[VID] Scrapper Discharger
Nice try but such builds won’t work until we see some serious balance changes. There’s just no point giving up strong defensive traitlines to get some pathetic 1k cries with static discharges(I mustn’t cry, I’m a man!)
Anyway, good job. At least somebody is trying to resurrect the game
Wow man! Thank you for understanding the concept of a GAMEPLAY video.
There are too many noobs out there who post one trick pony cherry picked highlight videos.
Why not hammer? In my experience lately hammer is superior to rifle and can add some chaos to the pressure…? But i don’t know. Nice video!
To this build type rifle is better, but this build is old and just use it for fun. You may notice that the damage it is even well below the current builds with the hammer. My hope is that Anet give attention to this and make an appropriate balance. Static Discharge need love.
I have other videos on my channel you use the hammer, I put the build I use in the video. You can easily notice that the hammer is much higher in all, and build too.
^ Yes, rifle and static discharges should definitely be reworked. It’s even worse in pvp because of the stats.
Still better than boring hammer meta, huh?
I really like the hammer, only that in my opinion all classes must have varieties of builds so that the player does not get tired.
This build may not have much survival, but the ideal was to kill the enemy with a single burst, and it does not.
Scrapper has nothing facing condition, it is a specialization of survival and damage facing the hammer. I believe that engineers need more varieties, one burst and condition build that it is feasible to use the WVW and spvp, not counting the pve because it’s just too boring.
No use to nerf the Scrapper to balance it with other specializations, it is better to give more options for the players to use.
i miss static discharge
and rifle
and build variety