi. Same for my DD Ele.
So that’s why, I want to see it to believe it. Please, any of you who think Engi is a good class, give me a youtube video of you playing a dungeon.
Reason I ask for a dungeon run is because WvW is a mix of a lot of diff player skills. What I want to see is how much dmg you are doing. What kind of support you are doing. What boons you are giving to the party.
I’ve seen the Tankat build in action. Amazing player but nothing impressive compared to other classes. I believe the tankat builds main dmg is confusion……just ignore him in the battlefield and /laugh lol.
My best tip for you guys is to not make an Engineer.
I made one with the most damage build i could think of, and i do 2k dmg with my rifle on a bunker elementalist.. and it have only the gear shield to survive.
Spended hours on it, and 150-200g on gear but its just too weak in 1v1 situations ( vs pugs you kill them in 1 strike ) but i mean vs other lvl 80s with full gear and know what the skills do.
made it up to 70% crit chance with 98 crit dmg! But in the end its not worth to make one.
Im starting on a elementalist now, they can AOE, Tank, 1v1, they can do it all!
So bye Engineer, maybe i play you sometimes.. but not alot anymore
You spent 200g on gear and never once realized that damage isn’t the only thing that helps in pvp? In fact, focusing on damage is usually your demise. I win almost every duel i play, and my max hit is ~600 (crit). That’s not auto attack, either.
how long will it take people to realize that glass is probably the WORST spec you can play in this game? especially as an engi. If you stop looking at the numbers (i literally don’t care what i hit) then you’ll see eons better results. If you want specifics, just go any build with p/p, something like 0 30 10 30 0, rabid gear, and HBUS elixirs. It’s absolutely flawless in pvp, and is good for general pve too. You may think i’m not being specific enough, but it really doesn’t matter. this build is good no matter how you fine-tune it.
That’s not to say that there aren’t other good builds; there are plenty. This is just my favorite.
Jade Quarry Crusader
rock the elixirs.
(edited by mifbifgiggle.6713)
My best tip for you guys is to not make an Engineer.
I made one with the most damage build i could think of, and i do 2k dmg with my rifle on a bunker elementalist.. and it have only the gear shield to survive.
Spended hours on it, and 150-200g on gear but its just too weak in 1v1 situations ( vs pugs you kill them in 1 strike ) but i mean vs other lvl 80s with full gear and know what the skills do.
made it up to 70% crit chance with 98 crit dmg! But in the end its not worth to make one.
Im starting on a elementalist now, they can AOE, Tank, 1v1, they can do it all!
So bye Engineer, maybe i play you sometimes.. but not alot anymore
You spent 200g on gear and never once realized that damage isn’t the only thing that helps in pvp? In fact, focusing on damage is usually your demise. I win almost every duel i play, and my max hit is ~600 (crit). That’s not auto attack, either.
how long will it take people to realize that glass is probably the WORST spec you can play in this game? especially as an engi. If you stop looking at the numbers (i literally don’t care what i hit) then you’ll see eons better results. If you want specifics, just go any build with p/p, something like 0 30 10 30 0, rabid gear, and HBUS elixirs. It’s absolutely flawless in pvp, and is good for general pve too. You may think i’m not being specific enough, but it really doesn’t matter. this build is good no matter how you fine-tune it.
That’s not to say that there aren’t other good builds; there are plenty. This is just my favorite.
While I agree with you that running pure glass cannon is a bad idea. Running a “dps” spec in this game is actually a GOOD idea if you want to fill that role. For example my HB warrior is based on shouts. I can heal each time I do shouts. Its a dps spec that deals a ton of dmg, buffs allies/myself, and can generally survive pretty well.
I was hoping the “static discharge” build that have been making the rounds here in the forums would fit a similar role as my Warrior. Clearly it is not. Thank you for invalidating the build as I also think its useless. In fact, I would go as far as saying that all rifle builds are useless. Reason being is that if a “static discharge” (aka glass cannon build) build cant compare in dmg to other classes, then what is the point of having a rifle instead of a pistol? Everything I talk about is for PvE ofc.
I will check out the build you mentioned. I have a feeling though that it probably leans towards a lot of condition dmg….something im not a big fan of. BUT I think its a much better option than a power build.
I couldn’t possibly level a Warrior past level 5, that class is so ultimately boring and self-serving.
Engineers have so many different possibilities, and if you get a group of people that can help cover your disadvantages, you can shine in roles that may not seem that potent but end up being insanely helpful in PvP.