Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Hey there, I’ve been trying to make a gadget build in anticipation of the FT and Utility Goggles buff. However, so far everything I’ve come up with has the flaw of being totally inferior to Elixirs. As opposed to the often amusing effects of Gadgets, Elixiers when traited give you:

  • Condition Removal (often a weakness of Engi)
  • Might stacking
  • Multiple Buffs (including Stability and Stealth)
  • Invulnerability

Meanwhile, the Gadgeteer trait hardly gives any real utility and while the effects are fun: flying across the screen, sending them flying, creating a mine field. These effects are way more interesting but interesting doesn’t keep you alive.

What I want is basically a Flamethrower/Gadget or just a pure gadget (probably have to use Med Kit for swiftness) build. I would post what I’ve tried so far but none of them felt solid enough. The issue is always burst mitigation and condition removal. With Static Discharge damage is generally good but once someone sets their sight on you you’re basically screwed. If anyone has suggestions let me know.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Aomine.5012


The only gadget worth taking atm is rocket boot.
It’s a movement skill, soft CC cleanse (clearing immob and chill is AMAZING), and provide decent burning uptime in close range. It is also a blast finisher that I usually use it for additional heal (healing turret f1)

I really think all gadgets should have as many functions as rocket boot.

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


The only build I’ve ever tried; The Inspector Gadget

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Running a SD gadget build is usually by definition a glass cannon build. Elixirs are about boons and surviving. You’re definitely not going to get the same things from each of those two builds.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Running a SD gadget build is usually by definition a glass cannon build. Elixirs are about boons and surviving. You’re definitely not going to get the same things from each of those two builds.

I think that for a while, devs were trying to get gadgets to become boon-based too (Resulting in gadgeteer >.<) But to get the most out of those boons you gotta go into an awkward x/x/x/6/6 build….and that really has no focus.

Though to op, I guess you could try taking prot injection, deadly mixture and AR? I guess you can sorta try and make a gadget/ft build from there. I might try that too lol

But like I said…awkward

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I’ve been running a full Gadget build for a while, in PvE. I’ve dealt with the lack of condition removal by getting a Sigil of Purity, in order to passively cleanse conditions. Throw Mine gives damage, knockback and boon stripping on a short cooldown, and Aegis when traited, which can allow a moment to react and Rocket Boot into the distance – it’s actually, in my opinion, one of the best standalone skills the Engineer has. Minefield also provides a pretty good spike (with a ton of boonstripping, too).

Build’s been using a Rifle, has Celestial stats (though Zealot or a similarly Power/Precision-focused set of gear would probably work better), and has: 4/4/0/0/6 for trait spread.

That said, a Gadget build really isn’t as good as Elixirs, but I think that’s got a lot to do with the dearth of Gadget traits compared to Elixirs – two Gadget traits (boons and cooldown), versus five (AoE damage/boonstrip, Might stacking, condition cleanse, duration and cooldown). There’s simply so much more for Elixirs, even if only four Elixir traits can be taken at once due to most of them being in the Alchemy tree.
I’m not even counting ‘oh, and you can get a trait so that you automatically use this one elixir when you’re at 25% HP,’ or the ’you’ll use a different elixir when you’re at 75% HP’ in this list.

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

I am sure with a double gadget/kit setup you could maybe get carried enough to win a solo/team arena game! Maybe something like this!

Maybe Runes of the Ogre might be better! Could maybe use Utility Goggles over Slick Shoes for more damage! But anyway Vee Wee thinks gadgets are ok! It’s just their traits are just so bad and in a tree with way better choices! If you go 30 Tools, the most obvious choices are Speedy Kits, Static Discharge, and Power Wrench! There’s just no room for any gadget traits! The only substitute I can see is this!

An idea that Vee Wee has is to make Static Discharge an innate function of gadget toolbelt skills when traited! Combine Static Discharge with Speedy Gadgets and have Static Discharge only work with gadget toolbelt abilities! Also make it so that Static Discharge doesn’t fire a projectile that shoots into the ground! Instead change it to have the same effect as the Elementalist’s 15 point Air trait, Electric Discharge! That would make it so using the toolbelts of Slick Shoes and Throw Mine wouldn’t fire a projectile into the ground! This would also free up a slot for a new trait! Maybe this new trait could remove a condition on toolbelt use! That would solve the issue of Engineers severely lacking in condition removal!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

(edited by ellesee.8297)

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


So…after messing around a lot I couldn’t make FT work, but I could make Tool Kit and Bunker Down fit.

The Minegineer

Dear God what have I done? No one being should have this many explosives!

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


So…after messing around a lot I couldn’t make FT work, but I could make Tool Kit and Bunker Down fit.

The Minegineer

Dear God what have I done? No one being should have this many explosives!

You’ll find that ranged specs will have an easy time taking you to school.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Malhavoc Adhamar.3675

Malhavoc Adhamar.3675

I’ve been dinking around with this setup for a gadget/FT based build:

While it does lack the overall power that an elixir based FT build, I’ve found it to be rather amusing since the added bonus of static discharge + PBR for another KB adds for an extra that most people don’t expect.

It does require either traveler runes or runes of speed for the 25% speed buff although you could drop speedy gadgets for speedy kits.

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


So…after messing around a lot I couldn’t make FT work, but I could make Tool Kit and Bunker Down fit.

The Minegineer

Dear God what have I done? No one being should have this many explosives!

You’ll find that ranged specs will have an easy time taking you to school.

Which is why you have Rifled Barrels. Keep backing up and eventually they’ll run into the Bunker Down mines. Net shot is also 1200 range so you can use that followed by Mine Field + Magnet + Detonate & Pry Bar. Jump shot is also 800 range with the trait which is a good gap closer. Also, in PvP if someone is trying to range you while you’re on point they’re losing out on points.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


So…after messing around a lot I couldn’t make FT work, but I could make Tool Kit and Bunker Down fit.

The Minegineer

Dear God what have I done? No one being should have this many explosives!

You’ll find that ranged specs will have an easy time taking you to school.

Which is why you have Rifled Barrels. Keep backing up and eventually they’ll run into the Bunker Down mines. Net shot is also 1200 range so you can use that followed by Mine Field + Magnet + Detonate & Pry Bar. Jump shot is also 800 range with the trait which is a good gap closer. Also, in PvP if someone is trying to range you while you’re on point they’re losing out on points.

That would work. The thing I enjoy about mine field and bunker down is the inadvertent thief deaths. Thieves just walk into everything.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


So…after messing around a lot I couldn’t make FT work, but I could make Tool Kit and Bunker Down fit.

The Minegineer

Dear God what have I done? No one being should have this many explosives!

You’ll find that ranged specs will have an easy time taking you to school.

Which is why you have Rifled Barrels. Keep backing up and eventually they’ll run into the Bunker Down mines. Net shot is also 1200 range so you can use that followed by Mine Field + Magnet + Detonate & Pry Bar. Jump shot is also 800 range with the trait which is a good gap closer. Also, in PvP if someone is trying to range you while you’re on point they’re losing out on points.

That would work. The thing I enjoy about mine field and bunker down is the inadvertent thief deaths. Thieves just walk into everything.

Yah, I’ve seen a couple of them just wander into a bunch of Bunker Down mines and Mine Field and set off my Air and Fire Sigils and eating about 10k damage in a split second. I even managed to beat a PU Mesmer although that was probably luck.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


This is a moderately viable Gadget Build I made.

-Synaptic Overload May also be taken in place of Adrenal Implants if you feel your skill based survivability is adequate as this will allow a few rounds of Hip Shot to function as an additional burst.
It is a little advanced in the sense that the overall success of the build depends on your ability to combo effectively and control your opponent and their boons.

Tldr version

•Potent passive Procs from your attacks provide excellent hybrid damage and utility.
•Outstanding Crowd Control, even against Block mechanics.
•Powerful and reliable Boon Removal.
•Reliable Access to a stun breaker and escape mechanics when needed. (at 25% health.)
•Steady Access to Water Fields as well as avariety of Finishers on short cooldowns.
•Can purge soft CC with ease.
•No innate hard counter, as this build is uncommon and unexpected.
•Is a refreshing build, so it can be very fun to play competitively.

•No access to Swiftness.
•Weak to condition overload.
•Not a beginner friendly build.
•Majority of your Damage/CC comes in the form of projectiles.
•Susceptible to Burst

•+Why Go For the Eyes and not Rifle Mod for increased Damage? or Infused Precision for some G’dam swiftness?+ Well as tempting as Rifle Mods is you’ll find your self dealing much more damage when your.. Alive. The idea here is to give your Rifle enough Utility to compensate for not having a Kit to fall back on. The periodic blind is truly a life saver not to mention the pressure from Incendiary Powder, Sigil of Fire and Sigil of Generosity and that’s just naming the primary Procs.
•+Why Adrenal Implant over Gadgeteer?+ Well I have spent a great deal of time with Gadgeteer and it was in my origional design for my dream Gadget Build. Not to mention the Minor Trait on the way acts like a boot legged Rifle Mod. But apon extensive review, Gadgeteer is really not as great as one would imagine. The boons themselfs are great. Having a reliable Aegis on Land Mine is nothing to scoff at. But all in all the shortness of the boons duration makes this trait difficult to maximize. In the end, it’s simply better to have Synaptic Overload or Adrenal Implant than 4 seconds of vigor and a occasional block. If your not dodging you should be firing Hip Shot to maintain pressure and these boons in my opinion do not compliment that mentality.
•+Why Runes of the Ogre?+ Well that’s a solid question, there are actually several variant Rune choices that would compliment this Inspector Gadget build. I have had great success with Divinity as well as The Pack for the much needed access to Swiftness and the always welcome Fury but when it all boils down to it, it’s simply my preference of the added crit damage and the Rock Dog. He applies steady pressure while I’m either recovering from my own Overcharged Shot or just sitting back spraying and praying.
•+Why even bother with Synaptic Overload?+ Well I will admit, Quickness isn’t quite as wondrous on the Engineer as it is to most other Professions but on his build it can be excellent. When running low on health use one of your many Knock Backs on a player or a Clone/Pet/Minion and heal your self instantly with plenty of time left to use all your finishers in your water field in seconds. When an ally goes down, find something to CC and Rez them in seconds! All while protecting their body with Land Mines and Turret Knock backs. But more importantly After a CC simply Hip Shot, you will easily crit for 1200 and land 3-4 hits in the blink of an eye. Essentially making this technique a long range piercing “burst”, and with proper positioning you can heavily impact a heavily contested point.
•+You say this is a Gadget Build, what’s with the Turret? Shouldn’t you be useing A.E.D?+ Well no, because A.E.D is just simply bad for this build. It provides no synergistic qualities aside the Speedy Gadgets. Yet even with it’s reduced cool down and cast time this heal is a risk this particular build cannot take. Both the tool belt ability and the heal itself pale in comparison to Healing Turrets Knock back utility and universally appreciated Water Fields. Not saying I haven’t tried to make it happen, it’s simply just overall a poor choice.

Granted this is a difficult build to master, It can be very rewarding.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: mompen.7952


Wolf: would you say this works in WvW as well, for solo/2 man roaming? Seems interesting. And what armor would you suggest for this, knights and/or berserker?

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


Unfortunately I play almost exclusively sPvP since launch and lack the knowledge about PvE or WvW to give you any honest advice.

But If you need any help within The Mist’s I’d be happy to oblige.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

(edited by Wolf.5816)

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I’d like to thank all of you for your suggestions. The most frustrating thing I’ve been having to deal with is that massive wall known as the Necromancer. I like to run power builds and right now my Meditation Guard just seems to do the job better, especially considering how much condi removal it has and the burst is much easier to hit.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


This is currently the crazy gadget build I have in mind for when the balance patch becomes a reality (still need to figure out where I get the vigor and how much I need, or if Bunker Down is really worth giving up Transmute):

One thing to remember is that, among all the other changes, A.E.D. will remove damage condis if it’s big heal kicks in. Coupled with Rocket Boots, you’ll cover condi removal for pretty much everything (save vuln and weakness), though you’ll lack a condi remover that deals with anything.

Having to wait until you’re nearly dead before poping A.E.D. can seem a bit risky, but my experience with doing so (with this build in case you were wondering) is that it’s easier than you would think; once you hit 4k health or lower (but no lower than 2.5k) dodge behind something, pop A.E.D., and then run back into the fray. Unless you are 1v1 against someone with the awareness to see the boon and you aren’t suffering from any damage condis at all, you will pretty much always trigger that full heal, and depending on how burst-y the guy you’re fighting is, just having 5 secs of not getting hit can almost be as good.

So far the pre-patch build has been very fun to use. A little slow getting to places since there I don’t have speedy kits to keep swiftness up OOC, but when I get there… I’m not sure if I can say I outburst thieves and beat them at their own game, but I’m usually in much better condition than they are after we’ve fired everything off, especially if I got them with a Net shot right at the beginning (with the Sword/Dagger nerf that’s coming, plus Analyse getting revealed, it just makes be giddy think of what I’ll be able to do to them afterwards) Some Warrior builds are a problem, and while I haven’t run into many Necromancers since I’ve started running this, what makes warriors a problem (too much health/toughness to burst down) makes me think they’ll be a struggle to kill as well.

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


This is one that I’ve used before in WvW:

I had a PvP variant that used bombs, but I forgot what it was.

Usually I just play this to have some fun, not really the best for being competitive.

It’s kitless, so by definition it’s subpar to your average build. I just wanted something that had all gadgets. Obviously the condi-clear is almost non-existent, although the future buffs to A.E.D. will help that a bit.

The super speed -> rocket boots combo is really great at getting away from things, and you can use slick shoes to cover your back.

Other than that, you can do some nice CC combos with the rifle, slick shoes, and mine. I went with toss mine so that I can give myself aegis every 15 or so seconds, making it kind of like I have armor mods on.

Leg mods and cloaking device aren’t necessary, but the power shoes is good to compensate for no perma-swiftness. Also, you get the heal recharge at 25% HP, meaning you can be a bit more liberal in A.E.D. use, and potentially get 2 A.E.D.s on-death triggers back-to-back. It’s a bit hard to pull off, but A.E.D. heals about 80% for this build, so if you can pull off the double A.E.D.s it’s like you have to die 3 times. Can always swap in SD for leg mods for extra damage.

Like I said, mostly for funsies. The future buffs might make this one a bit better though, although it’ll always be subpar since it’s a kitless build.

Trying (and failing) to make a Gadget Build

in Engineer

Posted by: mixxed.5862


If Gadgeteer removed a condition (or converted one into a boon) additionally, I´d give it a try. I just can´t imagine it standing a chance against anything but zerkers.