WTF with armor and classes jesus...come on
isnt it the medium version that has the aviator helm? that strikes me as very engi
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
yeah it looks engi but if you compare the light one looks more engi cant deny it
Idk about that I think the medium looks more engie than the light. Though heavy looks the best, especially those gauntlets
Holy run-on sentence.
I don’t know what you’re flaming about, or if you’re just vying for attention. But I think the devs did it right with these armor sets. They all scream steam punk, but at the same time each one suits the correct armor types. Even if people think they are ‘ugly’ you cannot deny the amount of work that went into these. Plus, this could mean that we may start seeing more armor skins soon.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
wtf kitten dude im not screaming for attention, ok all are great armor but all im saying and a lot of people think like me trust me that light armor look more for an enginner than the medium one same with dredge armor sets all im saying is that necros Mesmer and eles gonna look more like an engineer than engis that all …..oh look that an engii..not is a necro
yeah it looks engi but if you compare the light one looks more engi cant deny it
Sure can: It doesn’t.
There, done.
And exactly what pieces of the new light armor makes you think should belong on medium?
I, too, deny it.
Medium armor looks like proper engineer armor. Aviator cap, items actually hanging from the belt for once, and by long Johnson, those gloves and shoulders look delicious. Light… just looks like someone took a skirt and painted some gears on it.
Of the heavy variant, I only really like the gloves anyway.
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the helm should belong to medium
and that not the armor I saw the one I saw is diferent let me get a link that armor is what im talking about
Scroll down to the first comment and wham, there’s the image I linked.
It’s a better one as it shows how it looks with actual coloring.
Le edit: Here’s another good picture that doesn’t feature the garish default coloring: (medium, blue and brass-ish, human female)
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(edited by Jigain.8231)
the helm should belong to medium
Idk I like the medium helm more, the light ones look like they give my charr kitten eyes, though they would have been perfect if they used the same yellow lenses as the medium one. Though the medium has its own problems for me too, they’re oddly shaped, especially with my horns
Medium helm on male charr reminds me of head-phones with shades.
I do like that horns show, wish more helms showed the horns for my charr eng.
Medium helm on male charr reminds me of head-phones with shades.
I do like that horns show, wish more helms showed the horns for my charr eng.
Yes! Thats exactly what it reminds me of too!
wtf kitten dude im not screaming for attention, ok all are great armor but all im saying and a lot of people think like me trust me that light armor look more for an enginner than the medium one same with dredge armor sets all im saying is that necros Mesmer and eles gonna look more like an engineer than engis that all …..oh look that an engii..not is a necro
That’s all a matter of opinion. Even if they were to switch the light and medium armor sets, just as many people would be crying over the light armor getting the “Engineer” armor.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The problem i have is that it feels a lot like the crucible armor, and that one is boring.
The female medium is great! But the male on the other hand….booooring…
Why can’t we have a bowtie too?
As for the light vs medium, its researchers armor all over again.
Why does the charr have the googles over their eyes while humans for example instead are left with only the superhero mask over their face?
How can one get this new armor? I can’t log into the game until the weekend.
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist
I honestly dunno why they made us medium in teh first place. They should have just made us the third heavy class.
LOL heavy. That would fit a charr and that’s it. We’re fine as medium.
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist
I honestly dunno why they made us medium in teh first place. They should have just made us the third heavy class.
Apparently engineer was heavy during the early beta…
Honestly, armor should be disconnected from profession and instead tied into endurance regen. Heavier armor, lower regen.
Have to say after looking at it, heavy does look more engineerish and it would make sense to change us back honestly. Those gloves alone are well worth getting a whole new armor set imo. I’d gladly go free some temples to get a new set for that armor.
Change us back to heavy please or change the looks so they look more like an engineer with more gears on the medium armor because that looks terrible atm.
@agrael finally someone see it ty
I just want the light helm for my engineer. It looks amazing on a little asura.
But in the long run I think the medium armor fits an engineer better than the light one would.
wtf kitten dude im not screaming for attention
I wouldnt say screaming, you didnt even use caps. You clearly do what attention or you wouldnt be making angry outrageous claims in some form of pigeon english, on a public forum about currently unreleased gear.
And I also deny your claim that the light armor looks more like an engineer.
Light is classic Steampunk evening wear, Medium looks like Leather steampunk racing, Heavy looks like some form of Steampunk Tank Artillery wear.
I really dont see what your getting at, at all.
light armor looks more for an engineer, no goggles for medium armor :/
Yes actually, they are resting on the the top of the medium helmet.
Pro tip: if you want to get anywhere using internet forums, L2GRAMMAR.
bunch of trolls and smart kitten , kid /end threat man people arent serious these days thet just want attention and to troll nvm see ya all and ty for reply
The aesthetic differences between the light and medium sets are less obvious on the male version of the armor, which is also the version that the Asura and Charr wear. If you look at same sets on a humanoid female, the differences are extremely obvious. I like the medium set for my engi; I hope these skins are released soon!
While we are complaining I’ma throw this out.
First with charr cof shoulders and now this. Why do the male charr always get stuck with the lame shoulders >:( Though at least its all the males this time