Turret Engie

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: FluffyFox.2756


Is there a turret engineer build that doesn’t suck in PvE? Engie was my first class when the game launched, I eventually got it to lvl 80, but it was a long and disappointing path, since I was only wanted to be an engie because of turrets… but, turrets just don’t seem viable. They die way too fast, not mobile, bad damage, their utility belt skills aren’t the greatest…

I really don’t want to be forced to use kits just to be decent, that’d be like if warriors needed to take signets if they don’t want to suck, or if thieves need to take tricks to not suck. Also kits cover my weapons and backpacks, they’re super ugly :/

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


You do not have to use kits to be decent. Its appears to me, your approaching this with the wrong mentality in the first place. Although it has been stated by Anet representatives over and over again that the professional design was to use kits instead of weapons swapping as other professions do. Its kind of a bad game plan to be honest, to play a profession with an intended mechanic and design such as that, and complain that you are not meeting your own expectations to play it differently. As well, the comparison to signets for warriors or thieves tricks, those are illogical comparisons all together.

A full elixir build can be very useful. But yes there are several recent threads on the front page alone discussing turrets builds along with writ ups on how to use them.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: FluffyFox.2756


I actually didn’t follow Arenanet’s base “plan” for engineer very closely – all I remember back before the game launched was a trailer showcasing the engineer, and it made turrets look kitten. I thought to myself, “I want to be a turret engie.” Obviously things didn’t pan out that way, I feel like turrets just aren’t viable PvE. They have too many cons and not enough pros.

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Yeah, add agencies and public relations specialist have mastered the art of allowing things to appear in a better light then they are for decades. The work well, at least for me, in stationary locations. Which is how they used them in the trailer. So in that case they work nearly as well as they made them look.

Honestly, I personally feel all the turret CDs should just about be halved, to account for their absolute lack of mobility (except for healing turret.) The Tool belt skills have potential value in themselves, but they have cool downs that are just as bad if not worse then the turrets. The need to find a balance between turret and tool belt benefits, in terms of usefulness. In my opinion, one way to do so, is lower the CDs on both.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: FluffyFox.2756


I suppose yeah, the engie did kinda just stand in one place the entire time during the promo vid… but, it also did basically show the turret killing off enemies just about as fast as the engie could, all on its own :P

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


Is there a turret engineer build that doesn’t suck in PvE? Engie was my first class when the game launched, I eventually got it to lvl 80, but it was a long and disappointing path, since I was only wanted to be an engie because of turrets… but, turrets just don’t seem viable. They die way too fast, not mobile, bad damage, their utility belt skills aren’t the greatest…

I really don’t want to be forced to use kits just to be decent, that’d be like if warriors needed to take signets if they don’t want to suck, or if thieves need to take tricks to not suck. Also kits cover my weapons and backpacks, they’re super ugly :/

My opinions:

1) No, there is no turret build that does not suck. That goes for both PvP and PvE. However, some builds you can probably fit a turret into usefully.

2) You are not really forced to use kits. But realistically you either need at least one kit or have to go full elixir build. Gadget builds usually need a kit to make them work.

3) If you don’t want to use kits, you are better swapping class than build. It’s kinda like saying you want to play an elementalist but don’t like attunements.

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: Keen.9253


Most of what has been said up is true. However, if you want to keep playing a turret engi, I can share you my build and some tips.


This is my current engi build, which I’m using for everything.

Since Pistol / Shield are IMO better combined with turret and for support, you will have to find condition damage gear. I personnally choose a full Carrion exotic gear and Rabid for accessories.

Rune of the Undead is a cheap and decent choice for your set.

Then your turrets : Heal turret is a strong choice, and you can clean conditions and burst heal with your magnetic shield. You should already know it a lot.

I choose both Rifle and Rocket turret, because well placed, they will aplly a constant dmg inside a large zone, and rocket turret provide you a nice stun.

Tool kit is used to provide you more control and toughness with his magnetic grab, shield, and bleeding/crippling aoe. You will find it usefull and even providing a little dmg burst when your other skills are on countdown.

III and XII in Invention are quite essential for your turrets, but you can swap VII or IX at your convenience.

In alchemy, VI will add to your toughness since you have no decent stun breaker, and IX give you passive regen with your Tool kit.

II in Tools will provide you a dmg boost when your turret are not ready.

IMO III, XII in Inventions and II in Tools are essential for a turret build.

I have been roaming around in every dungeon and even PVP with this build, and it is decent at both damage dealing and damage control, even if your are not the “best” profession around in a lot of situation.

Hope this will help you to play a turret engi.

Sry for my bad english.

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: FluffyFox.2756


My opinions:

1) No, there is no turret build that does not suck. That goes for both PvP and PvE. However, some builds you can probably fit a turret into usefully.

I ended up stopped using them altogether. They’re too clunky aind ineffectual for me to worry about, I ended up doing one of those bomb healing builds… which was okay I guess, but I just don’t play my engie anymore.

2) You are not really forced to use kits. But realistically you either need at least one kit or have to go full elixir build. Gadget builds usually need a kit to make them work.

I guess I don’t necessarily mind the prospect of having just one kit… but I still feel like even with one kit, even with the wrench kit which is designed to heal turrets, it’s still not the greatest build. Heal turrets with the wrench? what a joke. They die in one hit anyways.

3) If you don’t want to use kits, you are better swapping class than build. It’s kinda like saying you want to play an elementalist but don’t like attunements.

I did swap classes. My thief is tons more fun than my engie. However… that elementalist comparison isn’t any good. I think players should be able to invest into just two attunements if they want, but there’s just such a heavy focus on having arcana in every elementalist build ever that it’s just not viable.

@ Keen: That build looks interesting, I might just try it out after the next balance patch.

(edited by FluffyFox.2756)

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: zaced.7948


if you have a free skillslot thumper turret is nice for 3 consecutive blast finishers (+ launch), but otherwise towers aren’t even worth reading the skill descriptions.

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: Haralin.1473


Maybe Mesmer is a better choice with phantas you have a mobile pet which you kann cast and with pistol it is a way better rifle turret.

Cause the phantas of the mesmer get profit of crit chance your turrets never crit i think.

Haralin Engineer

Turret Engie

in Engineer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


rocket turret provide you a nice stun.

the overcharged rocket actually has a very sad speed and if your target is not rooted/chilled with no jump or swiftness the moment its launched it has a very high chance to miss