Torch - Engineer Weapon!

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Haltus Kain.4578

Haltus Kain.4578

I see a lot complaints about engineers not having enough weapons (barring kits), and I’m surprised that torches are never brought to the table as a possibility.

As far as actual current in-game weapons go, I think the torch would be a great option aesthetically and conceptually for the engineer; fire is chemistry in one of its most impressive forms! …unfortunately we’ve got the whole lighting $#!% on fire thing pretty well covered at this point via flame thrower, flame jet, and fire bombs; the the big challenge regarding the torch is gonna be coming up with abilities that wouldn’t be redundant to what we already have.

One thing to keep in mind is that the torch doesn’t necessarily need to be an offhand item; pairing the torch with an offhand pistol or shield could lead to to some interesting combinations.

Post as many ideas as you have! If you don’t have a complete 1-2-3 or 4-5 abilities in your head – no problem! Post what you have, and we can mix and match until we come up with something(s) suitable for in-game use!


Idea List:
(will keep this updated as the thread progresses)

(melee) Press the torch into your target’s flesh, causing direct damage and applying burn. Possible additional mechanic – ability could be channeled, causing the torch to be held out infront of the engineer; the longer the torch is in contact with a target, the resulting burn will be exponentially longer.

Chuck it!:
(ranged) Throw the torch at your target, causing direct damage, knock down, and burn.

Spit Fire:
(cone AoE) Withdraw a flask of rum, take swig, hold the torch infront of your face, and spray! Applies burning and confusion. Also applies inebriation to the caster and target(s).

Chemical Flare:
(cone AoE) Throw a handful of powdered magnesium through your torch. The resulting flash applies burning and blindness.

(melee range -or- GTAoE) Adds a Fire combo field to any Light, Lightning, Poison, or Smoke combo field in the target area. Adds duration to any existing fire combo fields in the target area. (may also apply a fire combo field to other plausibly flammable substance, such as the glue from “Glue Shot” or the oil from “Slick Shoes”, etc.)


…that’s all I got. Feed the list!!

- Hal

Haltus Kain [BGV] – 80 Engineer Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: vonBoomslang.8296


Honestly? I’d rather they moved Blowtorch and Glue Shot to offhand torch and gave us a REAL offhand pistol. That shoots BULLETS. At RANGE.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I see a lot complaints about engineers not having enough weapons (barring kits), and I’m surprised that torches are never brought to the table as a possibility.

As far as actual current in-game weapons go, I think the torch would be a great option aesthetically and conceptually for the engineer; fire is chemistry in one of its most impressive forms! …unfortunately we’ve got the whole lighting $#!% on fire thing pretty well covered at this point via flame thrower, flame jet, and fire bombs; the the big challenge regarding the torch is gonna be coming up with abilities that wouldn’t be redundant to what we already have.

One thing to keep in mind is that the torch doesn’t necessarily need to be an offhand item; pairing the torch with an offhand pistol or shield could lead to to some interesting combinations.

Post as many ideas as you have! If you don’t have a complete 1-2-3 or 4-5 abilities in your head – no problem! Post what you have, and we can mix and match until we come up with something(s) suitable for in-game use!


Idea List:
(will keep this updated as the thread progresses)

(melee) Press the torch into your target’s flesh, causing direct damage and applying burn. Possible additional mechanic – ability could be channeled, causing the torch to be held out infront of the engineer; the longer the torch is in contact with a target, the resulting burn will be exponentially longer.

Chuck it!:
(ranged) Throw the torch at your target, causing direct damage, knock down, and burn.

Spit Fire:
(cone AoE) Withdraw a flask of rum, take swig, hold the torch infront of your face, and spray! Applies burning and confusion. Also applies inebriation to the caster and target(s).

Chemical Flare:
(cone AoE) Throw a handful of powdered magnesium through your torch. The resulting flash applies burning and blindness.

(melee range -or- GTAoE) Adds a Fire combo field to any Light, Lightning, Poison, or Smoke combo field in the target area. Adds duration to any existing fire combo fields in the target area. (may also apply a fire combo field to other plausibly flammable substance, such as the glue from “Glue Shot” or the oil from “Slick Shoes”, etc.)


…that’s all I got. Feed the list!!

- Hal

Torch would be a good option, especially since we only have two options for offhanders with a pistol. The torch would be enhanced by cond damage bonuses. I’d love to see this. It’s arguably easily in the lore just look at the torches found in the Asura zones, they make plasma.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Too much burn. There’s no need to have so many burn appliers, since it doesn’t stack in intensity.
It would be cool if torch would apply different conditions from engi’s tinkering.
Like frostflame, that freezes (we have only 1 way to apply chill afair) or smoke field to blind\stealth (it will sinergise nicely with being in melee) or destroying armor and stacking vulnerability. That would be interesting.
But burn? Nah. Only on autoattack.
+1 for torch in mainhand anyways.

EU Aurora Glade

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


I say give them torch, but make their attacks a bit unique. Like make it kind of a turret spec thing as an offhand weapon. 5 drops a cannon. Maybe make 4 like a molotov kittentail that works similar to the mortar incendiary.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


I like vonBoomslang’s idea. Take the current offhand pistol shots and move them to the torch. Blowtorch could stay as-is, and Glue Shot would have to be changed to something like Sticky Tar. Then rework the offhand pistol to provide 2 more condition-based ranged damage skills.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ponder.3647


I like these ideas!

I was also thinking it may be cool to have Engy’s use the torch in their main hand as opposed to their off hand. Coupled with a shield, it would be an interesting style of play.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


Actually… to tell the truth I like the idea of an offhand torch…

How about a number 4 ability called:
Chaos of War
Gound Targeted confusion and creates an etheral field.

And a number 5 ability called:
Hounds of War
Your engineer will chase his own tail lobbing projectiles as he spins. Whirling Finisher.


I suppose that last one could be called “Torch Dance”…. but that isn’t as amusing.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


I don’t dislike the idea but OH pistol works much as torch would.

I’d much rather see another MH before we get an OH. I suppose torch could be a MH weapon on engi. That would make it unique.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


I say MH hand Shield, so you can dual wield shields as a melee option with one skill being a magnetic AoE pull with and another an AoE Smash.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Haltus Kain.4578

Haltus Kain.4578

Honestly? I’d rather they moved Blowtorch and Glue Shot to offhand torch and gave us a REAL offhand pistol. That shoots BULLETS. At RANGE.

That’s a great idea! OH pistol abilities really aren’t very pistol-y are they? xD

Haltus Kain [BGV] – 80 Engineer Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Aegael.6938


I like the idea of having a torch, but I feel like it would overlap with the offhand pistol that we already get. It would also overlap with the flamethrower.

I’d much prefer to have a power-based physical damage weapon that is held in the main hand, like a mace. That way I could finally use the shield without being a condition-based build, and Engineers would finally get their melee weapon.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Also suprised torch is never brought up, doesn’t everyone know fire combos with everything? Also its just plain obvious that engi’s use fire to make gadgets and elixers. I’d say they even have potential to be a main hand weapon for engi’s.
I like the idea of blowing fire, but it’d much more engineer-ish if they took a swig of elixer and blew it in the flame, causing whatever affects, poison ,blind, and burn maybe.
As for other skills:
A get-away skill using the torch as a flash bomb for stealth and blind would be nice.

I think it would be sweet if you could lob the torch on a target, then have the torch shoot fireballs at other enemies after it sticks to said target. Or just have it as a fiery time bomb, thats cool too.

Overcharge torch- Focus the flame into a jet of fire burning and knockdown foe while pushing you to safety.

On another note similar to what others have said with overlapping, the flamethrower may have some issues with this, but IMO its fine, its not like there aren’t existing occurences with other professions.

(edited by Lord Aargadon.4135)