Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
Utility Goggles concept.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
I use this I on my sd build. Do you know if it will remove blind or just make you immune to blind, leaving you blinded if it’s already applied to you?
As to your comments, it’s a nice stun break but I wish it had more functionality on the toolbelt side (vuln is kinda meh). It’s pretty useful though against thieves on an sd build as it helps you burst then down a lot easier when you take their blind away. Actually it’s quiet hilarious when they suit in their blind circle expecting not to get hit and then they explode lol.
(edited by Zorgog.3908)
Personally I would give it a buff which makes your attacks hit as if the target had no Stability, no Protection and 25% Vulnerability for a certain duration.
Mind you, this is non-stacking. If they have 24% Vulnerability, you only get that last stack.
And it doesn’t apply the debuffs to the target or removes boons. This is personal-only, you ignore them. Enemy should get a warning in that the goggles light up and a target marker is visible.
I have a different twist on what I want utility goggles to be. As the only true condition removal utility we have is elixir C (although healing turret helps alot now), I would love to see the tool belt skill “analyze” changed to “gas mask”. Offering benefits to the gadget sub set of utilities as a whole. This would propose moving the vulnerability debuff to the utility skill of utility goggles making it a fury buff and vulnerability debuff, while making the tool belt skill into a condition removal.
This, in my opinion would give gadgets both a condition removal with utility goggles utility and a stun breaker with slick shoes., somewhat empowering a full gadget build.
Make it allow Engineer to see stealth
Interesting ideas and you are right, the cooldown does not represent its usefulness. Currently, I don’t find any stun breaker that beats Elixir Gun. The only one that comes close is Elixir S. Utility goggles would only work with static discharge and it’s also due to the weird behavious of static discharge which favors targeted toolbelt skills.
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD
Very fascinating hearing such different opinions on what direction Utility Goggles should go, and to be honest the only reason I’m “picking on” this utility skill first is simply because after experimenting with every skill available to the Engineer in PvP I find this one near the top of my list. Usually it’s difficult for me to ponder a completely unbiased improvement to a skills functionality out of fear of taking it over the top but with the recent CC obsession in PvP I found it easy to justify a unused Utility In attempts to bring it up to-eventually a Kits level. Currently the stun breakers we have are limited with few synergistic traits and weapon skill set ups to warrant not taking Elixir S or Elixir Gun, even Toss Elixir B is more effective particularly when you know after you break out of the first stun.. A second will follow, then a third. (Hammer Warriors)
25% increased damage against a foe is a little much in my opinion. In fact it’s not a damage increase that I feel is needed with this particular Utility Skill. It.. Well the Utility, it lacks any aside from the Quick Blind immunity which is great, but more times than not the thief is simply shadow stepping behind you causing your Overcharged Shot/Net shot not to miss but to simply go on Cooldown if your not attacking while standing prone. The blindness immunity has it functions for Thief’s yes, but what of warriors and guardians and Rangers who have access to a painfully long duration Stability on a very generous Cooldown.
And as much as I dislike the stealth reset from Thief’s, giving Utility Goggles the ability to reveal ect is a little much I feel. We have many cleaving moves that will hit them regardless taking away 1 of their sparse survivability mechanics would be like taking away Gear Shield for us. This is all of course just my opinion from my experiences.
I am not, however opposed to some condition removal. Although I feel Utility Goggles current function (Seeing how it grants 10% increased damage on a foe) is for power based uses but with the way this meta is currently if your not being Condition spammed than you are being CCed by a Hammer Warrior. (I know, broken record.) so I couldn’t really say no.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
So what could be changed without making it op? For me, I would like a short duration of negative cc duration. I’m talking like, 3 seconds of -33% duration to immob, stun, knockdown, etc.
So what could be changed without making it op? For me, I would like a short duration of negative cc duration. I’m talking like, 3 seconds of -33% duration to immob, stun, knockdown, etc.
This would be an excellent suggestion for Slick Shoes tool belt ability, for the Super speed is great in that it is a stun breaker but this would make it an excellent competitor to the supremacy of Kits. Giving its activation multiple purposes, it could then be used to kite or to chase down runners or to break stuns and open up distance and with your suggestion now it can be a way to mitigate soft CC like cripple Chill and Immobilize. It sounds like too much at first glance but seeing as you can really only potentially monopolize one effect or the other I feel it’s would be a reasonable change when looking at the other potential utilities for example Elixir Gun which currently has all the above mentions on less of a cool down while also giving mobility, healing, condi removal, and both forms of damage.
But I digress, I still feel Utility Goggles would need to have some related effect that makes it a unique utility to chose over others. Hence my original opinion that it should remove stability from your target, but I could also see instead having your next attacks for X seconds be unblockable. Though this isn’t what I feel is particularly needed it would make for a unique and topical effect.. Although what I feel IS needed, even if maybe not particularly for Engineers is the ability to have an attack that is telegraphed but is unstoppable. By this I mean if it strikes the target in a linear fashion they will get hit, regardless of blocks, Evades, distortions ect.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
Lots of good suggestions here, but I feel we need to keep the effects related to the Goggles- theme.
Someone already mentioned seeing stealthed enemies with our special Goggles, so how about:
- Keeping the current effects: Immunity to Blind
- If u have Blind condition on you when you use the skill, Blind is removed and you apply Revealed (2s) on AoE radius 240 around you.
The skill can now have secondary action:
- Utitily Goggles: same as current
- Supervision: (press the skill again) to supercharge your vision, you will lose the Blind immunity but will apply Revealed (2s) on AoE radius 240 around you.
(edited by keenlam.4753)