[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


Hi engineers!

Here is my second solo engineer movie featuring solo wvw roaming (some 2vx and group actions to)
Recorded in February during one week, I was playing with the idea of being a pain for the enemies while dealing some “decent” damage (if possible in aoe, so i can make a little pressure)
don’t expect a full of frags video!

I use a power/Thougness/vitality stuff + Jewels mixed with some knight pieces.

Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Have a link for the build?

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Nilix.2170


Looks like 10321 With [Forceful Explosives|Cloaking Device/X/Elixir-Infused Bombs|Invigorating Speed/X|Speedy Kits]. Couldn’t tell what two of the traits were though. It looked like Backpack Regenerator for a while but that didn’t make sense because he had an extra heal when he wasn’t in a kit. They might have been Power Shoes/Potent Elixirs
One of the weapon Sigils was Sigil of Battle… and that’s all I can tell.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


i use cleric jewels with soldier gears 0/30/0/30/10

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Lert.6287


Keep the good work, Obt!

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Very nice. Good support build.

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Lifeson.4352


This is the best gw2 video I’ve seen yet. Amazing work, the editing and music was really well put together. I don’t even usually listen to this sort of music but I really like it now. :P

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


I don’t even usually listen to this sort of music but I really like it now. :P

best coment!

Here is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcAQJAqelIqic3zSfF1LJx4DdO8B8L6R+tsj/UQuA;TQAA1CtMiYKC

Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Finally a different video.

Nice one!

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


I don’t even usually listen to this sort of music but I really like it now. :P

best coment!

Here is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcAQJAqelIqic3zSfF1LJx4DdO8B8L6R+tsj/UQuA;TQAA1CtMiYKC

Thanks for taking the time to link the build. I have two questions…

1. Was there any reason to go 15 into tools instead of 20 into inventions? there’s some traits there that could be very useful for defensive specs.

2. Why a crit chance boosting sigil? If it’s for extra DPS, a force or bloodlust sigil might be better since this build doesn’t have any on-crit effects to proc. With the elixir B proc, the extra crit chance boost might provide slightly higher DPS, but you’re relying on a temporary buff that you need to take damage to trigger. A consistent 5% boost would likely yield better damage over time, although I haven’t crunched the numbers.

Also, do you use any particular runes? I would assume dolyak, but this build doesn’t seem to have much in the way of condition management, so perhaps something like Melandru might work out well.

[Video] Defensive Engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


I don’t even usually listen to this sort of music but I really like it now. :P

best coment!

Here is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcAQJAqelIqic3zSfF1LJx4DdO8B8L6R+tsj/UQuA;TQAA1CtMiYKC

Thanks for taking the time to link the build. I have two questions…

1. Was there any reason to go 15 into tools instead of 20 into inventions? there’s some traits there that could be very useful for defensive specs.

2. Why a crit chance boosting sigil? If it’s for extra DPS, a force or bloodlust sigil might be better since this build doesn’t have any on-crit effects to proc. With the elixir B proc, the extra crit chance boost might provide slightly higher DPS, but you’re relying on a temporary buff that you need to take damage to trigger. A consistent 5% boost would likely yield better damage over time, although I haven’t crunched the numbers.

Also, do you use any particular runes? I would assume dolyak, but this build doesn’t seem to have much in the way of condition management, so perhaps something like Melandru might work out well.

1. The only reason is because i want toolbelt recharge at 25%hp, If i switch 20 to invention i’ll probably take reinforced shield..

2. Crit sigil cause my set is based around Power/thoug/vita so i already have an high power value (around 1900, enough for me cause i often have 6+ might stacks) but my crit chance is a bit low , i always try to have around 40% crit (what i can achieve with 25 stacks)
I haven’t tested if this is better on a long duration but what’i’m feeling is : All my hits with pistols+bombs+toolkit crits much more often, so i can sometimes put some “bursts” that i needed to take by surprise some heavy defensive targets (like guardians)

For the runes, i actually have full orbs (or ruby can’t remember) only cause they are way cheaper and they boost 3 stats…
But yeah , Melandru and Dolyak are the one i was looking for…(maybe melandru first cause the lack of condition management , like you said)

My mate steppa Put some 4 vs ?? actions in a small vid if u want to have a look (i think my spec in this vid is nearly the same)

Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot