Viable builds with Rifles?

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


What are some builds that work well with the rifle? I find the rifle to work well in pve and WvW but I’m not sure what traits and utilities would work synergize well it.

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Saki Asakura.6479

Saki Asakura.6479

Any Power build can work with a rifle, and most need it. What sort of utilities do you like using? What kits do you like, if any? Do you want rifle as a main weapon or something you switch to out of a kit?

Level 80 Engineer: Kamonia

Borlis Pass

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: darkace.8925


Sitting Duck cripples and inflicts vulnerability, and the rifle’s Net Shot has a fairly low cooldown. For an adept trait in the Firearms trait line, this one seems like a no-brainer for rifle users.

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


Any Power build can work with a rifle, and most need it. What sort of utilities do you like using? What kits do you like, if any? Do you want rifle as a main weapon or something you switch to out of a kit?

I do like the elixer gun. I feel like it’s a great support kit. I haven’t gotten to try out rocket boots but I will now after seeing everyone freaking out about it after the last patch. The only kit I haven’t had much time to play with was the toolkit.

Also turrets are freaking fun but you can flick them to destroy them =/

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Saki Asakura.6479

Saki Asakura.6479

Elixir gun paired with rifle can work pretty well, its what I tend to use the rare times I venture into Dungeons with my friends. Elixir gun hits really hard with Acid Bomb, and Elixir F is not bad damagewise either. Rifle/Elixir gun with some support from elixirs, gadgets, etc is a pretty reliable option, especially paired with healing turret for more AOE healing and group condition removal.

One common build that uses rifles is Static discharge, which usually slots rifle turret (for the toolbelt skill and blast finisher), toolkit, and a 3rd utility of your choosing. Theres lots of room to experiment and customize to suit your playstyle.

I really recommend trying out toolkit while you level, Prybar hits like a truck and the kit has a lot of options for defense, damage, and utility. It also works well paired with Elixir gun (wink wink nudge nudge)

Level 80 Engineer: Kamonia

Borlis Pass

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: PsychoDM.5279


Really great advice! When I get home I’m going to try eg/toolkit/rifle turret for static discharge build.

What are the 3 stats people generally focus for this type of build? Im assuming power precision and something like vit or tough.

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


People tend to discount the rifle in condition builds, and I’m not sure why.

Similar to the FT, I suppose, people only look at raw damage potential and ignore the amount of control the rifle offers.

I’ve been running Rifle / FT / Bombs / toolkit for a while now with rabid and might stacking gear.. works very well. Most damage ckmes from the kits and the rifle is more a defensive tool (although obviously blunderbuss does crazy bleed damage.)

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Saki Asakura.6479

Saki Asakura.6479

Well, generally I suppose Power/Precision/Crit Damage would be the most important, but toughness, vitality, or both are pretty necessary to ensure that you don’t die.

I generally like to run defensive gear (knights, soldiers) mixed with offensive trinkets (berserkers, valkyrie, or Cavalier) depending on the traitlines i’m speccing in.

@Punkins Rifle can work in condition builds, but only as a swap to weapon for overcharge shot and bleed from blunderbuss. It’s a bit of a waste to lose out on shield and pistol for condition builds, you lose a source of confusion, a blind, 2 blocks, a blast finisher, poison… It just doesn’t seem like a good idea .~.

Level 80 Engineer: Kamonia

Borlis Pass

(edited by Saki Asakura.6479)

Viable builds with Rifles?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Condition rifle builds pair good with eg and ft essentially you can stack up some mean bleeds and burning then cc your target into oblivion, not overly effective solo imo but still pritty effective versus the right targets, in groups you it can really put out the pain when you Condi stack then train a target, I’m currently running a very powerful hgh bomber with rifle but right now I’m on my phone so I’ll wait till I get home to elaborate on that particular build.

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Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
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