VIDEO - Rifle Insane Crits in WvW

VIDEO - Rifle Insane Crits in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Iddiozzia.3489


Hello, many of you have already seen my video about wvw fun with the now (in)famous Lightning discharge build.
I Wanted to share all the 3 videos i made in a single thread even if they’re pretty similar just so show some fun rifle build action in full glass cannon gear while roaming WvW.
These videos were made “for fun” so don’t expect any guide, tpvp or advanced tactics but just some fun gameplay and big crits.
1° video
This started as a joke, many engineer friends were asking me how could i do so much damage, so i showed em.
2° video
This is the video i posted some time ago here, it’s shows a more various gameplay with a bonus lol part in the end, (i had to reupload it for copyright reasons)
3° video
This is using a different build, to show the MAX damage achievable by this class and this build, its pretty short but intense and full of insane crits ^^

Watch in HD, hope you enjoy as much as i did in making em.

Build, gear, whatsoever are in the YT description.

Diliria [HxH] (Ring of Fire)

VIDEO - Rifle Insane Crits in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


nice job, nice vids, insane damage.

My only complaint is that some of the fights are against lowbie enemies but I guess thats ok since you are mainly trying to show off the crazy high numbers.

keep them coming

inb4 3 pages of rifle warrior does it better

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

VIDEO - Rifle Insane Crits in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Thansk for the fun videos.
I especially loved to see lightning discharge bounce back and forth between two enemies.
Edit: Or even between some puny mobs (trying to reach them and half way deciding “Nah, lets hit that player again instead”) and your one enemy. Ouch. ^^

Red Guard

(edited by Pannonica.5378)

VIDEO - Rifle Insane Crits in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Iddiozzia.3489


My only complaint is that some of the fights are against lowbie enemies but I guess thats ok since you are mainly trying to show off the crazy high numbers.

Yeah, you are right XD especially in the last video i was madly searching for lowbies to catch on tape a 13k jumpshot crit that i once managed to get, sadly i didn’t make it. :P