Wandering Engineer

Wandering Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Kryank.8069


Hi All,
just started live streaming my WvW roaming and have put my first video together of some highligts from the last couple of days.


please be gentle and let me have some feedback about my playstyle.

cheers all

Proud Member of [TaG] Gunnar’s Hold (EU)

Wandering Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


Amazing video!! What build are you running now on Zergs?

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

Wandering Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: blutstein.2468


nice vid!

only thing worth mentioning regarding your playstyle is a bit to much backpedaling. You would be often safer if you would strafe instead.

btw running the same utilities myself but power based, using 20/30/0/0/20, lot of fun!

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

(edited by blutstein.2468)

Wandering Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Kryank.8069


Amazing video!! What build are you running now on Zergs?

Thanks for the comments in our guild runs I tend to run Necro or Warrior tbh, but im thinking of forcing my Engineer on them soon in Pug zergs i tend to just siwtch out toolkit for grenades and swap out short fuse trait for grenadier thats mainly because i try and roam all the time but if i see a zerg taking a tower etc then i will join them to leech but im not WP’ing to retrait :P

@ Blutstein yeah i need to work on my movement a little ive switched to using a Razer Nostramus recently and i love it but the movement still takes a bit of getting use to.

Thanks for the comments though guys

Proud Member of [TaG] Gunnar’s Hold (EU)