[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


Hello Engineers,

Solo roaming with 3 kits, Power/crit/thougness/Vita (in this order)
Hope you like it!



Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Daredent.2961


Great Video. I especially like that your constantly outnumbered and solo. I also like that you show yourself in fights where you die. Some you win and some you lose. But they are all fun to watch. Nicely done. Bravo!

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Tact.1053


Bravo. I picked up a few tweaks to my own build watching this video. You’re the kind of Engineer we need on this forum. Hat off to you sir.

[IHOP] 24/7 baby.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: MassRelay.9327


Can you talk about some of your favorite tactics, combos, etc? I see you have Elixir Gun in the build? How do you use that to it’s fullest potential?

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Coolest intro ever!

Real great video, and fun to watch fighting.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Netglen.7826


Nice video! Thank you for sharing it. I liked how the last opponent chickened out since he wasn’t an easy kill. That chicken’s leet skills must only shine in gank squads.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: mifbifgiggle.6713


I’m probably going to make some videos in the near feature showing some nice wvwing… as soon as i get my full exotics.

Mr Flintlock, lvl 80 Engineer
Jade Quarry Crusader
rock the elixirs.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolvards.6973


9:40 seconds…

Drops bomb, I think “ah no way”

Second later, thief HS to big ole bomb, “Is this going to happen?”

It happened.

Epic anticipation.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Fynos.8762


Top notch vid!! 11:57 is where it’s at haha.

The entirety of your gameplay throughout that video is just awesome to watch! keep it up.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


Thanks everyone for the nice words, glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Can you talk about some of your favorite tactics, combos, etc? I see you have Elixir Gun in the build? How do you use that to it’s fullest potential?

If possible, try to engage the fight where you can hide the line of sight..outnumbered actions never happend on a plain (that’s my main tactic i think)

I used “slick shoes” a lot before taking elixir gun, nice escape ability, but kits are so fun to use especially the jump “4” on the elixir gun, and the 5 give me a nice condition removal i was lacking in this build (cond removal a bit strange i must admit, sometimes remove all, sometimes not?)

You’re the kind of Engineer we need on this forum

Thanks dude
I can read english without problem, but writing is harder for me..
anyway i stay here , noprob

Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: seneschal.1530


9:40 is priceless.

I can see you have a lot of trait points into Explosives. Where did you put the rest of them? I have a hard time deciding between playing my guardian or engineer - this video is inspiring.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Zandur.5012


Nice reel. You have mad skills but a lot of what you are doing with kits seems achievable with gadgets / elixirs which saves you the GCD. Most use of kits is swap in, use one ability, swap out. And why the tool kit? Is it just for throw wrench?

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: mystaquetz.1746



Nice reel. You have mad skills but a lot of what you are doing with kits seems achievable with gadgets / elixirs which saves you the GCD. Most use of kits is swap in, use one ability, swap out. And why the tool kit? Is it just for throw wrench?

Welcome to life as an Engineer.

Cell Two
The Assassin’s Clan (TAC)

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


Nice video. I wish I could do grenades as easy as the OP on a consistent basis. Love the 9:40 kill

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Caramel Ham.4891

Caramel Ham.4891

Nice vid, arguably one of the best engineers i have seen. Even though i hate the engi with all the bugs, watching you play makes me want to play my engi again.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: MassRelay.9327


What is your source of Condition removal? Just Elixir Gun #5? Do you worry about conditions much?

I see your main heal is Turret plus its combo explosion? I just tested that out, it seems like a really nice combo. You can then immediately cast turret tool belt skill to stack regen some more.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Snoopy.3258


Big plays there and overall a really good video. May i ask what Runes are you using?

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


I can see you have a lot of trait points into Explosives. Where did you put the rest of them?

Firearms and tools mainly.
Swiftness on kit swap is always sloted when i go solo.
I really like “invigorating speed” in alchemy (vigor 5 sec when swiftness)

Nice reel. You have mad skills but a lot of what you are doing with kits seems achievable with gadgets / elixirs which saves you the GCD. Most use of kits is swap in, use one ability, swap out. And why the tool kit? Is it just for throw wrench?

Yes, maybe.
But kits are just funnier to use, with lower CD and variety of gameplay.
I try to use tool kit when there isn’t so much enemies or range only, but sometimes i don’t have time to change my utility before the fight.
Yes tool kit is nice for throw wrench, Block, Confusion stacks and snare (in this order for me)
Bomb kit is always good when there is a melee who chase me, and honnestly, i love bomb kit and always try to use it (sometimes i shouldn’t!)

Nice vid, arguably one of the best engineers i have seen. Even though i hate the engi with all the bugs, watching you play makes me want to play my engi again.

:) I return the compliment to Teldo..He is the guy who make me switch my elementalist to Engineer. Big up to him!

What is your source of Condition removal? Just Elixir Gun #5? Do you worry about conditions much?

Yes i only have skill5 on elixir gun and burst my target as fast as possible is , imo, the only way to go. (actually 80% of my enemies runs Power based builds, if it’s going to change over month then i’ll change my build)

Big plays there and overall a really good video. May i ask what Runes are you using?

Thanks, I don’t use runes in the video, only slotted Orbs (cheaper and good stats)
IMO runes are really good for the 6 pieces procs but i didn’t make enough tests to choose wich one suits my playstyle.

Again, thanks for the comments and i hope my english wasn’t so bad

Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Cempa.3645


Hello Engineers,

Solo roaming with 3 kits, Power/crit/thougness/Vita (in this order)
Hope you like it!



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[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Deified.7520


is there a way for you to post your traits on here? For some reason whenever i try to visit DB, i get this error and it wont load the page because “it has too many redirect loops”. Only website i get it on. No idea why.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


I know you said you go for power/crit/toughness/vitality in that order, but what prefix armor/jewelry do you wear?

Stuff goes here.

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: MentalPause.9183


I don’t post often on forums, if at all, however I thought it necessary here. I LOVED the video. It was well put together, especially the music, and the flow was fantastic. I appreciate the skill required for playing that way. Overall it was very refreshing and worth the look. Gave me a few ideas for what I may want to do in the future.

Fort Aspenwood WvW’er
Officer of Bloodwork [RED] http://bloodwork.boards.net/thread/145/interested-joining-red

[Video] Solo engineer in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Obeet.6785


yes my traits are : 30 / 20 / 0 / 10 / 10
(i copy/paste from Gwdb)
Forceful Explosives: Bombs and mines have a larger explosion radius.
Explosive Powder: Improves damage from explosions by 10%.
Grenadier: You throw grenades 25% farther, and you throw an extra grenade with each grenade kit skill.
Infused Precision: 50% chance to gain swiftness for 5 seconds on critical hits. This effect cannot trigger more than once every 5 seconds.
Hair Trigger: Rifle, pistol, and harpoon gun skills recharge 20% faster.
Invigorating Speed: When you gain swiftness, you also gain 5 seconds of vigor. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
Speedy Kits: Gain swiftness for 5 seconds when ever you equikittent. This effect cannot trigger more then once every 5 seconds.

Ps : it’s a “base” build sometimes i switch for 20 in tools, or 20 in alchemy.

[QUOTE]I know you said you go for power/crit/toughness/vitality in that order, but what prefix armor/jewelry do you wear?[/QUOTE]
When video was recorded, i had Full knight jewels.
My armor was a mix with : 2 citadell of flame (Power , precision , cond damage), 1 WvW (power, Toughness, Vita) and 3 Crafted berserk (Power , precision, crit damage)
All sloted with orb. (but differents orbs)
I had about ; 1400 Toughness, 18k HP, 40% crit, rest in power.


I don’t post often on forums, if at all, however I thought it necessary here. I LOVED the video. It was well put together, especially the music, and the flow was fantastic. I appreciate the skill required for playing that way. Overall it was very refreshing and worth the look. Gave me a few ideas for what I may want to do in the future.


What a nice comment
Stay tunned on my Youtube account, another vid is coming, But this time it will be Group play (5 vs x)

Asura engineer//Human Warrior [Psy]

Outnumbered actions : http://www.youtube.com/user/Fiascot