Turret's AI still bugged?

Turret's AI still bugged?

in Engineer

Posted by: Specterryu Quipter.8412

Specterryu Quipter.8412

All aside about the turret’s kitten AI being terrible to begin with…
I am not sure if it was mentioned or not, but turrets still do not attack world bosses. They just sit there, doing absolutely nothing. Sometimes they will function, but for the most part they just sit there. I am experiencing this on the Maw, Ele, Behemoth, and Shatterer. I’ll test this out on the other world bosses as well.

Edit: I’ve been using the Rifle and Rocket Turret.

Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as think.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)

Turret's AI still bugged?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Yup. Been this way since day 1 of headstart. Arenanet has been aware of it since before that point, but considering it’s been 9 months and the issue has neither been addressed on the forums by a dev nor fixed in a patch, I can only assume that it is working as intended. We just aren’t mean to use Turrets against world bosses, I suppose. :-\

Turrets are specifically designed to fight tables, weapon racks, and invulnerable air elementals.