Viable zerker build?

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Raidiese.2871


Hey all, I’ve been struggling to find a good build for my engineer since release, which is why he fell by the wayside a little while I played more straightforward fotm classes like warrior and thief. I’ve had him in this kind of mixed up build (in terms of stats) that’s got a few pieces of carrion, soldier, and zerker. The build I’m using is 0/30/0/20/20, which focuses almost entirely on FT and lots of mobility. I use a rifle on the side to set execute combos and CC.|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|30|1867|2266|1881|0|0|0|0|20|1015|1863|0|20|1870|1446|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

Since I just bought the magitech armor, I was hoping to kind of refine his stats a little. Would it be viable at all to just put him in full zerker gear? I would probably grab 2 lyssa runes for condition duration, but I’m not sure as to the other 4, so I would welcome suggestions there. I am also curious as to whether I should go for accessories with a little vit/toughness on them (maybe valk).

My disclaimer for this is that this character will not really be used for hardcore dungeons or pvp, really. He’s more of a roaming around doing whatever on the side character, so the build just has to be able to function on a basic level, though the more effective I can make it, the better.

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kawloon Fuathach.3807

Kawloon Fuathach.3807

If you’re planning on running a full Berserkers gear build, I’d recommend using a SD (Static Discharge) based build. Here’s an example of what one might look like, albeit it’s by far not the best setup for it, but it’ll give you an idea of what you’d be looking at.|9|1207|1433|531|4056|4065|10|1422|0|0|30|1419|2269|2265|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|30|2271|1882|1448|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

Generally you’d see this kind of build utilizing Rifle more than Pistol, due to the immense burst you can get from Blunderbuss and Jump Shot, in addition to the Static Discharge based burst. You’re also more likely to see Tool Kit over some of the other utilities due to both the Offense and Defense it provides.

Wilhelm The Pursuer

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Raidiese.2871


I suppose the title of the thread may be a bit misleading, since really I’m trying to fit stats to a build, rather than a build to the stats. Which is to say, I want to find a stat layout that fits the build I made, rather than changing the build to fit a full zerker build.

However it’s interesting you suggest that, since I was looking around for builds that focused more on rifle use as opposed to flamethrower. Thanks for the input.

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: wolfshirt.8459


Bombs, Grenades or both.

Do not use the Flamethrower.

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


eh i wouldn’t recommend limiting your offensive capabilities to just rifle but if you insist on it i suppose you could run a potion/rifle build

i don’t recommend lyssa runes because that’s generally reserved for elites with shorter cooldowns. the conditon duration is worthless with zerk gear.

as for viable zerk builds you have hgh grenades, hgh flamethrower, static discharge flamethrower, flamethrower/elixir gun

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maiden England.3491

Maiden England.3491

i almost always run full berserker on my engi, which i mostly use for roaming in wvw. heres the build:
your build is more of a FT build which isnt very good in any situation other than zerging. rifle autoattack can hit for like 3k a hit when the target has conditions. best used in a group. you can do some real work with a similar build in pvp, but i still prefer tanky condi builds in tpvp.

Street Regulator

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


If you don’t plan to pvp, dropping 5 points out of firearms to put down in the tools line for 10% dmg on full endurance is probably the way to go. Combine ft with eg and rocket boots for quick disengage reengage to save your dodges (plus acid bomb hits like a truck with zerker stats and you get 2 blast finishers from your ft firefield). I swear I don’t know why people hate on the ft so much, yes the auto is relatively low damage compared to other auto attacks in the game but with the low cooldowns on the #2 skill and all the utility that a setup like that can provide, the damage is more than sufficient for anything other than possibly a cof speed clear group which a engi is rarely going to get the invite for anyways due to community bias. All this being said Zerker stats even for a ft build are hardly a waste of time and it is how I run 90% of the time mostly because of my hatred for having to spam 1 with grenades.

(edited by ShadowPuppet.3746)

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Something you may be interested in is a Might stacking FT build. I have been running a condition build for a while now (i just like the way 2 pistols look lol) BUT i used to run FT hybrid “kind of” like your build. I switched to full zerker and used a Might on crit sigil + might duration runes. and i would maintain around 15-18 stacks of might w/o elixer B. I would recommend using P/S so you get a 2nd sigil for your FT (Precision on kill comes to mind)

Anyhow your flame jet will be BOSS and the FT has some good utility.

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: elitegamerz.4965


Here’s my zerker static discharge/grenade hybrid. It works really well with zerkers gear because you can stay at 1500 range and still have plenty of burst when someone gets a little too close.

If you don’t like the static discharge aspect of it you can swap it out for speedy kits then swap out rifle turret and utility goggles for something more defensive like elixir s or rocket boots

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


I’d suggest full Zerker with maybe Soldiers Amulet and Back. Trait 0/30/0/30/10 Fireforge n Hair Trigger with Juggernaut, HGH elixir setup and Speedy Kits. Stack might with Juggernaut, HGH, Sigil of Battle, Elixirs and 2x Rune of Strength , Hoelbrak and Fire. You can run around with 12 stacks of might easy and poping elixirs gives 20 stacks with long duration. Mix Rifle 3 and 5 with FT auto and 2 for decent damage output. This has a ton of CC if you head to the mists also, pretty fun.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

(edited by Bloodgruve.6038)

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Raidiese.2871


Thanks very much for the input, all. As to grenades – I leveled to 80 with them at release and played a decent amount of WvW with them and I ended up switching to FT months ago because I was tired of the 1 spam, as some other people stated in this thread. I’m kind of happy with FT right now and don’t much feel like switching to bombs or grenades.

@ Shadowpuppet: That’s interesting. I wouldn’t have thought of giving up juggernaut since I felt like it was a really good trait for FT. I’ll look into that, since I know people have said good things about acid bomb elsewhere.

@ Blood: Thanks for the rune advice. I’ll take a look at that as well.

I’m curious as to what is so great about modified ammunition though. Is this primarily for WvW where everyone is running around with like 5+ conditions on them in group fights? I feel like at least for normal dungeons or group play the 2% per condition would not be as useful as the stacks of might from juggernaut.

Also, as to SD: What’s the damage and the range like? I really wish Anet would be more specific with traits that do extra effects like this. I’ve actually been using SD for a while but have honestly never noticed it doing anything.

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Bombs, Grenades or both.

Use the Flamethrower.

fixed it for ya

You won’t deal as much damage with the FT as grenades, but you will have more utility since most times FT builds utilize EG as well. Also, it’s less spammy & carpal tunnely.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


SD is great. Try 10/30/0/0/30 with Rifle, Medkit, Rifle Turret, Tool Kit, Personal Battering Ram and Supply Crate. Goal is to run low cooldown toolbelt abilities. With Zerker gear the burst is great and sustained damage is quite good. Burn on Crit trait, Hair Trigger, 10% rifle dmg, Mod’d Ammo, Speedy Kits, SD and Power Wrench.

Modified Ammo is like any other % damage trait, it effects all damage which is the best way to increase damage output. If you can stack multiple % modifiers its even better.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217



Bombs, Grenades or both.

Use the Flamethrower.

fixed it for ya

You won’t deal as much damage with the FT as grenades, but you will have more utility since most times FT builds utilize EG as well. Also, it’s less spammy & carpal tunnely. [/quote]

^THIS I hate the feeling i get after spamming nades for a few hrs. My hand looks like i have just had a stroke

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


Thanks very much for the input, all. As to grenades – I leveled to 80 with them at release and played a decent amount of WvW with them and I ended up switching to FT months ago because I was tired of the 1 spam, as some other people stated in this thread. I’m kind of happy with FT right now and don’t much feel like switching to bombs or grenades.

@ Shadowpuppet: That’s interesting. I wouldn’t have thought of giving up juggernaut since I felt like it was a really good trait for FT. I’ll look into that, since I know people have said good things about acid bomb elsewhere.

@ Blood: Thanks for the rune advice. I’ll take a look at that as well.

I’m curious as to what is so great about modified ammunition though. Is this primarily for WvW where everyone is running around with like 5+ conditions on them in group fights? I feel like at least for normal dungeons or group play the 2% per condition would not be as useful as the stacks of might from juggernaut.

Also, as to SD: What’s the damage and the range like? I really wish Anet would be more specific with traits that do extra effects like this. I’ve actually been using SD for a while but have honestly never noticed it doing anything.

Don’t drop juggernaut, drop the vuln on crit. Even with kit swapping if you do it fast enough you don’t lose the might stacks, flame jet is ten hits even if you had 100% crit chance that is still only five vuln stacks and it requires you to use the AA to maintain it effectively, if you want to vuln stack there is no substitute for a grenade build. Jugg got moved the last patch to be a master tier trait, so it is possible that the build calc you are using is outdated. As for the static discharge range, I believe it is 600-900 not home to test it right now, but it really is a bit of a non issue anyways since the majority of rifle damage is up close. Certain toolbelt skills don’t play nice with sd, as others have stated typical sd utilities are toolkit, rifle turret and possibly utility goggles or rocket boots or pbr. Elixirs don’t work nor do any of the toolbelt skills that don’t require you to have a target, ie the eg toolbelt and sadly even BoB and barrage don’t really target the enemy so they just sorta shoot the SD in a random direction. Also because of the nature of rifle being such a close range weapon I never saw the point in taking the trait for increased rifle range, since the autoattack is the only real long distance damaging ability it has and quite frankly if someone is trying to autoattack a enemy to death on a sd build they are doing it wrong heh.

(edited by ShadowPuppet.3746)

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Raidiese.2871


@ Blood – That sounds like an interesting and refreshing build since it’s mostly stuff I haven’t touched much on my engi. I’ll definitely try it out.

@ Shadow – I actually knew juggernaut was no longer grandmaster so I dunno why I was thinking I had to drop it. Thanks for the reminder. And also thanks for explaining SD, I honestly just kept seeing it shoot a lightning bolt into the ground and do nothing (or shoot it out at a neutral mob, ugh) and kept thinking it was a pretty terrible trait.

And also I forgot in my last post:

@ Tattoo – I’ll keep that in mind. I have also been thinking about, if I stick with FT, going for a might stacking build, but I’ll have to see.

@Elite – Thanks for the suggestion. Though, I’d hesitate to go ahead with the build you gave just because as I said I’m a bit averse to using grenades.

Also, as to runes, I heard that going 2 Lyssa for the 10% con duration is good for FT builds to keep burn up long enough to keep the bonus damage going. I take it other than that anything with +pow/prec/might duration would be good?

(edited by Raidiese.2871)