Turret engi too strong

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: WeihGuy.9320


They are completely immovable in sPVP. Theres a reason you see so many of them. Once they drop their turrets they can just kite around and you’re done for. Unless you have very strong and very wide AoE (I found gs/hammer guardian to be the only class to easily take out turrets, especially 1v1) there’s nothing you can do. Whacking at a turret doesn’t get you anywhere and that’s even truer when they spec into turret traits. Since turrets don’t scale with stats bunker engi is ridiculously good at just not giving a kitten about anyone.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Turret builds are bad. You see a lot of them because it’s literally the easiest build to play and perform well and PvP is filled with casual players who just PvP to grind out their dailies and have no mechanical skill whatsoever. Nobody good at Engi runs turrets unless they’re trolling and even if they are, be thankful they’re not on a real build or they’ll wrecka your face even harder.

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: WeihGuy.9320


It’s strong and easy. Just because it’s a simple build doesn’t mean it can’t wreck kitten up. That turret drop elite that give turrets for a few minutes + 3 other turrets makes it impossible for me to solo that engi unless I’m built for around big AoE and survivability. It take a really long time to kill that little shet even with 2 people and by then back up probably came.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Turret builds are bad. This is an indisputable fact. Just because you can’t win against it doesn’t make it OP. Rather than make the #4375927th turret Engi QQ thread, I recommend that you get good son and learn how to beat them from the 4375926 existing turret Engi threads out there. But I’m not some kind of monster. I’ll give you one tip: Stop rushing into 6 turrets on point. Good luck!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Dimes.6024


engi condi weakness? never heard of that
turrets immobile? never heard of that

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

Unless you have very strong and very wide AoE

Ranger Longbow (1500 range)
Thief Shortbow (900 range)
Elementalist Staff (1200 range)
Engineer Grenade Kit (1500 range)
Guardian Scepter (Smite, come on.)
Necromancer Staff/Wells (I mean seriously?)

The only classes that might have a somewhat rough time with turrets are warriors and mesmers. But mesmers still have the greatsword’s range and enough overall burst damage to cut through turrets if properly played. As for warriors, turrets can’t dodge Arcing Arrows.

Truthfully, turret engineers have plenty of very obvious (and strong) counters against them. They’re limited only to using their rifle with either one kit plus heal turret or no kits at all; compared to the bag of tricks three kit engineers or two kits + Elixir S/Slick Shoes are, turret engineers are relatively easy to counter because the class’s biggest weaknesses are only further exacerbated by this build. You just can’t expect to destroy them while fighting on the point. You lose to turret engineers because you refuse to adapt your build (or playstyle) to them.

Turrets aren’t overpowered. They’re still complete garbage in WvW and PvE.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


If your team is smart you will win because you play 4vs5 on the rest of the map. If you are with some solos and they try to 1on1 the turret engi you will lose. Turret engi with the correct sigil and runes are also not weak to condis so you should not try to 1on1 them.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Banumiel.1926


Turret builds works fine with casual hot join players, nothing more.


Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


you know what i love most about turret engineers, they assume they will be unstopable in a 1v1 fight versus anything in melee range so there team lets you run over and rail them 1v1 and then you cap the point and that slow and i mean very slow turret engineer takes ages to get back and recap the point, in the mean time ive gone back to the mid fight and helped mop up whats left or in some cases saved my team from defeat by being able to +1 it which is again something they dont have, learn how to quickly beat turret engineers and profit.

ps. learn the range on the thumper turret and the range of the knock back on detonation and remember to dodge every 4 seconds and they literally cannot stop you,.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


Cleave is one of the turret engi’s greatest weakness, do not engage them on 1v1 unlessyou are a staff ele on higher ground or you are confident in your ability to stay alive for ~15seconds while you aoe down the turrets, bad turret engis clump their turrets together making it easier for you to kill all of them at once. Also beware supply crate, if you wasted all your cooldowns getting their turrets down and they drop supply crate on you, RUN! Supplycrate will likely get you killed as they have 3 more turrets stalling you for time while their utilities come off cooldown.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Turret builds are bad. This is an indisputable fact. Just because you can’t win against it doesn’t make it OP. Rather than make the #4375927th turret Engi QQ thread, I recommend that you get good son and learn how to beat them from the 4375926 existing turret Engi threads out there. But I’m not some kind of monster. I’ll give you one tip: Stop rushing into 6 turrets on point. Good luck!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

If only the game didn’t require you to stand on points to win. Oh wait…

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Turret builds are bad. This is an indisputable fact. Just because you can’t win against it doesn’t make it OP. Rather than make the #4375927th turret Engi QQ thread, I recommend that you get good son and learn how to beat them from the 4375926 existing turret Engi threads out there. But I’m not some kind of monster. I’ll give you one tip: Stop rushing into 6 turrets on point. Good luck!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

Thanks for that! LOL

Almost thought he was talking about PVE for a minute I was ready to pounce and wash away the stupid if he were talking about PVE LOL.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Turret builds are bad. This is an indisputable fact. Just because you can’t win against it doesn’t make it OP. Rather than make the #4375927th turret Engi QQ thread, I recommend that you get good son and learn how to beat them from the 4375926 existing turret Engi threads out there. But I’m not some kind of monster. I’ll give you one tip: Stop rushing into 6 turrets on point. Good luck!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

If only the game didn’t require you to stand on points to win. Oh wait…

Only certain builds should ever stand on point. I always assumed this was common knowledge but the amount of times I see people eat unnecessary cleave and die in 2 seconds is just sad.

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


sPvP is the only place where turret builds can actually do something remotely useful, and even then you’ll not have that much luck with them outside of casual games.

In the worst case, just ignore the turret engg, or try to bait out the supply crate and then come back later. There’s 3 nodes on the map, and they won’t be able to effectively defend more than one at a time.

I mean, bunker guardians and eles can be more or less just as immovable, but people don’t seem to complain as often because they don’t involve turrets.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: guardian.6489


A while ago I saw an engy kill one player in a 1v3 where they were part of the 3 with a turret engy build, brag how “Ha my turrets owned you!”. I question people sometimes.

Retired Leader of TTS

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


People just don’t won’t to admit they are terrible players, thus whine upon whatever defeats them.
Turrets are just an easy scapegoat to whine upon. They get defeated by some stupid AI and instead of using their brain to defeat said AI (like, thinking about their range and avoiding to get mauled by all of them at the same time by rushing in the middle of a point defended by a point holder build) they just log in these forums and whine, hoping devs will deal with them so that they can play, lose against something else and come back to whine upon it.
An endless cycle that has nothing to do with the game, and that can’t be solved by devs.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Mighty Favazz.1546

Mighty Favazz.1546

blah blah blah… there’s nothing you can do. blah blah.


Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes turret engi is one of the strongest engineer specs in the game hence why it has been part of the tournaments for quite a while now. But there are ways around it.
If the enemy has only 1 turret engi just outrotate it. Play other nodes.

If there are multiple turret engis you might have to reroll.
The best thing to counter turret engi is cele ele staff with earth’s embrace. It’s one of those builds that you can go 12345 then swap attunements forever and still be quite effective. Just meteor shower with stability up and the turrets are gone.

If you don’t want to go easymode staff ele you can always just exploit the general engi weakness. Condi removal and cc vulnerability. Both soft and hard cc work. Turret has no disengage potential.
After you killed it, try to remember respawn time and go engange it before it gets to a node. You either force them to drop turrets on the way or just die. Neither is good for it.
Note: I say “it” cuz I don’t consider them actual humans.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


If there are multiple turret engis you might have to reroll.

So where are these 5-man turret engineer teams?

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

Note: I say “it” cuz I don’t consider them actual humans.

Can we not say this stuff? I get it that people find turret builds cheap, but a lot of players pick engineer as a class because they enjoy the turret play style. And it’s not as if it’s a play style new to Guild Wars, because you might as well view turrets the same as spirit spamming Ritualists were. So just remember that not everyone plays a turret engineer because it’s cheap or easy; some genuinely prefer taking that role.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Turret builds are bad. You see a lot of them because it’s literally the easiest build to play and perform well and PvP is filled with casual players who just PvP to grind out their dailies and have no mechanical skill whatsoever. Nobody good at Engi runs turrets unless they’re trolling and even if they are, be thankful they’re not on a real build or they’ll wrecka your face even harder.

Wahoo! Bye frands!

what this person said

last night around 2 Am i decided to try the infamous turret build

results 90% of the players that faced me even in 3 v 1 scenarious Tunneleved visioned on me chased me while turrets shot them the whole time

of my 40 rounds only 4 warriors 2 minion necros and a guardian AoE crushed the turrets before going after me, rangers had no problem as they just sent their bears and spammed longbow on me from saftety same with mesmers

the build’s name says it all Turret Engineer Remove the turret and you got a defenseless engineer