Turret Cooldown Trait?

Turret Cooldown Trait?

in Engineer

Posted by: Llanowar.1603


So with the update to accelerant packed turrets, I’ve been trying to brew a turret build that could be used for PvE (mostly general roaming). Now before we get into the typical debate on turrets and the list of bugs, I am aware that turrets have their issues (a lot of them) but I still think they are fun to play with in a non-competative environment.

This brings me to the topic of this thread. Every other skill type for engineer has a trait that reduces the cool down on them except turrets from what I can tell. I thought maybe speedy gadgets but they aren’t considered gadgets I guess. So my question is am I missing something and if not, why don’t they have a cooldown reduction trait?

Turret Cooldown Trait?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aphoticrain.8420


“Picking them up reduces the redeployment recharge by 25%”


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Give a man a fire and he’s warm for a day, but set a man on fire . . .

Turret Cooldown Trait?

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

If the trait reduced healing turrets cd, it’d be OP as hell.

It’s already an amazingly strong healing skill.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Turret Cooldown Trait?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Personally, I wouldn’t object to increasing the base cooldown of Healing Turret by 20% if it meant being able to get a 20% reduction to all Turret Cooldowns (thereby returning Healing Turret to its current cooldown).

Turret Cooldown Trait?

in Engineer

Posted by: Llanowar.1603


“Picking them up reduces the redeployment recharge by 25%”


I was aware of this, I just wasn’t sure if there was anything else. But the point about healing turret is a valid one. I agree with you that I wouldn’t mind seeing healing turrets base cooldown increased if it meant being able to trait for a decrease on the others.

The problem I have with the picking them up being the only cool down reduction is that accelerant packed turrets counteracts this mentality. If I’m taking the trait, I am most likely going to want to be detonating my turrets more often than not and that means I’m always getting the full cooldown.

(edited by Llanowar.1603)