Wanting advice on Engineer training

Wanting advice on Engineer training

in Engineer

Posted by: MusicGamer.4861


So I’ve been trying to train an Engineer lately (‘cause I’d been wanting to play around with that class for a while now), but I’m at a loss for what stats to emphasize (i.e. power, vitality, etc). With the other classes I’ve tried, it’s been a little more straightforward – Emphasize power/vit/tough for Guardian, prec/condition damage for thief, etc – but I’m not entirely sure as to the Engineer’s purpose, and thus I’m not sure what direction to take him.
Could someone give me a few pointers?

Wanting advice on Engineer training

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Engi can take few different ways, most common is probably condi with rabid gear and then power with zerk. But it depends where you want use that engi we have entirely different builds for general PvE, dungs, WvW and SPvP

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Wanting advice on Engineer training

in Engineer

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

You can honestly even stack Healing power and use EiB and face tank even dungeon champs as long as you dodge their big gimmicks. Im actually building a givers set myself for boonturret build. so really, you can do ANYTHING with engineer.