(edited by jebro.6370)
Turreteer! Engineer power/bombs/turret build
i understand that you want views on your youtube videos but i personally severely dislike looking up builds in video form. you should add a generated link on gw2skills or something where you can look up raw data without skipping through a video.
If the build editor sites were updated then I would have added it as well as I have always done with all my forums posts related to builds.
Really liked your stream today jebro! That one score of 460 to 5 was criminal!
I guess the build is working as intended then.
I will give this a try, I want to get into Engi but never found a build that I found was fun.
Looks fun. Engi got the best traits out of this deal no doubt. A couple really great ones.
I notice in your play video you had your surprise shot off cool down for long periods of time there. You should have been popping that more for the instant burst. Looks like it was a blast though…. pun intended. lol
I have been running something oddly like your build since the patch, using the Gadgeteer trait instead.
I know different trait and I am using tool kit as well.. the game play is pretty close though … perhaps a bit more active with gadget.
I have been running … 2 0 4 2 6
Accel Turrets of course
Energized Armour (for some more powa) – Power Shoes (with just the rifle turret really for dmg and wanting to be popping Surprise shot all the time I don’t care if people kill it and get knocked back)
Acidic coating (I tend to get in melee more with the tool kit)
Static Discharge – Power Wrench – and Gadgeteer
Heal turret for heal
Rifle Turret – Throw Mine – Tool kit
This only uses the one Gadget but the throw mine is another knock back that you can be much more active with throwing it in fields and at people… and it grants you Aegis with gadgeteer. With some wise use of tool belt shield / your insta Aegis every 18s + acidic coating. I have found it to be pretty survivable as long as you don’t make major mistakes.
Running Rifle with Sigiles of Energy and Intelligence (take the rifle auto off and use the kit swap to blase blunderbust and jump shot in someones face its an evil auto crit roll)
Gives me a lot of the knock back power…. the cripple of the wrench. Then when the time is right I swap kits… get an intelligence proc and Jump shot Blunder Surprise shot.
(edited by Husanak.3769)
Looks fun. Engi got the best traits out of this deal no doubt. A couple really great ones.
I notice in your play video you had your surprise shot off cool down for long periods of time there. You should have been popping that more for the instant burst. Looks like it was a blast though…. pun intended. lol
I have been running something oddly like your build since the patch, using the Gadgeteer trait instead.
Dude! you read my mind. On my stream we actually ran with the toolkit first, but found a lack of damage was an issue with no sustain on the target, bombs helped as well with the blind and the numerous combo fields for might stacking stealth etc
Also I LOVE your suggestions! Once the build editors get sorted or if they are as of now, get your build up here and Ill def give it a shot! I love to just try random stuff. Im an spvp caster but I like to have fun kitten and try crazy shiz
No doubt this patch has made our class a lot of fun. (I hope the novelty doesn’t wear off anyway). lol
Almost forgot as well… one other advantage of the throw mine Gadgeteer build. Mine field rips up to 5 boons… every 15s… and Aegis/Acidic coating combo (as long as you time things right) means you can run right up into peoples faces mostly and Rip some boons, Pretty reliably. I start channeling Mine field as I’m on my way to my target, if you do it right they all drop right at there feet its hillarious. Boom boons are goon… then Drop the rifle turret and explode it, you can feel the hate.
For dmg I guess the sustain on bombs are better… but I love the burst on tool kit rifle with intelligence sigil. You do some CC with the rfile… then hit tool kit as you run up with the boon rip… and use the first Auto crit charge for Pry bar… then swap back to rifle and jump shot blunderbuss all auto crit. Its pretty evil… and of course throw in the surprise shot / SD hit. (thats when I explode the mine field after I use my auto crits… more then a few times people have popped there boon skills to deal with the dmg… and boom the buffs are gone lol)
(edited by Husanak.3769)
Agreed dude!
I completely forgot to mention the potential for a lot of might stacking with the bombs. I just love the bomb kit. I love GW2 because of the combos so I try to use them when I can!
So fire bomb with blasts from 3 turrets the supply crate and the 5th skill on rifle, thats a shedload of might.
Im trying condi variants now of the build in PVE and hoping to get back to pvp asap
Looks fun, but I’m not sure about going for 2 turret survivability traits: you either want to overcharge them for knockbacks or let them be destroyed for it.
Maybe they will help in group fights though, but will definitely be trying something similar
Discovered another fun trait to mix into the build. Tools 5. Deployable turrets. Gives you a 900 range throw Rifle turret to explode for the knock back and dmg. Comboed with throw mine its 2 low cool down 900 range knock back skills.
Again sounds good!
@Slayer Its all situational when Im playing. Most of the time Ill leave em up or explode for combo blasts and knockbacks. Whether or not I could benefit more is debatable. BUT I am still testing it! Maybe if you could make a build/video aswell itd be great! I love the suggestions you made though
Thanks guys again for the feedback! The condi variant Im trying is with a flame turret and the thumper still and still with bombs. Its working well in dungeons atm! So Ill try and maybe get a video out on that
Would love to see a video on the condi version. So far I have just played around with my power gear and making that work…. Its been so fun I haven’t really thought about that condi armour in my invsi bag. lol
I’ll have to force myself to think about it the next day or so and go through all the new rune/sigil combos… would be cool to see what you come up with.
Im not massively sure whats best. I moved from bombs to flamethrower and dropped the top trait line for the Flamer traits i.e. Juggernaught. Any thoughts on that move guys?
Hmmm I was thinking something like that myself last night for a no turret no elixar might stack build…
Putting Gadgeteer in that last spot. I was using the holbrek runes and was getting to 25 stacks of might with out much trouble… strength runes would get you there faster… I like the -20 condition on holbrek though.
I wanted to try out the improved A.E.D. as well… eh so so. It grants retaliation for a very short time when you activate it. Which is nice… but protection or would have made ti more useable… or if they added 2 condis cleared or something. The tool belt skill on it though is very cool. With 6 in tools its a 23s cooldown 1s stun, granted the range is only 180… still nice when you can land it.
Analyze isn’t quite as quick as Surprise shot… I also found with it and I Ammo tool belts you have to make sure your camera is sort of up a bit to make sure the SD goes off and hits. (have noticed that for a long time… tool belts like heals and stuff that don’t fire on a target you have to make sure your looking well up to get the SD to hit… hopefuly Anet looks at that at some point)
Overall it was fun… the lack of condi clear means I would likely stick with the heal turret… but AED is “almost” usable. If it cleared all conditions if you took lethal dmg it would be 100% usable but it doesn’t from what I have seen, so you end up dead anyway. At least heal turret has a good chance to knock the worst of the condis on you.
Your right about FT being another good option though… the way I had mine setup… I still had knockback off Throw mine every 14s.. air blast every 12s and overload shot every 15s. Giving me a knock back every 4 or 5s… and then of course when people got close you have Smoke vent to blind… and it was hard to hit the stun on static shock, I did manage to get one ele with a AED Tool belt shock and hit him with a mine field boon rip almost at the same time… it was glorious but honestly likely pure luck and I don’t think he was expecting it… if lots of people catch on to throw mine I can see better players learning to stay out of our grills. lol
(edited by Husanak.3769)
As I was watching this I could not help but think OMG this would be sick with P/S you could really annoy any ranged and force them into your KB zone. Sure it would miss the KB from rifle (and i do love my rifle) but your surviveability would go up.
Also I would love to see the condition variant, post some vids bro!
Dude I made a video last night with P/S and 10/0/30/30/0
The boon dispensing is second to none. Ill link it here and in the main engi forum
Build Editor:
@Hus well its nice to see people trying AED itd be nice to get it viable at some point but healing turret especially in these turret builds is just toooo dam awesome for so many reasons :P
When you first posted the Power version I tried it, but quickly decided to work it over with a Condie P/S focus, and also found it works really really well! The Fortified Turrets just didn’t work out that well in sPvP, for me at least, so I made a few changes:
I dropped Fortified Turrets for Exlir Bombs, and obviously kept the Bombs over FT as you did above. Also, I took Backpack Regenerator, and changed Autotool to Powershoes for perma speed.
I’m using Thumper & Flame turrets, but mostly for the boons. Thanks to 600 unit range you can place them off the points in sPvP and still get the boons while defending the point. (And the FT will often get some damage in too ofc since it has 500 range.) The Protection uptime from Thumper is quite enough utility to make that strategy worthwhile, and I rarely lose my Thumper to enemy damage. (And I fear this won’t last. /cry)
Lastly I’m using Strength Runes plus Battle & Corruption sigils to get my Might stacks up. This ends up almost as a hybrid build, due to the Might stacks effect on bombs. (And again the STR Runes probably also won’t last. /sniffle)
This package makes for a sick point assaulter/defender, but also holds up well in 1v1 & 1v2 and makes solid team contributions to boot. It’s just an extremely solid sPvP build with speed, strong survivability, decent DPS output, nice control, etc.
It’s only real weaknesses are the lack of longer range damage, and that (as usual) the Condie removal is only mediocre. (Which really is only an issue for this build against heavy condie bursts, because of the strong healing between BPR, Elixir Bombs, AMR for 2xHT, and lots of Blast Finishers for your Water fields.)