Turret trait idea!
I like your suggestions.
They would make for fun and inventive master traits.
Althought scripting wise I can see the second one causing trouble. But something similar in fashion could be done. Such as turrets having a sanctuary type bubble for the first ~10 seconds after they are spawned.
The spider turrets would make turrets pretty much on par with mesmer and necro pets.
But just as with other pets it will open us up to the annoying way in which they will run off to attack a random PvE mob or player.
It would also allow through a combination of traits the ability to deploy turrets somewhat like a mesmer.
I’d rather see wheels / tracks than spider legs though. Mini tanks!
And for underwater! mechanical quaggan with rocket launcher!
beep boop ooOOOooo maggots!
I think both spider legs and mini tank turrets would look awesome beyond compare!
However I find it very unlikely to happen. And that makes me sad.
I think simply giving us a bigger cooldown refund when picking up turrets would help alleviate the problem of not being able to use turrets in back to back fights.
But dang! It would be awesome to have a rifle, rocket and flame spider bot following me around.
In a such dinamic game,sound strange how this mobile turrets idea comes from player,and was not already developed by designers from te beginning.
+1 for mobile turrets and may be some CC balance to don’t make em OP
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson