Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Unique Snowflake Syndrome
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
It sucks that you’ve run into this, and though it’s happened a few times to me, I haven’t really had it happen to the severity that you’ve explained here. Maybe other Engis go out of their way to focus me, but I figure that everyone’s going out of their way to focus me, as I run 100 nades mostly, and from someone that used to make a b-line for that thief that killed me in 2 seconds, getting downed in 2 seconds leaves a sour taste in your mouth, so revenge is only natural lol. Could also be that the recent influx of many new engis is an affront to some engis that have been playing it since launch. Another engi I’ve known for a while seems to have a huge problem with engis becoming more popular. Definitely unique snowflake syndrome there. Me? I think it’s great. I’ve had a few new engis whisper me in hotjoin games commenting on my paid/high rank armor and asking for tips since the armor is usually a good tip that I’ve been around the block a few times. I’ll talk shop with anyone, because who doesn’t want our favorite profession to have a larger/stronger community? More people playing = more people coming up with cool new builds, playstyles, etc. To go out of your way to prove yourself as the OG Engi in sPvP is just ridiculous though. I would rather this type of behavior stays with the thieves and mesmers, as their map chat never ceases to amuse lol
Hey Pikachoops. That was me the other night. Thanks for the build advice. You’re a good example of what the Engineer community should strive for.
LMAO! I’m one of them!!
Engis have such a big learning curve that creates a bigger gap between a good player or a bad player, if i go after an engi is not to bully them, but rather see what they are about! i love to meet and fight with great engi and trust me, there are very few out there!
Thanks a lot man! Hope you’re enjoying the prof! And google brings up an excellent point that I forgot to mention. If I see another Engi, I will kind of test him out to see what his skill level is. Just like chess, “The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.” You can learn a lot about your own playing by playing someone better. Ended up playing Ostrich Eggs in a free last night, who was able to remind me that I have a long way to go lol
I think it’s normal for some engineers to target other engineers simply because it’s a matchup they ought to understand better than most. If I think I am a superior to the “average” player (and studies show that most people believe they are above average at everything, even though that can’t be true) then the last thing I want is an asynchronous rock/paper/scissors type match up.
I don’t have to think that engineers are objectively worse than any other profession, I just have to believe that some match ups are worse for me specifically. If I really want to measure my skill against the general population of players, the best way is an even match up with another player of my profession.
Yeah I pick on other engies when I spvp. Not because I hate them but because I care about them. Tough love baby~
Strange. I feel like I know how to fight against engies the least considering I’ve faced far more of just about every other profession. Even when I do face another of our kind, I find that most of them rock a pistol and elixirs. I can’t honestly tell you what I’d do differently against other builds, such as 100 nades, or just about anyone wielding a rifle.
Sorrow’s Furnace
I just had an idea for a new build.
/mr. burns fingers....
yeas, excellent, I’ll see you on the battlefield Simpson! Smithers! bring me my vest!
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
ever since i went bunker this happens in 98% of the matches i join after the first minute they realize im not a prey to 1 vs 1. what annoys me is most enemy parties tend to be 2-3 thiefs 2-3 mesmers and usually 2 of the infamous eles 2 enemy teams had 5 thiefs i loled hard and followed up by esc exit to desktop.
I have noticed an unusual rise in being picked as the prime target. Might be confirmation bias though.
Tirydia – Scrapper
I actually do this lol.
I (indeed) know that 90% of the engineers are kittenty players. They just created one to get a look on this ‘odd/exentric’ class, or they are just finding it fun to play in PvE with ennigneer and didn’t mind to play PvP untill now.
Making them 90% of the time easy kills!
And yes my ego grows when I kill someone. But hey I don’t play games to get my kitten constantley kicked.
Haha, I can’t say I do it myself though. I tend to pick on Thieves, Warriors, and Mesmers first and foremost. I tend to undervalue opposing Engineers, and for whatever reason that tends to be right.
Tirydia – Scrapper
I agree, Ayestes. I tend to prioritize whoever is going to cause the most havoc. If I see a necro spamming wells, I get off of the point and try to kite them away from the fight to keep my team from getting ruined by well spam since they’re clustered on the objective. If I see a thief that is bursting people down in seconds, I’ll focus that player because they’re likely squishy enough for me to deal with. If I see a Mesmer hitting the whole group with lots of Shatters I try to keep them marked the entire fight since it’s easy to lose them. The only time I will call target on an engineer is if they’re spamming grenades on a point and largely being ignored. It’s like letting an Elemental Shaman free cast in WoW. Your team will go down if you don’t get rid of them fast.
Some of it may be curiousity. Very few engi players run the exact same build (except for some 100naders) so it’s understandable to seek out fights against another engi to see how well your build stacks up. I always love it when I happen to get in a 1v1 with another engi. I don’t purposely seek out fights with engies but I enjoy them when they happen.
Engineer is a pretty noticeable profession, and is often forced close to the frontlines to just be effective.
And the simple truth is, Engineers are an easy kill. And not a common sight either. So people have a lot of reasons to attack an Engineer.
They are drawn to them because they are a noticeable profession. They are interested in fighting it because they dont often get the chance, and will probably win. And Engineer isnt one of those annoying “lol i run away nao” professions.
Why bother with a Thief, Mesmer or Ele? If they want to escape, they kitten well will. Not the Engineer, he might knock himself down or do a little sprint, but its easy enough to catch up. Mostly because he stunned himself or something silly bugged out.
And you got portion of the playerbase that was once an Engineer aswell. Knowing how to shut you down easily, aswell as your weaknesses you are an easy prey. And they generally have sore feelings from the frustration of playing their Engineer that they then take out on you.
And Engineer specifically seeking out other Engineers, well thats probably entirely down to the easiest profession to beat for an Engineer is another Engineer.
(edited by Terrahero.9358)
I usually let people come to me as im playing a tankcat variety. I do enjoy fighting other engineers but its to measure my ability more than “bullying”. Anyways unlike other professions, engineers have more options for spvp so its always more interesting. As far as easy kills go, i find that warriors are the easiest to kill while mesmers require the most effort.
Don’t forget, All this time and engineer downed state still represents no threat to anyone, it’s a guaranteed easy kill once down. So that’s another good reason to target engy.
Don’t forget, All this time and engineer downed state still represents no threat to anyone, it’s a guaranteed easy kill once down. So that’s another good reason to target engy.
No. How is a downed engineer less a threat than a warrior or necro or ranger? They all have single target interupts. Even guardian with their aoe interupt can only use them once. Downed Ele, thief and mesmers are not a threat once you learn to adjust for their teleport. In comparison to all others, engineer has one of the best downs because they have 1 single target interupt and an aoe interupt.
Well, I’m using this as an advantage:
I have some succes playing tPvP as a bunker. I play full defense/self healing. I can overheal most of the damage I get. And I made my team win many matches because too many enemies tried to take me down.
Mostly of it it’s because, instead of putting pressure, I just run around like a headless chicken. People see me as a easy kill and try to burst me down.
Many times, after they kill me (in a 4v1 XD) someone makes fun on the fact I run around.
Seems like bunkering with the “easy kill” class means success without even trying!XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
When I see another engi in WvW the first thing I think is “Ha! A likely easy target. They’re stupid enough to play engineer, they’re more likely to be bad in general” and that is usually the case.
(edited by Chickenshoes.6250)
For me the “stream of profanity” usually only happens when asking in map or team chat but if you ask them in tells they’re usually more friendly and open to talk.
I think most engineers just target other engineers to compare how good they are to other engineers
I usually target D/D Eles first because they are the easiest for me to kill, or at least make them RTL away.
I get a stream of profanity if I suggest someone is using a cookie cutter build with questions like: “Wow! Burst me right down. Are you running 100nades?” or “I’ve always wanted to play a 4 kit build. I saw bomb, eg, and ft. Do you have time to talk builds after this match?” and “Way to bunker. Is that the tankcat build?” (this last one earned me a stream of profanity)
And you wonder why you’re being targeted? Has it occurred to you that you’re being a jerk? There’s only so many builds, and in PvP the most effective builds will always be the ones most used. Calling people out on it is going to make you a target because no one likes a horse’s kitten
Don’t forget, All this time and engineer downed state still represents no threat to anyone, it’s a guaranteed easy kill once down. So that’s another good reason to target engy.
No. How is a downed engineer less a threat than a warrior or necro or ranger? They all have single target interupts. Even guardian with their aoe interupt can only use them once. Downed Ele, thief and mesmers are not a threat once you learn to adjust for their teleport. In comparison to all others, engineer has one of the best downs because they have 1 single target interupt and an aoe interupt.
There isn’t time for the AoE to fire off. Even with the tow line they have time to get up and spike you.
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
I get chased/focused by engineers too, yet i do the same thing myself i admit.
I don’t see the problem. It’s like you said, to prove you’re the best engineer.
It might be alittle childish but i can’t help it.
I think it’s down to how different engineers can be base on the skills and traits you take. 2 engineers can fight, yet one will use SD-gadgets and the other rifle-flamethrower for an instance.
On the other hand, actually chatting in a negative fashion seems redundant in video games, just kick his kitten
This kitten talking is just the lame immature gamer that every game and class suffers from.
I can say that I will focus Engineers alot in WvW but its more in the same way that I will focus Rangers and Necros because they are the easiest targets for me. If you can get a Ranger/Engie/Necro downed you are almost gauranteed to stomp them on the first try because they have no definate interupt (ie Mesmer/Ele/Thief.) Its also usually always easier to fight your same profession because you have a much better idea of exactly what they are gonna do.
I noticed in WvW that I will get focused first ALOT in smaller battles by most other players and it is also very rare that someone will run into me and decide to turn away because I could be trouble, even uplvl’d players. I am sure it is a suprise when I open my can on them but the general idea seems to be that Engies are one of the easier pickings in PvP.
(and studies show that most people believe they are above average at everything, even though that can’t be true)
Studies on this show that, under the high 90’th percentile, confidence tends to be inversely related to competence (or in the case of green-horns, potential). (sadly, any managers who have never been on the ground will gravitate toward the confidence — hence dilbert)
Well, I’m using this as an advantage:
I have some succes playing tPvP as a bunker. I play full defense/self healing. I can overheal most of the damage I get. And I made my team win many matches because too many enemies tried to take me down.
Mostly of it it’s because, instead of putting pressure, I just run around like a headless chicken. People see me as a easy kill and try to burst me down.
Many times, after they kill me (in a 4v1 XD) someone makes fun on the fact I run around.
Seems like bunkering with the “easy kill” class means success without even trying!XD
This is an engineer’s mentality. It’s not just playing your profession, it’s “playing” the meta to your advantage.
Similar to the D/D’s that bottom out their defense in favor of crit damage — they rush in and everyone prepares for a long bunker fight, only to be bursted down in a few seconds.
(edited by plasmacutter.2709)
Don’t forget, All this time and engineer downed state still represents no threat to anyone, it’s a guaranteed easy kill once down. So that’s another good reason to target engy.
No. How is a downed engineer less a threat than a warrior or necro or ranger? They all have single target interupts. Even guardian with their aoe interupt can only use them once. Downed Ele, thief and mesmers are not a threat once you learn to adjust for their teleport. In comparison to all others, engineer has one of the best downs because they have 1 single target interupt and an aoe interupt.
Because a Necro heals through damage, and will get back up without having to use bandage. Meaning you need to constatly keep shooting him to keep his health down. And deals much more damage then an Engineer.
Guardian puts a symbol on the ground which heals a ton of health aswell, same deal as Necro. And also deals more damage then Engineer. And the aoe knockback is a superior interupt as it interupts several enemies, even through Stealth.
A Ranger rezzes his pet which then rezzes the Ranger super fast. Also deals a ton more damage when downed then an Engineer.
A Warrior rallies temporarily allowing him to do full damage, and even kill people off. Depending on traits, this can even count a full rally instead of temporary. Also deals way more damage when downed.
And then the Engineer. Cannot move, cannot heal besides Bandage (4) and throws junk that hits for about 300dmg. A downed Engineer is less threatening then a single Seed Turret (Sylvari Racial utility).
No other profession comes anywhere close to the suckiness and helplessness of a downed Engineer. I would seriously consider a button that allowed me to suicide and get straigth to ressing at a waypoint as a buff.
(edited by Terrahero.9358)
Anyone who thinks the Engineer downed skills are among the best I just can’t take seriously.
We have a single target interupt that can itself be interupt by just about everything, even a pet standing in front of a ranger.
I think in all the time I have played WvW I have only been able to use 3# maybe 4-5 times and NEVER has it done anything more knock a few ppl back right before I die.
Most the time I get to the point where I click it but die during its cast time, RLY?? Anet?? a cast time for a skill you will almost never get too????
If you go down and someone starts to stomp and you pull them and they fall down, they will still have more than enough time to stomp you again before #3 is ready.
So basically Engineers are the profession that once you get them down you just have to spam your spike button and you will get them, no other thought or strategy is needed.
You don’t have to wait for them to stealth or teleport or get up and run, you dont have to keep constant damage and avoid fear so they can’t rez, you dont have to speed stomp or interupt a pet from rezzing, you don’t have to stabilize to avoid an aoe knockback so they can’t self rez and when and Engineer is for sure going down they have no last minute fight untill my last breath last ditch effort they can use.
So we have a pitiful dmg skill that chills (way to throw in another chill option anet!)
We have a copy of a thief skill which is a copy of a Mortal Kombat skill (way to get more mileage out of that one anet!)
We have an AoE knockback which is basically same as another professions #2 downed skill which we hardly ever get to use. (I mean how much of the Engineer did you guts actually have finished before you decide to just roll with them anet???)
Sorry but for a stupid mechanic that shouldn’t even be a part of the PvP aspect of the game, the Engineers basically have the crap-pi-est part of a Sheat Sundae! Which is no sugar cone, just the Sheat.
To be honest a lot of professions can be easily stomped. You need 2 stomp attempts to stomp engineer, guardian, necro, ranger, mesmer, ele, warrior. That is everyone except the thief, who has a really annoying downed skills. Among other ones, warrior requires you to initiate both stomps straight away of he will vengeance and ele can move between two stomps, which enables him to prevent the second one if he moves into allies.
Everyone else is way below these in power, but yes…. engineer is the worst one. Guardian can push back multiple stompers. Necro can fear people which is not a projectile and it forces the stomper away, he also gets a life drain autoattack in downed mode, which will win him downed vs downed fights. Ranger can have pet heal him and his stomp interrupt is pretty good. Mesmer is second worst downed in pvp, because it’s obvious which is the clone one (clone always appears first and doesn’t have a red arrow over it’s head). But mesmer downed is still better than engineer downed because it deals more damage.
Engineer downed is worst, but what you say, that it’s the only one where you can just do 2 stomp attempts to successfully stomp, is just not true.
Mesmer is prolly the 2nd or 3rd best down in the game.
the number 1 mind blast, does huge damage on power build. With a glassy build, I got hit for 1.5k from mind blast spam. One thousand and freaking five hundred damage on a downedstate auto attack. Not even counting the kitten confusion they put on you, which does enourmous damage in WvW.
Their number 2, is a 95% sure interrupt. You can’t be countered by stability, blind, invul ect. Only if you do it too early or play vs a good shadow step thief can you get stomped without interrupt. In WvW, with the culling, it take a while for the mesmer to appear.
And the number 3 just hit like a trucks. You better not be low HP when they cast it, as it can hit for 4-6k damage.
Engineer downed state is bad, not because number 3, which is awesome. But because the number 2 is vulnerable to everything. Any effect like blind, invul, evade, stability, pet block, quickness stomp (cast time), stealth ect. Only Warrior have it as bad. But at least they have a hard hitting #1, and they have vengeance which is awesome and one of the best number 3.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]