(edited by NickDollahZ.5348)
Top 5 bugs Anet should prioritize fixing
Mine is
-deployable turrets
-cone abilities
-turrets scaling on stats
-static discharge with throws/self skills
-weapon stats on kits
-jump shot
-net shot collision (it even collides on allies, especially when meleeing the boss)
Then the rest, even thought after these changes we’d need more reworks (traits AND utilities) rather than fixes.
Actually I was thinking more along the lines of:
- Squash trait bugs
- Stats on Kits (+healing being the biggest one imo considering most of the kit and toolbelt abilities don’t really scale with this, this would significantly improve the kit regenerator and the #5 EG ability right off the bat)
- Cone Attack Misses
- Forceful Explosives (let’s have these explode at the radius of my thief’s 1 handed sword please)
- Speed of attacks. It’s weird it’s like physics works differently for this class then reality. I’m pretty sure that grenades shouldn’t fly faster towards the enemy underwater then they do on land or that pistols fire as slowly as rifles do.
this list would actually take care of most of the problems across the board.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I want only better damage and range from mortar, this is our elite skill and we can’t move while using this weapon so should have big damage or be faster.
[ONE] |Square One |
I want only better damage and range from mortar, this is our elite skill and we can’t move while using this weapon so should have big damage or be faster.
I think it should be faster, stronger (like four times the hitpoints of the turrets) especially if they wish to make it viable as an elite and keep it on a timer no less where it magically disappears. I also think that the engineer should get a huge toughness bonus while using it and that it should fire automatically when the engi isn’t using it as an item. These changes would make it more useful.
1. Blowing up healing turret makes your regen only heal 5/s….This is THE biggest bug for my build. If I am in group with another engi and they use heal turret; my 250 heal/s turns into 5/s for 60+ seconds.
2. Remove all traits that don’t work and make ones that do work. [Don’t waste time trying to edit the code; use code you know already works and apply it to engineers.]
More builds = more fun\versatility
3. imo: Make self knockback\retreating skills ignore cripple & freeze. [Rifle #3&5; EG #4; and Rocket Boots should always launch you the same distance]
4. imo: Make Shield #4 block melee attacks. How come the engineer has no block against melee when using the shield? This will free up 1 utility slot if you only use Tool Kit for the block. [Please!]
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]
Issues I would like to be prioritized:
1. Grenades vanish in destructible walls in WvW, thus doing no damage to anyone on top
2. Cone attacks miss a lot when the camera is not pointing to target (not engineer-specific)
3. Skills like Overcharged Shot are put on cooldown with no effect when used while not facing target
1. Blowing up healing turret makes your regen only heal 5/s….This is THE biggest bug for my build. If I am in group with another engi and they use heal turret; my 250 heal/s turns into 5/s for 60+ seconds.
4. imo: Make Shield #4 block melee attacks. How come the engineer has no block against melee when using the shield? This will free up 1 utility slot if you only use Tool Kit for the block. [Please!]
My top concern right now is the healing turret bug. This thing is crazy unfair when you consider that it makes all of our regen abilities (a lot if you use EG) useless, and they’re our biggest damage mitigators when in healer-tank builds.
Shield #5 blocks melee attacks but you can’t move while channeling it, unlike similar abilities from other classes.
My worst bugs/fixes would be:
1.- Healing turret regen bug
2.-Cone attacks
3.-Kit stat scaling
4.-Deployable turrets
5.-Turret stat scaling
I move while channeling the shield #5 skill all the time…however, it will only block one melee attack and stun that attacker. It ends early if you get hit by melee, but you can still move while it channels.
Shield #4 – Reflects ranged attacks but doesn’t block melee attacks. You can not move while using this skill.
Shield #5 – Blocks unlimited ranged attacks for its duration. Will block 1 melee attack and stun the attacker; ending the channeled skill. You can move while using this skill.
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]
Sorry to nitpick but at 50 crit damage every % of crit is another % of damage. Consider 2x damage (50 crit damage) and a 100% crit rate. Every attack would crit and you’d be doing 100% more damage than normal. So 10% more crit% with a 50 crit damage would improve damage (on average) by 10%.
Effective power = Power * (1 + Crit% * ( 1/2 + CritDmg/100 ))
With no crit damage it takes 2% of crit% to add 1% more damage.
Turning off the geek now and returning you to the regular discussion.
3) Scope – 10% crit when standing still will go a long way. Atleast a 5% damage increase with 50% crit damage
Actually I’m glad you explained that as I was looking for that kind of information for my own personal calculations.
Cone attacks missing
Non Engineer Specific Allow condition damage on inanimate objects
Weapon stats effect kits
Fix all broken traits
1.) FLAMETHROWER MISSING!! (that includes all the skills lol)
2.) Blunderbuss/overcharged shot not going off properly
3.) Static discharge from non-targeted toolbelt skills being shot straight into the ground
4.) Weapon stats on kits (I’m kind of hesitant to suggest this though, I don’t wanna be nerfed again!!)
5.) I don’t know, those 4 are most important to me
I’ve actually gotten pretty good at not missing with the flamethrower, All it take is right clicking and pretending you’re in an TPS. That aside it still needs to be fixed.
Stats on weapons would be nice, but I don’t constantly worry about it, especially sense being a DPS perfectionist is unhealthy in a game where 90% of the classes can’t compete with warrior dps.
1. Make static discharge usable with all tool belt skills instead of just few
2. Turrets scaling with our stats
3. Condition scaling with %damage(specially now when they shifted grenades more towards condition applying yet conditions doesn’t even benefit from our vulnerability stacking)
4. weapon stats ofc
5. FT #2 needs some tweak, if your target is too close you will only do the projectile dmg and if target is too far only blast dmg, should be more consistent considering total dmg is mediacore at best.
For FT#2 I would love to see it stop disappearing if it hits a wall, and allow us a second skill when firing it. First is to launch second is to explode it, or it will explode at max range regardless.
We could use it at any range then and would give it more value by far.
can someone explain the benefit of deplorable turrets?
Deployable Turrets’ benefit would lie mostly in being able to place turrets at whatever location seemed best – even including walls. Net turrets could be hurled into the path of an escaping foe, a Thumper turret to an overwhelmed ally’s location, perhaps alongside a Flame Turret and/or Healing Turret, Rifle and Rocket turrets could be placed in safer/more valuable forward positions, and all while allowing the Engineer to keep their distance. Essentially, Deployable Turrets would allow an amazing amount of group support, and/or “And this is how you make a landmine somebody will try to get close to” combined with Accelerant-Packed Turrets.
And that’s without even going into taking advantage of combo fields.
Enemy running away … drop a thumper turret and overcharge it so it knocks them into you… or how about this…. dropping a flame turret .. overcharging it… drop a thumper turret and over charge that inside the smoke field.. boom aoe stealth at 900 range…. A lot of possibilities.
Jump Shot 1 second air float fixed.
Yes it’s a bug. I don’t think it was meant to work this way. I seriously think it was meant to be more fluid.
1. Missthrower
2. Projectile angles (shooting into the ground unless you are looking at the character from a 90 degree angle is unacceptable) with flamethrower 2 and rifle 2.
3. Camera bug when using Elixir S
4. Rocket Boot distance (it often comes up short for whatever reason).
5. Subpar weapon kit strength (969 weapon damage with no stat bonus? really?)
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
traits that don’t work
the 5hp turret heal once it’s gone
would like to see them squash the bugs then do some balance changes, but they seem to just like to nerf anything good we can do to impotent levels.
Yeah, You can move with shield 5. Shield 4 is UP when you don’t consider the blast finisher. You’d think reflecting all ranged projectiles would be an amazing skill in PvP, but it’s not really. It has a very short duration, long cooldown, you can’t move while you use it, and melee can still wail on you. Although, I haven’t reflected a warrior’s snipe, so maybe it’s good overall just because it can do that a few times, I don’t know.
My 5
1. Toolbelt skills suck. We’re supposed to have the extra abilities for our versatility, but they all suck. Buff some and reduce the cooldown on all of them. Special mentions include: Toss elixir H and B suck, and all the elixir tosses could use bigger radii and smaller cooldowns. Minefield is complete crap, and so is incendiary ammo. I don’t think I’ve even used slick shoes more than 3 times in my whole career, and once was to move faster and trip up griffons on the griffon-rock jump puzzle bombing run (admittedly quite useful.)
2. Traits are a mess. When I look at my trait screen It asks me what skills I wish to never use and attempt to retain versatility. It would be nice if every skill/kit started out at “pretty good” and you got to choose which could become “great” or else which special utilities and bonuses you would like, unrelated to specific kits or skilltypes.
3. Rifles aren’t long range, so as a consequence I never use them. Grenades are better for long range, which is ridiculous. I don’t want a shotgun, everything else the engineer has is medium range. I don’t want to have to use a rifle at close range to get the most out of it. I use P/S for the cooldowns and dual sigils for kits I use as main weapons.
4. Elites are all junk unless they’re called supply crate. Elixir X can be good sometimes for crowd control, but you’re actually really vulnerable despite being a “massive juggernaut” or “weather” which means there are often some very bad times to use this ability which just really sucks. Mortar is useless all the time. It sucks for everything and doesn’t require an explanation as to why. Just buff it.
5. Throw Mine. Yes, this is a personal list, and for me, throw mine is a disappointment. I like traps, I’m a trap kinda guy. Throw mine sucks and minefield sucks harder. You only get 1 big mine, It’s awful for damage, and even requires a manual skill detonation to get the most out of it which is still very little. It bugs if you move away from where you placed the mine, and triggers the cooldown only when you go to detonate it and realize it’s not there anymore. Minefield functions the opposite way you think a minefield should. It’s very noticeable, you can easily move around it, it doesn’t last long, and it’s not at all dangerous as you can waltz right through it.
I’ve given up on turrets. I see no way anything but net turret can be useful in WvW beyond extremely situational circumstances.
Edit: Oh, BUG LIST. Whatever, this is too long to delete now. I think “Engineer Class” qualifies as a bug anyway.
(edited by Chickenshoes.6250)
oh where to start…
1. Turrets: I really want a viable turret build but they are too weak and die before they can give significant support. The turrets should either scale with our stats, reduce the cooldown to like 5 seconds, or make them extremely tanky. I find it hilarious how the tankiest turret is the useless thumper, the knock back is terrible.
If the turrets get buffed and deployable turret trait get fixed, I can finally have my tanky, point-defence build consisting of turret and nades.
2. Flamethrower- the disgusting strings of misses and sometime the air blast doesn’t work. Please fix this.
3. Weapon stats on kits- I really hope this comes soon
4.Elite skills- Supply crate is good but it is only good for the stun and minor support (still gets destroyed immediately against bosses). I would like to see other elite skills viable.
5. Grenades- Buff it up, i think the 35% decrease in grenades has made it too weak even with sigils. I did think it was op before it was nerfed but 35% is too much and it would be more reasonable to had it decreased 20% instead. It now makes grenades useless until grenadier trait and it is now more reliant on condition damage which mean those who do grenadier will need to be hybrid to do decent damage.
Passionate engineer; self-proclaimed kitmaster. <3
All traits that are increased range should be combine with reduced cool down. That could go for a lot of our traits. So many other professions have combined traits that give multiple effects, where are ours?
I was meaning for this thread to be about bug fixing but it seems to have evolved. lol
(edited by NickDollahZ.5348)
1) Broken Traits as everyone else has said
2) Our elite skills are useless, supply drop is OK but should have a second click ability to detonate all turrets, also extend time they are alive.
3) Cone attacks
4) Weapon traits affecting kits, off-hand + main hand
5) Improve pistol abilities, the pistol does so little damage that the fact that it attacks just about as fast as a rifle defeats me. Same with the toolkit, the main hand attack has potential but attacks so slow it does not even compare to other melee classes (warriors)
1. -jump shot
2. -jump shot
3. -jump shot
4. -jump shot
5. -jump shot
Fix it…
Top bugs that need fixing:
1 – Weapons buffs on kits (being worked on)
2 – Cone attacks missing (not just for Engs)
3 – Deployable turrets
4 – Broken traits
1. Make Mortar not suck in anything but WvW. You might start with having Eilte Supplies actually do something for Mortar some day.
2. Make Elixir X not suck, period. Or replace it.
3. Make Scope not suck. Up it to 50%. Standing still is a big deal in a game about mobility.
4. Make kits not suck, by giving them stats.
5. Make turrets not suck in WvW and sPvP. They’re too easy to destroy, and their damage is pathetic.
i’d like some of the near joke master and grandmaster traits to be tweaked or lowered in rank. other than that the mortar needs 1500-1800 range and turrets need more defense and better regen. elixirs are completely unreliable as they are all random and have huge cooldowns wich makes it double punishing. elixir X should only give the tornado transformation for 20-25 seconds.
1. Weapon stats with kits.
2. Flamethrower collision detection
3. Bugged cooldown traits- Short Fuse doesn’t work with grenade #4 and #5, or bomb #2. Reinforced Shield doesn’t work with a detonated #5.
4. Static discharge bug with non-single target toolbelt skills.
5. Deployable turrets (or hey, just roll it into the basic turrets and go with something else for the trait. That would clean up some other bugs as well).
1. Kits and Weapon Stats
2. solve weapon bugs like rifle #5 and Missthrower
3. Fix Traits
4. Make SD not fail when it proccs off a thrown elixir
5. Deployable turrets
Fix turrets. (Not deployable, low damage, no durability)
Incorporate kits into weapon-swapping somehow
Let us choose our toolbelt skills.
Fix flamethrower so it doesn’t miss that often.
I’m actually not a huge fan of Deployable Turrets being combined with the turrets themselves – even if it were fixed. As somebody who spends a lot of time in close combat, there’s simply not usually a lot of time to fiddle with deploying the turret to an optimal location.
That said, if they did combine the two, it wouldn’t be the end of the world – just open up some strategies while requiring a reworking of others.
So we got a few of these bugs addressed the last patch. Im still hoping for scope to be fixed.
So we got a few of these bugs addressed the last patch. Im still hoping for scope to be fixed.
Yeah, though the turret toss only seems to work on a couple turrets. It’s nice to see they are at least working on the bugs even if it takes a while.
So we got a few of these bugs addressed the last patch. Im still hoping for scope to be fixed.
Yeah, though the turret toss only seems to work on a couple turrets. It’s nice to see they are at least working on the bugs even if it takes a while.
It’s got Healing Turret’s toolbelt working now, at the very least. Took ’em long enough to even make that change.
1. you should not be able to interrupt your own heals.
2. you should not be able to interrupt your own heals.
3. you should not be able to interrupt your own heals.
4. you should not be able to interrupt your own heals.
5. you should not be able to interrupt your own heals.
Tried yestarday to interrupt my Guardinas heal but it was imposible, cod not even interrupt the skills it have on F1-f4.