Underwater combat : another joke

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Did anyone of you ever chased an enemy underwater using our speargun?
Well….while chasing your enemy,have anyone been able to HIT his enemy with a single speargun skill ?

Now..in the real life , i don’t know if a bullet is faster than a missle…but..in this game,for sure a missle is even slower than a swimming enemy.
How is it possible NO ONE (apart #4) of our speargun skill is able to reach the enemy before he goes outrange…..WHILE SWIMMING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

Anet designers,you all have done a fantastic game,but seriusly (wake up) ,start to PLAY and TEST this class instead of only work behind a code without even play an engineer in PvP / WvW content( i don’t want to be offensive,but due to my low english skill i don’t know how to say it in a kind/nice way) , cause the engineer is in a bad shape for an incredible ammount of little and stupid details regarding a lot of ability…even the speargun-underwater skills.

I apologize for my english.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Cures.7451


lol – now you nonfactors start kittening about engineer underwater combat? really? ^^

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


meh the torpedos are the least of the problem has anyone ever actually landed a hit with the net you know the one that usually ends up 500 range behind your target.

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Rovus.5428


You have to detonate the net manually by pressing the skill button again. Which, yes, makes it very hard to know if your net is close enough to immobilize them. Though it is an AoE immobilize, which is pretty good. Also, it is probably one of my favorite underwater weapons since the range/damage really cannot be compared. The elementalist trident has the same range, though it is more about CC at close range with that one. The same with guardian trident, though that one is just…well, switch it out for the sinking ability thingy and go straight back to spear and stab their faces.
So the speargun is pretty good, in my opinion.

I will agree some speed-up of the torpedo might be needed, as it is maybe one of the top 3 slowest projectiles in the game.

“Subtus pennas meas, pinnas meas interitum”

Alatum Interitum

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


lol – now you nonfactors start kittening about engineer underwater combat? really? ^^

Now? Ive said this back in the beta. Engineer underwater is complete kitten against an opponent that knows to keep his distance from you.
The moment an opponent will stick to 900-1200 range and keeps moving, you pretty much cannot deal any damage with grenades or speargun.

The best weapon is Elixirgun. Not that those 600crits are anything to celebrate, but atleast you actually hit.
Speargun is great in PvE, where you can swim close and unload triple Mines in somethings face for very high damage. And stuff doesnt move all over the place, so your Torpedo and Grenades can actually hit.

An opponent swimming away in a straigth line will outrange the torpedo so long as he was more then roughly 150range away from you when you fired.
Try it yourself. Get underwater, swim in a straight line and fire your Speargun. Note how the projectile doesnt get all that far away from you when it reaches max range.

Lets count our blessings underwater combat isnt all that common and most people suck at it. Because, again, anyone that just keeps a reasonable distance from the Engineer simply has a free kill. And there isnt really anything we got to close the distance, the only “gapcloser” also launches the Engineer back. If the enemy dodges it, you just got an even bigger gap. And it is easy to dodge.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: ReflectedRed.8025


Use Magnet from Tool Kit and then Scatter Mines to the face = around 9k damage with crits. Then use Timed Charge for another boom. Underwater combat is something I would call faceroll.

Server: Aurora Glade
Profession: Engineer
IGN: Lord Fortack

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Atheas.7580


If speed is your issue try your exlixir gun, its rapid, puts on bleeding and the #2 is a definitely goodie

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: datbabykilla.4307


It’s kinda cool, makes me feel like I swim really fast. There’s nothing like firing a missile, popping elixir B, then swimming side by side said missile. It’s like an escort, or missile shield if you will.

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: LegoTechnic.5910


Speargun, like the rifle, is best used in close range. I am not joking. The mines from #2 can all hit a melee target upon firing and will do considerably decent damage, and the torpedos actually have homing so they tend to follow even if the player tries to dodge away.

That being said the only skill I’ve reliably landed from range is time bomb, which is quick and versatile. The net can be awkward since you have to trigger it yourself, but it can make a discouraging wall in between you and a player. Someone mentioned tool kit, and it’s true, magnet really can be useful underwater, and the “box of piranhas” is hilarious. Also if your back is against a wall and they’re in range, try using the speargun’s grapple attack and then swimming forward. Your opponent will have their face pulled into the wall while you swim behind them and there has never been a case where this hasn’t completely disoriented anyone I fought with underwater.

Also don’t discount Elixir X, even if it’s random. As someone who prefers direct damage I generally favor the whirlpool form, but even the withering plague doubles your HP total while in effect which can help your harrassment efforts.

(edited by LegoTechnic.5910)

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Engineer is a beast underwater. the only class that should be beating you underwater is a mesmer because they can get insane confusion stacks. everything else? bring two of those.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Use Magnet from Tool Kit and then Scatter Mines to the face = around 9k damage with crits. Then use Timed Charge for another boom. Underwater combat is something I would call faceroll.

Thats the same logic as Warrior and its bullcharge plus 100B. It works against scrubs, but truely your entire faceroll combo can be negated if someone just avoids your Magnet. Dodge or Stability.

Its not very hard, the magnet is a massive warning sign of YOU ARE GOING TO BE PULLED TOWARDS ME. It has a long casttime of 1sec aswell.

It works because people are not experienced in underwater combat, especially not against the least played professions.

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


lol – now you nonfactors start kittening about engineer underwater combat? really? ^^

Now? Ive said this back in the beta. Engineer underwater is complete kitten against an opponent that knows to keep his distance from you.
The moment an opponent will stick to 900-1200 range and keeps moving, you pretty much cannot deal any damage with grenades or speargun.

The best weapon is Elixirgun. Not that those 600crits are anything to celebrate, but atleast you actually hit.
Speargun is great in PvE, where you can swim close and unload triple Mines in somethings face for very high damage. And stuff doesnt move all over the place, so your Torpedo and Grenades can actually hit.

An opponent swimming away in a straigth line will outrange the torpedo so long as he was more then roughly 150range away from you when you fired.
Try it yourself. Get underwater, swim in a straight line and fire your Speargun. Note how the projectile doesnt get all that far away from you when it reaches max range.

Lets count our blessings underwater combat isnt all that common and most people suck at it. Because, again, anyone that just keeps a reasonable distance from the Engineer simply has a free kill. And there isnt really anything we got to close the distance, the only “gapcloser” also launches the Engineer back. If the enemy dodges it, you just got an even bigger gap. And it is easy to dodge.

Yeap. EG is really good.
Actually, combine it with speargun.

First, EG 1 is only .5s cast in water. If you hadn’t noticed. it shoots faster in water, then on land.
EG2 is just as strong as always.

Discharge procs twice on elixirs btw. once on throw, and once on activate. Granted. good luck aiming it..

Triple mines is good pve.

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Yeah, those torpedos do need to be sped up… you can pretty much outswim them with swiftness on. They’re supposed to have some sort of homing mechainc, but it’s not something that I’ve really noticed. I guess the idea they were going for was space control, but it’s mostly just a slow moving projectile. Mind you, it does ok damage.

Also, I’d recommend elixir X underwater. The whirlpool and plague can really change the way the battle is going. It’s also not something they expect to see an engineer do, so you can catch them off guard a bit. I actually got accused of hacking for using “elementalist skills” because someone actually didn’t realize engineers even had any other elites than supply crate.