Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


Iv always felt sad for the Engineer Asura because he is basically the dumbest asura around.
His inventions are decades behind the rest of his peoples.

And the Sylvari engineer seems to be going against his very nature.

How ever, if the style of the turrets reflected the race. Then the Asura Engi would have asura tech styled turrets and he a genius again.

Sylvari would have plant styled turrets to fit with his peoples cultural armor, weapons and lifestyle.

I assume the current turret style is for the charr, where the humans would have more silver and decorated turrets much like there weapons.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMatter.2861


You forgot us norm.. We need um….BIG turrets.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: PariahJack.9042


Yeah i thought that too. Thatd be really neat. I think the norn might have something more tribal looking. Like with skulls, leeather wrapped around it etc.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Pestario.2541


I really like this idea! always felt that the turrets could be a little more charismatic, they look a little flimsy for my taste, but if they followed the styles of the races, I think I would love them more.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


oh ya the norn… what are they, giant hunters? so… wood and animal hide covered turrets? lol, I donno…
Hey, any norn engis out there? just how small are the turrets you guys place? Compared to your size it must seem oddly tiny.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Deltron.4592


this would be koo

but then our enemies would have to memorize which turret is what for each race XD

then the icons might need changing when ppl say my turret doesn’t look like this…

all your base are belong to Eredon Terrace

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I may get crucified for posting this… but I for one have felt that each race should have a very slight advantage to a certain race. It just seemed odd to me that the most technologically advanced race in G.W.2. is on the same level as all other races when it came to the Engineer class.
Before people freak out over the wording “slight advantage”, I mean something like:
1-3% base damage increase with a 0.5-1% casting speed
Enough to give a slight edge but not something that would be a complete game break.
Norn should not be on the same intellectual level as a Asura when it comes to Engineer, just as a Asura should not be a great of a warrior as a Norn.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: BeerBaron.9260


I would love to see some visually different turrets based on race. However, I would not like to see race-based stat advantages. This would be a problem for PVP and WvWvW and you would see nothing but Asura Engineers, Norn Warrior, etc. if this was the case.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


I may get crucified for posting this… but I for one have felt that each race should have a very slight advantage to a certain race. It just seemed odd to me that the most technologically advanced race in G.W.2. is on the same level as all other races when it came to the Engineer class.
Before people freak out over the wording “slight advantage”, I mean something like:
1-3% base damage increase with a 0.5-1% casting speed
Enough to give a slight edge but not something that would be a complete game break.
Norn should not be on the same intellectual level as a Asura when it comes to Engineer, just as a Asura should not be a great of a warrior as a Norn.

Ah, but as the Engineer is a Charr profession, then Charr would have the biggest bonuses!

I don’t mind what racial diversity there is, though i prefer to keep everything equal in PvP and Dungeons. Don’t want all Guardians forced to go Charr because of a + burn duration and all necro’s go Norn because of generally increased health making blood magic less taxing.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


I like having racial skills, but racial stat bonus is going too far.

I do think its odd that a norn and a asura have the same melee reach, and it does look odd when an asura is swinging his sword far from the target and still hitting it, but it works like that for balance, same reason norn feel slow when running. and it should stay like that.

I was thinking another option would be the turrets reflect the style of your weapon in your main hand, but theres alot more weapon styles than there are classes, and sylvari weapons dont seem to be dropping for some reason. (bug maybe?)

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


I have found some sylvari style weapons, must just be a weird bug. I got mine in CM story.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Poplik.8697


Iv always felt sad for the Engineer Asura because he is basically the dumbest asura around.
His inventions are decades behind the rest of his peoples.

that made me laugh

and then it made me sad for my asura engi

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Weapon kits while we are at it as well.

In fact, weapon kits in general effected by weapons. Craft legendary pistols…..
Level 7 grenade kit all day long. :/

Now, ok, making hundreds of art for various weapons might be a bit much.
But how about, make kits/turrets based on the racial design of the weapon you are carrying, and the tier of weapon. (mainhand)
fine,masterwork,rare,exotic,legendary=5 tiers.
5 races+Orrian? and pvp for 7? hmm. that is a bit much.
35 unique artwork for each turret/weapon kit. Grand scheme might not be that much I suppose.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tilarta.9812


Yes, I agree.

Each race should have their own version of the technology involved.

Asurans should use Asura tech.

Sylvari should use organic turrets.
Their rifle would shoot spiky seed pods.
Their rocket launcher would shoot a spiked torpedo like projectile.
I’m not sure how you would make a fire breathing plant though, but let the Devs rise to that challenge!

As regards Norn and Charr variants, they should also be different.

In my opinion, Norn and Charr have their own aestethic ideal.

Norn seem to favor metal scrollwork, flowing, rounded shapes.
They do include spikes sometimes, but don’t overstate it.
It looks like they’re trying to balance form and visual appeal.

The Charr however, design their technology specifically to give the “if I show you this, you know it’s going to hurt you painfully” image.
Sharp metal blades, straight, rigid lines.

In my opinion, the default model is what a human would use if they knew what had to be created, but had to improvise with limited materials.
Sortof like making Cannons with mediavel armor making techniques.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


Alternatively, have turret skins (and kit skins for the matter) be determined by the skin of weapons.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Slaunyeh.9852


oh ya the norn… what are they, giant hunters? so… wood and animal hide covered turrets? lol, I donno…
Hey, any norn engis out there? just how small are the turrets you guys place? Compared to your size it must seem oddly tiny.

Humans. Turrets. You’re all oddly tiny compared to us.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I do agree 100% on this! It’s a great idea to have racial skins, and I would love it!

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Slaunyeh.9852


It would be nice to have racial skins, as long as they are optional. Right now, Asura engineers look downright wrong using charr-like technology, but for the rest of the races I like the look.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Gurt.9368


Sylvari should use organic turrets.
Their rifle would shoot spiky seed pods.
Their rocket launcher would shoot a spiked torpedo like projectile.
I’m not sure how you would make a fire breathing plant though, but let the Devs rise to that challenge!

I don’t think coming up with a plant that shoots fire would be too hard.


The Charr however, design their technology specifically to give the “if I show you this, you know it’s going to hurt you painfully” image.
Sharp metal blades, straight, rigid lines.

In my opinion, the default model is what a human would use if they knew what had to be created, but had to improvise with limited materials.
Sortof like making Cannons with mediavel armor making techniques.

Default class aesthetic has been confirmed to be charr designs. The bronze and iron everywhere fit with their building designs too.

A human’s turrets would be more ornate with silver and/or gold. Just look at the Krytan and Lionguard weapons.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Snipwolf.9127


As a Sylvari engineer I’d hate to have plant/organic turrets shooting seeds and stuff, i’m an engineer, not a gardener :P

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: EpicFace.8096


^ This isnt Plants vs. Zombies ppl.
Maybe the default turrets but with some leaves and moss on it. The bullets are the same.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Agreed honestly. It would prefer them tied to the racial theme of the weapon you are holding.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


There are multiple turret models in the game aside from the ones that we have.

If you run around the char city you can spot a flamethrower with wheels on it and a chain gun pod turret. There is also the ghost bore and sniper turrets that appear in some personal stories.

You’ve also got the asura lightning turrets, the above mentioned sylvari turrets, and the flame legion turrets.

I think the dev’s may have originally wanted to do racially themed turrets and kits. But the art requirements and coding might have been to expensive.

Maybe we’ll see some of them later on as new turret types.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


As a Sylvari engineer I’d hate to have plant/organic turrets shooting seeds and stuff, i’m an engineer, not a gardener :P

Don’t you already have a seed turret as your racial skill?

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


Have you seen the sylvari rifles and pistols? I picture the engi turrets using that style.
So it wouldn’t be just a flower like the seed turret.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: holska.4127


As long as they don’t shrink it! Just love how my healing turret is bigger than myself
But I agree it would be a nice adition to have my turrets asura style.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


I’m all for more kits/turret styles, but i’d prefer it if they gave us an option to unlock the styles through class specific acheivements so we can have them all.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I would enjoy this idea very much.

I would also love to see race specific Elixir Gun/Flamethrower/Tool Kit. I thought it was very strange when I realized that the kits have the same design for every race.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


I was actually contemplating this yesterday. Glad to see I’m not the only one.

Racial skins for torrents would be a welcomed improvement.

Turret Skins, Different looks for different races.

in Engineer

Posted by: Takoyaki.2148


I wouldn’t mind seeing nice turret skins on the gem store as well…