Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Rikishi.7285



I have a few ideas that could be used to rework the Turrets and the Tool Kit.

1. Remove tool kit, add maces as another engineer weapon (the model would automatically change into some tool – a spanner/wrench, utility hammers, pry bars.. These would be 1h with 3 abilities that would revolve around repairing your turrets and straight up damage and offhand with 2, those would be utility/conditions – you could use a shield, pistol or another mace as the offhand.

2. Make turrets able to be picked up as bundles so you could move them around. While you are carrying them you could throw and destroy them for a blast finisher (our toolbelt would be freed up for normal turret toolbelt skills), to prevent abuse the cooldown would go up considerably each time you used this in the last X seconds, minutes. Alternatively you would just put them down in another place.

Of course this needs a lot of tweaks but I thought it was a good base idea, this would accomplish several things: Improving turrets and hopefully making them a viable competition to all other engineer skills and fixing the toolkit, which was obviously meant to complement the turrets and give us a melee defense capability.

What do you think?

Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


1. While i understand what your trying to do and i see nothing wrong with it. It would have to stay a mace not a tool. You would be demanding A) we never get to see the cool legendary mace skin we earned or they would have to make a new model for every mace in the game to have a unique wrench look. So end point you could not do that as this is a cosmetic driven game and theres already enough beef with kits hiding your weopon skin as it is.

2. I’m not sure what balancing is built around the turrets not being able to be picked up. I do agree they should be able to be relocated as some of the turrets are on dreadfully long cd’s as are some of their tool belt abilitys.

Overall not bad ideas but you might want to refine them a bit.

Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

in Engineer

Posted by: CptCosmic.3156


turrets just need lower CD and to scale with stats. taking turrets means no stunbreaker/condition removal utility so it would be just fine if turret would scale. they are after all immobile and easy to avoid.

Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


Turrets need to have different CDs based on if you pick it up or if it is destroyed/detonated, as to create an incentive for picking it up. If the concern is people picking up the turret right before it dies an immediately redeploying, tie the CD to the turret’s health – no CD if it’s 100%, full CD if it’s under 25%.

Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


1. Remove tool kit, add maces as another engineer weapon

I am absolutely against this. All it does is hose those of us who successfully use the tool kit. I like it for a melee range kit, love the confusion I can stack with pry bar, static shot, and concussive bomb together to keep a minimum of 2 stacks, generally more in the range of 4 to 5, but to keep it up 100% of the time.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Turret/Tool Kit Improvement idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Delsaber.9651


I just want Flamethrower to have more burns and it’s range to match the graphic. T_T