Turrets and my gripe.

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: Eilianna.4921


I love my turrets. I really do love them. What I hate is doing an escort solo, which happens alot in an empty area, and I have to go without my turrets for an extended period of time due to the obnoxious CD on them. I can understand a long CD if the turret is destroyed, which again, happens quite often as they can be knocked over by a mob simply looking at them, However, if I pick them up after a fight, the CD needs to be drastically reduced. I did my job and kept them alive, why do I need to wait for them again. I picked them up in perfectly working condition. Am I so inept as an engineer I somehow break it as I pick it up leading to this long cooldown?

My suggestion: If I pick up a perfectly working turret, I should be able to plop it down right away. If it is destroyed by my hand i.e. I self-destruct it, the CD is halved of its normal CD. If the turret is destroyed by a monster, full cooldown. But to keep this from being exploited by simply picking it up during combat, either disable being able to pick it up during combat, or have a long focus bar timer while I pick it up during combat that can be interupted by damage or CC effects.

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: SpaceCowboy.1398


On my Thief, if I lay down a trap, the CD starts right then and there. Not from when the trap springs.

On my Engineer, I think the CD should start from when you plunk it down! This is how I remember turrets working in Warhammer and totems in WoW.

I agree 100% that picking a turret up, should allow you to place it down immediately. However, the turret would have to maintain its’ health -or- change the CD for redeployment to 5s to prevent abuse. Turrets need to be much more mobile, so allowing for easy repositioning would be outstanding.

I would love to use turrets more, but they are so frustrating in their current state.

Darmon, Asura Thief | Darmx, Asura Engineer
[EU] Gandara

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I wonder if it could be a game engine limitation. Necromancer minions have the same issue, and one thing they have in common with engineer turrets are that they have a secondary ability once summoned/placed. Thief traps on the other hand are fire and forget. this then leads me to suspect that as long as the secondary function sits visible on the skillbar, the cooldown for the primary one has yet to trigger.

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: WithoutAssumption.7936


I wonder if it could be a game engine limitation. Necromancer minions have the same issue, and one thing they have in common with engineer turrets are that they have a secondary ability once summoned/placed. Thief traps on the other hand are fire and forget. this then leads me to suspect that as long as the secondary function sits visible on the skillbar, the cooldown for the primary one has yet to trigger.

Kit skill cooldowns (like gear shield or that handy confusion bomb) don’t reset if I switch out of the kit. If there’s a limitation, it’s not in the engine, but a lack of some relevant piece of code in the skill.

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


The problem is the excessive cooldown times on turrets. Reduce the cooldowns to a more balanced level and turrets will be get more use again without being overpowered.

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: yuclement.9273


In fact, I think this problem can be solved if they fix the trait “Deployable Turrets”, so I don’t have to cluster all my turrets in a small area and safely drop them in strategic positions.

And I suggest adding another 20% CD reduction into this trait, which triggers only when we “Pick up” or “Detonate” the turret. I know we already have 20% CD reduction when we “Pick Up” the turret, but we all know that is not enough when doing events like escort which requires us to move constantly.

Imagine a scenario:
A room full of mobs and I safely drop my thumper turret in the middle of them, while I drop a fragile rocket turret behind me and drop another healing turret on the other side of the room to heal my allies.

When the combat ends:
My thumper turret is destroyed by mobs, so it does not benefit from the CD reduction in the trait.
The healing turret is at the other side of the room, since it is too far away to pick up, so I simply detonate it and its CD is 20% reduced thanks to the trait.
And the rocket turret is just behind me, so I “Pick up” the turret and its CD is 40% reduced because of 20% bonus from the trait and another 20% innate bonus when using the “Pick up” interaction.

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I’d suggest putting the cooldown reduction on Auto-Tool Installation, perhaps – Deployable Turrets, if made to actually function, would be one of the two best Turret traits, the other being Accelerant-Packed Turrets (unfortunately enough), and with an additional cooldown reduction component, it would basically make it too good.

On the other hand, Autotool Installation is currently next to worthless if you’re not just farming mobs via turret nest, and just about never taken (certainly not by me, except when farming) over Elite Supplies X.

Turrets and my gripe.

in Engineer

Posted by: Joseph.3860


I was thinking one day of how they could fix turrets. At first, I thought a lot like you, adding a trait to create mobile turrets. However, they would act almost exactly like Necromancer Minions with even worse AI.
So, I thought a little more and figured out why turrets are… bad
I will be comparing these too two things: the Ritualist from gw1 and the Necro of gw2.
The point of turrets was to place then hold a point. They act very similair to the Spirits rituals of GW1. The difference? You could have more than 3 turrets at a time (not including those from the Supply Crate). A trait that doubles the amount of turrets deployed (maybe just for one turret). The “Accelerant Packed turrets” s USELESS. When would someone want to destroy their turret that has a 20 – 90 second Cd? This isn’t some Necro Bomber build with poison, in fact it is even WORSE thanks to immobile turrets, the large CD, little damage output, and the act it doesn’t work with any other traits (for whatever reason). Notice of SS of the original GW1 didnt have this? (Well, they did, but once again it was rather useless and atleast if ou lost one you had atleast 4 more to back it up).
Here is what I reccomend:
1. Remove Accelerant Packed turrets.
2. Fix the bugs with Deployable turrets.
3. Increase the Reduce damage from 30% to about 40% (Minions get 50% more health…)
4. Add more traits (Necros get atleast 8 traits that help Minions… we get what? 3 1/2?)
5. Change the Mortar Ult. This skill sucks. A full bar of Meteor Showers that are MUCH MUCH WORSE.
6. Change turrets to all ranged. Oh look a thumber turret… better stay away unless I am a npc
7. Add turret skins to the Trading Post. I hate these designs. Rifle turret looks like a Telescope.
8. Decrease Turret Hitboxes like you did the Treb. AOEs kill turrets… and considering tons of AutoAttacks do AOE, it sucks.
9. Add some way to move turrets like a mass “air drop” skill.
10. Make a new kit for turrets. Tool kit has its place. Make a turret kit (could be ult?)