Turrets: how do you like them?

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Direksone.3867


Hi guys,

I am a fan of the turrets myself, I use the Rocket Turret and Healing Turret. I was wondering who else here uses them and if you do not: why not? Also what stats do you focus on and where did you allocate your traits? And what stats do you focus on?

Kind regards

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Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: PariahJack.9042


Im using the same turrets you do, mainly because the other four turrets (flame, rifle, net and thumper) seem to have no use at all. The Net turret maybe somewhat convenient to immobilize someone but since pistols can do that too i dont really need that one.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaikhob.2863


Turrets are great for farming events if you want to go somewhere else. However I hate how the Mob AI causes every mob to target the turret first as soon as it’s laid down.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Echelon.5384


I think turrets aren’t that popular because the long cd makes the impractical to spec around.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Unforgiven.8650


I want to love my turrets. They are the reason I picked the engineer profession, but their damage is so low it’s hard to really enjoy them.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaikhob.2863


Pretty much. If I lay down a turret and it gets destroyed in 2 seconds. Well I might have well brought an elixer or damage skill since I got about nothing out of that turret.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ravak.5907


The cooldowns are way to low if you need to fight and move around at all. So they are only good for events and defending/assaulting a fixed location.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Action Sloth.2603

Action Sloth.2603

When running around from 30-60ish I occasionally swapped out an elixir for the thumper turret if I knew I would be fighting a lot of enemies. I would use it as an aggro dump if things got too heavy, all the mobs would rush to it and be easy AoE bait. Or as a quick wide combo finisher/KB by dropping it and immediately hitting the overcharge skill.

Outside of that I never found much use for any of the turrets and it wasn’t the most efficient way out there. I also never use them in dungeons unless I am just messing around with my different skills.

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Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: jasnall.6423


Turrets are extremely useful when used right, not to mention the tool belt skills they give do decent damage.
Rifle Turret – Does more damage then you think with its active ability but i find myself using this the least.
Rocket Turret – Best damage as far as I can tell and has great range. It’s active ability is very usefull for it’s knockdown.
Net turret – I use it i dungeons mostly, great snare but a little slow and easy to kill.
Flame turret – Slow attack but great Aoe damage, It’s active ability blind targets around it which can be very useful.
Tumper turret – Happens to be one of my favorites for tough PVE situations. I does great damage and has an awesome activate knock back for CC. It’s also a lot tougher to kill.
Healing turret – Provides a pretty good initial healing and ok regen but I don’t think it’s enough to make a huge difference. It’s active cures conditions which can be useful.

Overall I like the turrets but they are very situational.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kentaro.6571


Honestly, the only turret I love is the net turret due to the CC is provides. Otherwise turrets just seem to flop over if touched unless you’re specced to them and even at that I didn’t notice the reduced damage by 30% trait to make a big difference.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: woofed.8936


ALL turrents need buffs.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Hate healing turret, It dies too quickly where it counts.

My biggest gripe with turrets is that they die so quickly.

The main turrets I use are rifle and rocket because they have high range.

Net turret is also pretty awesome in my opinion. It gives you the ability to chain 5 immobilizes with it’s tool belt skill, overdrive skill, Rifle 2 and Supply crate.

you can pretty much keep anyone stationary for a large chunk of time

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: JonnyBigBoss.2071


I feel like their potential is inhibited by:

a) Lack of power
b) Long cooldown

Anyone looking to play in PvE or PvP optimally isn’t using turrets AT ALL. That’s a clear indication that they need some love.

JonnyBigBoss – 80 Engineer
Fort Aspenwood
The Ancient Order [TAO]

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mendoza.2691


Note: I am a WvW focused player. My setup and tactics may epic fail for endgame PvE.

Turrets are tricky to get down right. You must spec into invention line so they are any bit useful at all. Like everyone said, their long CD makes them a tough use. With some skills, turrets can become a nice addition to your DPS.

I use rifle because of the quick CC options it has to counter any stealthers I run into. A ranged KB and ranged root has a lot of utility that I just don’t find in pistols.

I normally run with a Rocket Turret and Rifle turret ( decent range and DPS) , Elixir B and the supply drop elite skill for the healing turret and flame/net turrets. Rocket and rifle add 2 more burst DPS options in your hotbar when the turrets aren’t built. If I am roaming and not setting up an attack or defensive positions I love the extra DPS skills added. Although if I know I will be part of a roam I just swap to flamethrower for laffs.

I use Elixir H instead of a healing turret because I feel the healing turret is just still too weak to be useful. Elixir H’s random bonus can really help out. If need be, I will drop one down with my elite skill during some WvW to get some heals up. Elixir H also has a gtaoe skill so you can throw the potion to heal some allies in its splash radius.

Lastly, It really is about positioning. In WvW I cant just slap down some turrets on the front line and afk. Our guild has been using engies to “entrench” a flank against an enemy force. You can drop up to 4 offensive turrets and 1 support turret that have decent tank ( if specced). All that extra firepower and CC going downrange and weak heals can allow a small group to hold out longer against a larger force.

Story Time
For example, One of our keeps was under siege, we were just roaming to take down other players and supply convoys. We decided to go and help because they seemed to be losing it and we were nearby.

We got there and the enemy zerg (of about 30) was still pounding on the outer door and just put a ram up. Being the old DAOC (dark age of camelot) veteran, I saw a golden opportunity. The 5 of us ran at their rear, I threw down turrets, our mesmer did that weird clone thingy and the 5 of us started to take down their rear casters and healers.

We only maybe killed 2 of them before the front line noticed their heals have stopped. The friendly dozen or so inside the keep took this moment to rush out and take down their front. Eventually our combined force of ~15 players took down a siege double the size. At the end of the battle my rocket turret was still standing. It truly brought me back to the days of DAOC when my small hit squad could take down double our numbers just by using tactics instead of l33t skillz.

Here is the build I am running: http://www.gw2build.com/builds/gw2-engineer-turret-build-best-pvp-tournament-5357.html

Rufio Mendoza – Wolves of War – Jade Legion Alliance
Jade Quarry

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zhou.3145


It’s great if you need to be in a small area PvE wise. PvP/WvW it’s not as great as I would want it to be. It is kind of fun to blow it up in the faces of your opponent. I find that the healing turret might be the only useful one, moreso in WvW.

It adds good dps, but I feel like using kits or elixirs can do more in its place. I find them more useful to compliment your set of skills that you’ve picked, and not in bulk. one to two of them are helpful.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yozbick.9521


I use Rocket and Healing. Sometimes I will use Rifle if I know it’s going to be a static fight and I don’t want to use one of my regular kits.

Rocket and Rifle are marginally useful DPS additions. Healing is slightly better than other Engineer heals. Nothing else is worth the slot.

Grenades/bombs are the way to go, IMO. If ANet wants us to use static turrets over mobile kits, they need to really up the damage and survivability of turrets.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Joopy.6547


I have only been using the rocket turret for it’s knock-down secondary.

I never use Healing Turret as Dwayna’s Blessing is strong self-heal and the utility that comes with it for the belt has a strong base heal with a great three second AoE regeneration.

Rifle Turret seems underpowered.

Flame Turret seems to fire too slow or has to be too close to the enemy. Being too close means the enemies slaughter the turret in X amount of hits. I understand there are traits to reduce turret damage by 30% or 40% but even with that trait active, my turrets bite the dust way too quickly.

Net Turret is useless in PvE – I can just use Net Shot on my rifle.

Thumper Turret. I just don’t know too much about it as I never loaded it.

As I type this I feel like the bomb and grenade kit with 30 in the explosive trait line is the way to go. Huge AoE DPS and their tool belt skills are much, much better than any of the turrets belt skills (talking about PvE, anyway).

Sindarian Vagrants [Rune]
Covenant of the First Flame [Soul]

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deltron.4592


i only find turrets useful when sPvP’n or WvW small gang/solo(that’s only the turrets that come w/ the supply crate)

too predictable, low hp, long cd

all your base are belong to Eredon Terrace

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: kleetus.8725


in my opinion they generate to much threat.. drop em even after pulling and getting agro.. mob will go right for it.. its very frustrating.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: nomicide.5641


I am trying to get use to using more Turrets. The game seems to advertise it as a good “spec”. It’s hard due to the long CD as many people already stated. I think the 75% CD on pick up should be reduced to 50% or even 33% since we’ll really just moving the turret.

Also on that note, it will be nice to have a different key for “Pick-up”. I still accidentally pick up turret when I talk to npcs, or try to pick up environmental or loot stuff.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: AzoraX.8015


I use Rocket, Healing, Net because I love them and it personally fits my play style and i seem to do well with them. Net for cc, Healing for healing, Rocket for damage/burn. <— sPvP. I personally don’t like other turrest, and I like the supply crate as well.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Strongback.6420


Turrets are weak imho, but I use them regardless, because I got bored of grenades and I kinda despise the bomb kit as a concept.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: SicKisH.4032


I HATE them but feel like I NEED them.

The main problem I have is that in PvE if there is something that is destructible that gets destroyed, the turret still fricken targets it even when it’s gone.

Also, if you use it on a platform of any sort and there are guys below you, it shoots directly at the ground.

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lande.5782


Turrets are only useful for their secondary effects. knocks down, knock back, etc. And even then there are kits that do it better.

Seeing another level 80 engineer loaded down with turrets is like seeing a Signet Warrior — really sad.

A gear treadmill in Guild Wars, seriously?

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: darkoracle.6483


They don’t scale AT ALL, far less useful with decent gear. +power and +cond dmg do NOTHING to them

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: franky.4761


First off, I love the Turrets… or at least the concept of them. Aside from the rifle skills they are the reason i picked this class as my main.

However, Turrets do feel under powered at times.

I mostly use the rifle turret and the rocket turret with my flame thrower for pve

Rifle i like only because of the quickish cooldown so picking it up and moving it isn’t that bad, the range is good but really i feel the auto attack is rather weak and the 2seconds i believe between shots seems long for subpar damage.

I like the rocket turret for all the reasons stated above. Goodish damage, nice range and a nice toolbelt skill, even a useful active ability. But the cool down is what kills it, specially if its poorly places or the mobs just run after it as soon as its laid down.. its pretty annoying.

Mostly due to turrets not scaling with our power level, except for with expertise i believe but i’m not even sure with that. (not even sure if that’s true) and if it is, I really don’t care for the skill line that gives that stat.

Flame turret i find weak, OK aoe at best and horrid range, Net turret fun for underwater with grenades kit and so-so in some pve spots.. though i’ve heard people say its OP in pvp I don’t see it. its just to easy to kill/dodge. Thumper turret is something I rarely use… It seems every time I try to use it where it would do a lot of damage it doesnt last much longer then 2-3 attacks it puts out.. So not worth it for me.

Healing turret i like a lot, a toolbelt regen, and dropping picking up quick for regen, health and a small cleanse is pretty alright and the cooldown is at a good spot imo.

All in All i like turrets, I would like to use them until 80. But they really need some help.
Health boosts, better aggro management, smaller cool downs and better aiming AI or a way to have them attack the target you want. And some turrets could use a damage boost but not all.

(edited by franky.4761)

Turrets: how do you like them?

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


Turrets need efficiency boost and shorter CD, though healing turret is fine. It gives all its regen at once, which is amazing when you wanna put it down, get the regen, then instantly pick it up for a 15 second CD.

I want to like turrets, but i just… i just can’t bring myself to do it.