Warning: Do not roll an engineer

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sergiowp.4736


EH…. i will always play them no matter what.. :/ x2 pistol condition works well for me in pvp

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Wasdclick.1764


So every elementalist, for your reference, effectively has 8 kits available to them in addition to ALL of their utility skills in ANY build.

Unless there was a crazy patch for elementalists in the last 24 hours… I’m pretty sure Elementalists can’t switch weapons.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


Soo, I should feel bad about rolling an engineer?

Absolutely not. Just realize it’s not a faceroll profession. There is a huge difference between an average engineer, and an amazing engineer.

There are many classes that aren’t “faceroll” professions. Elementalists and mesmers come to mind. According to Anet, elementalists are much more versatile then we are. And they do more damage. And they can have comparable survivabillity to our best bunker builds. And they get to keep their secondary weapon set, which in turn gives them, effectively, 4 kits per weapon slot.

So every elementalist, for your reference, effectively has 8 kits available to them in addition to ALL of their utility skills in ANY build. Moreover, their kits are customizable by weapon selection. There are 5 possible weapon combinations for the elementalist. So when making their build, the elementalist gets its choice of 2 out of 5 sets of 4 kits. So, they get to choose 8 kits out of a possible 20.

And they get to keep their utility skills. And the skills from those “kits” are generally better (many of our kits have nerfed versions of ele skills).

It is really difficult to overstate how much flexibility and offensive/defensive power we give up by having only 1 weapon slot. A 1 Kit engineer has fewer skills, overall, than say a mesmer. Moreover, the mesmer skills are generally much more powerful and/or have much more utillity than most engineer builds.

In a game consisting of nothing but hybrid classes, we are the only class that pays hybrid tax. And we aren’t even the most versatile of the hybrids. Or the most powerful in offense or deffense Will a good engineer prevail over a mediocre ele? Sure, but a good player from profession x will always prevail over a mediocre player from profession y.

This Potato knows what his talking about

A Good engineer will Kill A mediocre X Profession

A good engineer VS A Good X Proffesion we all know this one

And people always Post this DUMB excuses I can kill Mesmer i can kill thief i can 1V1 like anyone explained Engineer like it cant move or do any Damage at all

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


I need to start making videos and streaming so you people can see what a good engineer is. I mean regardless of the videos that keep getting made and posted you guys are all in denial about the profession.

Maybe engineer just isn’t for you?

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


I need to start making videos and streaming so you people can see what a good engineer is. I mean regardless of the videos that keep getting made and posted you guys are all in denial about the profession.

Maybe engineer just isn’t for you?

Go a head and show me how pro you are and dont hide behind a zerg or a team show me that SUPERIOR Engineer 1V1 Macheting off GOOD Players

then i will delete all my posts if you kill people who are stupid delete your weak engineer

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


oh i’m sorry. substitute vulnerability maintenance with numerous immobilizes (one of the best conditions in pvp), and a big stun. point still stands.

also reread that last sentence and then tell me who the real moron is.


its still you

re read what i said i stand corrected until you can beat my mesmer in spvp

so you think pve balancing is moronic but 1v1 balancing is ok? lol. engis are fine. l2p. etc etc

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuruptz.4782


oh i’m sorry. substitute vulnerability maintenance with numerous immobilizes (one of the best conditions in pvp), and a big stun. point still stands.

also reread that last sentence and then tell me who the real moron is.


its still you

re read what i said i stand corrected until you can beat my mesmer in spvp

so you think pve balancing is moronic but 1v1 balancing is ok? lol. engis are fine. l2p. etc etc

i never said 1v1 balancing you were the one bla bla bla bla boss bla bla stack bla bla bla

you said you got Best conditions and Numerous of immobolizes and vuln maintance go ahead and show me how much you can control me

with beat my mesmer i meant go ahead and show me everything looks OK on paper Show me instead i know how to play engineer but id like you to show me or you just write random crap that we got?

(edited by Kuruptz.4782)

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


In a game consisting of nothing but hybrid classes, we are the only class that pays hybrid tax. And we aren’t even the most versatile of the hybrids. Or the most powerful in offense or deffense Will a good engineer prevail over a mediocre ele? Sure, but a good player from profession x will always prevail over a mediocre player from profession y.

So true.. so true indeed.

And to the kitten posters in this thread, reread my original post. I readily admit that I do win the majority of my 1v1 encounters, but that is in spite of the engineer profession not because of the engineer profession.

To the person who said maybe engineer isn’t for me, I’m one of the very first engineers ever created in this game, play the class as my main and win WAY more than I lose.

I’m not quitting the profession, just warning people away from the class who are fooled by the lure of broken promises, and unfulfilled potential.

So I repeat myself, if you want to play a profession that requires you to work harder than most simply to be on less than equal footing, roll an engineer.

Roll it if you are interested in the challenge of being the underdog.

But caveat emptor… let the buyer beware.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Raideen.5973


I need to start making videos and streaming so you people can see what a good engineer is. I mean regardless of the videos that keep getting made and posted you guys are all in denial about the profession.

Maybe engineer just isn’t for you?

It would also be fair if you would preface that you see yourself as a professional gamer. 90%+ people who play this game are not. And no where does it say when creating a class that you will need to have certain professional skills to perform at the same level as other classes. This is the fundamental point you are missing.

Does the engineer require more skill than every other class in GW2, sure…but it’s not publicized which leaves the casual customer at a disadvantage if they choose to pick the engineer. In GW2, this also means a waste of real money if you purchase and convert gems into gold, as this game is not designed for farming and has code built in to prohibit farming.

Bottom line is engineer is not on par with other classes for 90% of the player base and is not publicized with a certain skill level and time requirement to do as well vs any other class who can just pick it up and run with it. This is misleading to the customer and shady business practice. A dishonorable way to make money.

But, I don’t personally see arena net in that light, being shady or dishonest. This can only leave us with one thing.

Engineers are broken.

(edited by Raideen.5973)

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Grizor.6543


May as well rename my engineer to “miner” now, all he does is mine ori ore in southsun while my warrior and guard run dungeons.

Don’t really care about sPvP, that part of the game is pretty dead.

Grizor – Charr Engineer – Gandara

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


Elementalists do not have a second weapon slot. They get 1 weapon and 4 ‘kits’ (technically 3, since they do not have a default weapon slot that isn’t attuned). They also do not have the luxury of picking and choosing kits based on their playstyle as well as choosing what weapon they want to use. Furthermore, they cannot switch freely between their kits because attunements use a cooldown system.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


In a game consisting of nothing but hybrid classes, we are the only class that pays hybrid tax. And we aren’t even the most versatile of the hybrids. Or the most powerful in offense or deffense Will a good engineer prevail over a mediocre ele? Sure, but a good player from profession x will always prevail over a mediocre player from profession y.

So true.. so true indeed.

And to the kitten posters in this thread, reread my original post. I readily admit that I do win the majority of my 1v1 encounters, but that is in spite of the engineer profession not because of the engineer profession.

To the person who said maybe engineer isn’t for me, I’m one of the very first engineers ever created in this game, play the class as my main and win WAY more than I lose.

I’m not quitting the profession, just warning people away from the class who are fooled by the lure of broken promises, and unfulfilled potential.

So I repeat myself, if you want to play a profession that requires you to work harder than most simply to be on less than equal footing, roll an engineer.

Roll it if you are interested in the challenge of being the underdog.

But caveat emptor… let the buyer beware.

I wouldn’t have a problem with this if it was true.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


I don’t understand how you can be such a veteran of mmos but still be so bad at playing an engi.

I’m not sure if this post was directed at me, but if you go back to reread my original post I specifically stated that I make the most out of the limitations inherent to the engineer profession, and win WAY more 1v1 encounters than I lose.

In order to do this however, in most instances, even against unskilled opponents, you have to do MUCH more to win. Why is this? Because the engineer is significantly under-powered in comparison, many of the core elements of our design are bugged, and/or are not working as intended. In addition, the devs keep killing the profession with 1,000s of cuts. For example, have you ever heard ANYONE complain about how overpowered grenades were, and how they needed a nerf. No. Because they were never overpowered. In beta out pistol damage was nerfed. Elixir gun heals have been nerfed. The list of unresolved bugs has a stickied thread that is pages long. Frustrating doesn’t begin to describe it.

To compensate for these issues I have created a VERY narrow build breaking down the engineer profession into its most basic terms in order to achieve that success. In doing so I had to forgo most of what appealed to me about the engineer profession in the first place.

This is the point of the thread… not that engineers can’t succeed: we can.

We just have to be more skilled to do it, and even then there are going to be some match-ups that you simply will have very little (if any) success against.


But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Pizz.3698


Not sure if post was meant for PvE or PvP, but engineers have totally viable PvE builds…

They have the best healing build (elixir infused bomb kit, Elixir gun (super elixir x2), they can give up to 1min of regen easy) that’S not including runes and sigils.

If you have an asura engi, you can keep 5-6 stacks of bleed, unlimited burning, poision, 80% of the time 3 stacks of confusion. If you had static discharge, you can actually destroy group of mobs and you do fine in boss fight. Agreed it requires you to sit at mid range, or to be really good at going in and out of melee range. Of course, playing a shatter mesmer will allow you to reach something similar sitting at 1200 range without even breaking a sweat, but it’S no where superior to asura-engi in conditions.

I would like to see what build have you tried and compared it to what build/class before making your statement.


Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Please give an example of dungeon where use of elixir bombs or stationary super elixir field is viable.

AC and CoF are speed-run dungeons. They prefer all out dps to faceroll everything.

Arah and higher level fractals actually demand players to constantly kite and to stay spread out all the time. Stop and group up – and you’ll recieve a bouncing aoe to the face that will wipe everyone (maybe except guardians, but why would you need a support engi if you have a guardian anyways).

EU Aurora Glade

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


The facts really do speak for themselves. Check out that thread for more facts on why you should not roll an engineer if you are new to this game and considering a class.

I. An Introduction
II. What’s wrong with Engineers?
III. Skills
IV. Traits
V. New Traits
VI. Downed State
VII. Underwater Combat
VIII. Elite Skills
IX. Things that are fine that you might think are bad

I. Introduction

Engineer has got some problems. Other classes aren’t just too strong (which is a huge problem), but we also do need a tiny boost in some areas; we’re not far from being a very balanced class.

In tPvP, Engineer is out of the meta. As the game has progressed, more and more players have found that playing an Engineer is the difficult way to get a job done. And, again, other overpowered classes are just completely nullifying Engineers in team fights and in 1v1.

While the profession is very versatile in how it can build, it is very limited by each build. For example, if I want to play high burst, I cannot still have huge control and support. Engineers choose how they want to play and then are limited by utility skills and weapon sets; this is by design. Engineers don’t get to swap weapons. If we want to emulate weapon swapping, we pick up Weapon Kits but then we lose some Utility Skill slots. That said, I genuinely don’t believe that the Engineer design philosophy fits with what the profession is right now.

That is why I’m making this post. Below are suggestions for the class that are not all necessary to bring us back to a competitive level. That said, this is also only the start. Some of them may even be too strong. Let’s talk about them.

II. What’s wrong with Engineers?

  1. Bugs
    Engineers have an alarming number of class bugs that significantly affect their usability. This is the single biggest issue with Engineer right now. Without some bug fixes, Engineers will continue to be confused and underplayed.
  2. Lack of accurate descriptions on traits and skills
    Another contributing factor to people being confused about Engineer. It’s difficult enough that many things are bugged, but the lack of proper descriptions leaves a lot of people who want to play Engineer completely in the dark about how the class is intended to function. This leads to a lot frustration. Some of the above mentioned bugs are definitely not bugs and I’m aware of that. But I can’t argue that they’re not bugs when the descriptions leave a lot to guessing.
  3. Weak traits
    Many of our tier 3 traits simply lack the power to be in tier 3. This is seen by comparing our traits to other classes and even our own traits. In this post I will make suggestions for these.
  4. Lack of survival options
    We do have some great survival traits but they are very limiting and pigeon-holing. For example, if we want condition removal, Alchemy traits and Elixir skills are the best and only way for reliable condition removal. We need more active AND passive condition removal outside of these options. Suggestions below.
  5. Low damage
    Mesmer and Thief have incredible survival tools and this allows them to play as classes with the best damage and the best survival at the same time. Engineers don’t need their damage output to match these classes, but we do need some help to make our balanced builds more threatening without being overpowered.
  6. Weak Kits
    This is why we have low damage. You’re probably aware that Engineers don’t get to switch weapon sets in combat. Even if we could, we only have 3 weapons we can use. Kits are incredibly important for our utility but many skills on kits are bugged or weak and they don’t offer proper supplements to our weapon sets.
  7. Bugs?
    Did I mention there are a lot of bugs? They are in desperate need of attention.


But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Irikami.6270


Well, the engi is not the best DPS of the game, but is really good in “stay alive”, with a cond pistol build i can easily kill any class, even in x2 against 80 geared. The nerfs was really sad but is not the end of the world, if you know how to use the engi you’ll see how peoples die fast and u not. I think the biggest problem of the engii is between the chair and the monitor. Just saying.

Artien Ni, Engineer
Naraku no Kitsune, Necromancer
Fort Aspenwood (GODS)

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


It’s amazing how many people have suddenly become complacent about how wrong the nerfs across the board without a single fix to on-land gameplay all in the name of spvp. Really? No it’s not alright, none of the other classes have to play a piano piece to do what we do everyday not even Eles do, and none of the other classes have to pay the prices we’ve paid to play this class. This is wrong in so many ways. If this class was working 90% as well as the other ones or even had the fluidity of the other classes because more time was spent on them to make them more fluid in their attack combos then they could nerf us, until then they need to buff us to help this class keep up. Too many misses in this class as it is.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


The attack combos ARE fluid, they’re just not brain dead 2-button wonders like most other classes in this game bar eles. I don’t have any problem with fluidity when switching between kits. As opposed to other classes where I have to wait a crippling 9 seconds between switching to one set of skills and another.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: waeren.9743


If you’re playing large scale WvW then the OP is correct.

The sole reason for playing my engi is the vulnerability stacking, if you’re ok with doing just that then feel free to roll one.
If not then any class other then thief/ranger should give you a lot more fun.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Well, the engi is not the best DPS of the game, but is really good in “stay alive”, with a cond pistol build i can easily kill any class, even in x2 against 80 geared. The nerfs was really sad but is not the end of the world, if you know how to use the engi you’ll see how peoples die fast and u not. I think the biggest problem of the engii is between the chair and the monitor. Just saying.

actually no.
To take your own example: if another profession builds to stay alive, he will most likely have an easier time doing that.
While still being more dangerous.

That’s what it is about: we can do it all, but we can’t do anything best.
Not even being ‘versatile’.

For every single thing an engineer can do well, he has to sacrifice almost every other aspect of ‘being versatile’.
And than he still is beaten in that specific task by other professions building for the same.

We need more traits that work on more kits at the same time for example.
Traits are scattered all over, it’s very hard to come up with a versatile build that is not weak in everything.

For example: why isn’t there a single kit with a stun breaker?
This means we are losing one skill slot right there, which immediately means the build ends up a lot less versatile.

We have several ways of condition removal, but only a few of those are strong enough to rely on.

So an engineer build in pvp (and one could argue in pve as well) would need both a stun breaker and a condition removal that is reliable for example.
This means you have NO versatility left.

Another example: grenades are incredibly weak without going 30 points in explosives.
So any build wanting ranged aoe needs to sacrifice 30 points just to have that one task.
This means your build will never end up being ‘versatile’.

The best engineer builds are the most specified ones:
rifle power-crit
Tank cat
p/p condition
boon-might support
healing support

None of these builds are good at much more than their main purpose.
And for the record: all of these builds can be done better by other professions.

Engineers have no versatile builds that come close to these in effectiveness.
THAT is the main problem.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


I decided play around with my lowbie thief again over the weekend. Got the thief up to 60 and I am amazed at how much for survivable a level 60 thief is in wvw as compared to my fully geared p/v/t and defensively traited engineer.

I mean seriously.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Havidos.9328


I agree with the orginal poster on this topic. I have an 80 Warrior/Thief/Ranger/Guardian/Engineer and I can say out of all of those 5 classes, the Engineer is by far the worst class. Sure some of the abilities are fun and kiting Champions around with your bombs is funny, but overall, the class is seriously lacking in a specialized ability.

Rangers = Pet/STRONG range DPS
Warriors = Extreme Toughness
Guardians = Toughness+Healing
Thief=BURST DPS+Invisibility
Engineers= mix match of turrents/grenades/weapons. It’s like a jack of all trades, but master of none. While this sounds ideal, it’s not, when you have to spec into a category. I.e. If you wanted to use turrents, you would spec mostly for that, leaving your grenades somewhat weak if you had to switch to them. So technically it’s not a jack of all trades, if you have to keep switch talents.

Bottom line, Engineer is weak and needs some type of benefit to a group. Maybe more weapon choices other than pistol/rifle and thats it.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Felicela.2810


Is it wrong I just rolled my second one? I love this class despite its flaws, and decided I hated the way my current one looked(Sylvari) so rerolled a new one.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Is it wrong I just rolled my second one? I love this class despite its flaws, and decided I hated the way my current one looked(Sylvari) so rerolled a new one.

despite all my critisism, I can totally understand that.

I love the profession, I really do.
And I would want nothing more than seeing engineers have acces to versatile builds that can perform well just because they are versatile…

Add at least one stun breaker to kits.
Merge traits effecting kits more.
Increase ranges on several kit abilities.
Increase damage on a few kits.

That’s where our versatility lies.
That’s where the improvements are needed.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Unfortunatly the devs seem to think they are taking this profession in the right direction. And want Engineer to simply be worst then everyone else at, well… everything.
If you find a build that can rival, or heavens forbid outperform, another profession you can expect a nerf. Infact, im expecting quite a few more nerfs in the near future.

Untill the devs critically rethink the design begind the Engineer and come to realize the fundamental flaws they are building it upon, we will not see the needed positive change.

To put it short, you wont get any buffs untill the devs first realize their filosophy for Engineer is wrong.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Welswift.9813


To put it short, you wont get any buffs untill the devs first realize their filosophy for Engineer is wrong.

Good one.

So I rolled a warrior, got them to level 28, and couldn’t stand it. I really don’t care what you guys say, but spend less time on the forums and more time in game. This terrible, “High Skill Level” we keep talking about is NOT HARD. Seriously. The Engineer class is amazing and fun. You want to sit at your computer and press four attack buttons to do well on a warrior? DO IT. I will be having a blast on my Engineer, just enjoying blowing stuff up.

- Can kill people 1v1 in WvW. All these “Amazing Classes” have their “Amazing Specs” that are “Amazing 1v1”. And, guess what, everyone wants to be “Amazing.” So predictable. We have dodges, we have blocks. These classes are faceroll, and they roll their faces the same way every time. The difficulty to learn how to respond is minimal, but yes, you do have to respond, you can’t just tap keys in the same way every time.

- Are Accepted in PvE Engineers are NOT Biased against in PvE or Fractals. I was asking a guild group what they needed for upper-level Fractals groups and they said: A non-glass cannon with plenty of AR and that are good with their feet. The class really doesn’t matter. " Seems like the spec that matters honestly. Only thing that seems to be discriminated against is stupidity.

-Are Great in sPvP. I have done A lot of sPvP, and Engineers are really great at this. Bunker builds have only improved after the last patch, you should not have been using grenades anyways. Engineers bring a unique ability to take a point under an enemy’s feet, and can bring the damage necessary to kill enemies timely in a 1v1.

Engineers have a low skill floor, hence all the complaining. We also have a very high skill cap. Yes, other classes can do well by pressing less buttons. If you are honestly overwhelmed by Engineers, then go play a faceroll class. We just really aren’t that overwhelming.

If there’s a will, there’s a way, and the way is clear as day. People who understand this Philosophy will dominate with Engineers just fine.


Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


The point is not about being “biased against”.

It’s about the feel of profession.

When you play other classes you can feel the idea. The fluid rotation of skills. The synergy of utilities. You can see the concept behind traits.

With engineers I sometime feel it’s a random mash up of barely working things. And we actually need to struggle against our class designs to put up something usefull.

Saying that eni’s fine is really, really stubborn or simply trolling.

EU Aurora Glade

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Raideen.5973


To put it short, you wont get any buffs untill the devs first realize their filosophy for Engineer is wrong.

Good one.

So I rolled a warrior, got them to level 28, and couldn’t stand it. I really don’t care what you guys say, but spend less time on the forums and more time in game. This terrible, “High Skill Level” we keep talking about is NOT HARD. Seriously. The Engineer class is amazing and fun. You want to sit at your computer and press four attack buttons to do well on a warrior? DO IT. I will be having a blast on my Engineer, just enjoying blowing stuff up.

- Can kill people 1v1 in WvW. All these “Amazing Classes” have their “Amazing Specs” that are “Amazing 1v1”. And, guess what, everyone wants to be “Amazing.” So predictable. We have dodges, we have blocks. These classes are faceroll, and they roll their faces the same way every time. The difficulty to learn how to respond is minimal, but yes, you do have to respond, you can’t just tap keys in the same way every time.

- Are Accepted in PvE Engineers are NOT Biased against in PvE or Fractals. I was asking a guild group what they needed for upper-level Fractals groups and they said: A non-glass cannon with plenty of AR and that are good with their feet. The class really doesn’t matter. " Seems like the spec that matters honestly. Only thing that seems to be discriminated against is stupidity.

-Are Great in sPvP. I have done A lot of sPvP, and Engineers are really great at this. Bunker builds have only improved after the last patch, you should not have been using grenades anyways. Engineers bring a unique ability to take a point under an enemy’s feet, and can bring the damage necessary to kill enemies timely in a 1v1.

Engineers have a low skill floor, hence all the complaining. We also have a very high skill cap. Yes, other classes can do well by pressing less buttons. If you are honestly overwhelmed by Engineers, then go play a faceroll class. We just really aren’t that overwhelming.

If there’s a will, there’s a way, and the way is clear as day. People who understand this Philosophy will dominate with Engineers just fine.


Nice PR move…but the community as a whole seems to agree with the “engineers broken” idea more than yours…even people who don’t play engineers say they are broken.

The proof is in the pudding.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Welswift.9813


I am not saying that we are fine. I am saying that we are not broken. I still think they need to really improve on the class. I agree that we don’t have a solid theme, but we can still piece together some great outputs.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


That’s what people are saying throughout the forums.

All we can do is piece together some working things. That’s “broken” in my book.

And we want to be a wholesome profession.

EU Aurora Glade

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: WithoutAssumption.7936


I am not saying that we are fine. I am saying that we are not broken. I still think they need to really improve on the class. I agree that we don’t have a solid theme, but we can still piece together some great outputs.


This thread would like to have a word with you about how not broken the Engineer profession is.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Welswift.9813


The bugs can be avoided, with some excellent results.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I am not saying that we are fine. I am saying that we are not broken. I still think they need to really improve on the class. I agree that we don’t have a solid theme, but we can still piece together some great outputs.

So i guess this doesn’t mean anything to you? If i could take a picture of what it’s like for the explosion radius bug i would. I have screens of the discharge bug, and of the fumigate bug as well. If i could record a video and convert it to a gif to show you how many bullets and how many grenades it takes to kill 1 mob would be believe me then?

It’s not too much to ask that the class function properly is it? because we did pay to play this game last i recall.

What you are seeing is me moving to the right inch by inch. When the guy on the left beyond your view isn’t getting hit and the other guy isn’t getting hit even tho he’s been smothered with multiple shots of the #1 ability. This screen was after 4 shots of missing.


Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: WithoutAssumption.7936


The bugs can be avoided, with some excellent results.

I can ride the bus when my car won’t start. That doesn’t mean the car works.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


My thief is about to ding 76.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Just finished my thief, and got it fully geared (minus ascended). Simply ridiculous as compared to the engineer, and it has more hitpoints.

It is going to be REALLY hard to justify playing the engineer in wvw now.

Arenanet, if you’re listening, fix the engineer class, or simply delete it.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Pizz.3698


Please give an example of dungeon where use of elixir bombs or stationary super elixir field is viable.

AC and CoF are speed-run dungeons. They prefer all out dps to faceroll everything.

Arah and higher level fractals actually demand players to constantly kite and to stay spread out all the time. Stop and group up – and you’ll recieve a bouncing aoe to the face that will wipe everyone (maybe except guardians, but why would you need a support engi if you have a guardian anyways).

From AC to CoE, most trash pulls and boss fights are doable in melee range, so elixir infused bomb kit + super elixir + perma regen makes it a joke.

Starting Fractals, elixir infused bomb kit is mostly useful for trash, though you’Re really underestimating super elixir. In a non-stationnary fight 2x super elixir can provide 1 or 2 allies 637×2 initial heal + around 268×2 for 1 pulse + healing turret and elixir gun toolbelt which gives a total of 11second of regen(290 a tick, but let’s only count 1 tick) + dropping your healing turret (sigil of water or flock) hitting for 1.3k heal + exploding your healing turret giving you a water blast finisher also hitting for about 1k heal which totals for 4,4k spike heal over 3-4 seconds and that is assuming that your ally leaves the field after 1 second and that’s not including regen, or your supply crate medkits, etc. All that healing also allows you to heal a group through agony easily if they dont have rings (mostly referring to Jade Maw’s)

You also have 2 immoblizes, 2 knockbacks, a smoke field (AoE blind), a stun, toss elixir R and the ability to tank mobs (really usefull in the rata-sum fractal, i often tank the Ettin while my team kills the other one). Also, being in a group that gives me fury most of the time i can still do legitimate damage.

In conclusion, if you’Re running a fractal with a group on vent, being stationnary for 2-3 seconds is more than enough to heal a good amount to people that need it, keeping a 290 heal per second to most of your party for whole fights and the ability to withstand a lot of hits while rezzing a party member (dropping 2 super elixir on yourself while rezzing) makes a full cleric engineer a great addition to a group. Then again, that’s my own opinion.


Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Trash mobs are trash mobs. It doesn’t even matter what are you doing with them. They just die. Only dps is needed for them.

Ettin? You’re kidding me? I can kite him with my eyes closed, while throwing grenades on the shaman. Or better still just use thief to drop his aggro. This is really an example of how not needed all this engi supportish stuff is.

No one needs a dedicated healer. Have you ever seen someone looking for a healer? It’s redundant. It has very little returns compared to the risk involved in trying to stand in the SE field. Again – trash mobs are irrelevant. If you waste time healing someone on them you’re wasting the time of the whole party.

Full cleric engi is like “yay we now have 20% less dps (30%+ considering the ’nades vuln stacking)”. But feel free to continue knocking back bosses and keeping them perma-CCed while your paty sits inside the se field and heals all the agony.

I just don’t like the whole engi profession being looked down at because of useless builds people are using and stubbornly insisting that they are doing “ligitimate damage”.

EU Aurora Glade

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


Don’t listen to the OP. He just have no idea how to correctly play an Engy, that’s all. It’s a great class, and definetly pulls it’s weight.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


Kuruptz, that doesn’t matter. Much of their usefulness is barred by the CD on their attunments. Sure, they can blaze through all their attunments and use the best needed skills out of them for the situation – But they can’t just go right back to them and use the rest of the skills that’s also useful. Say you need to knock someone down, you do that, switch to fire to damage him, take damage, go to water to heal, you heal up, but upps, earth still on CD, fire still on CD. Switching weapons don’t help that.

Engineers on the other hand can do the same proceedure I just described then go right back to whatever in their loadout that is most needed, barred by nothing else than skill CD. They can just cycle back and forth through cooldowns and needed skills at a much faster rate. And please don’t ask me what skills are needed most, for I have no idea how you play – Only how I play.

And Engineers can faceroll lol – I suggest you look it up.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


Just finished my thief, and got it fully geared (minus ascended). Simply ridiculous as compared to the engineer, and it has more hitpoints.

It is going to be REALLY hard to justify playing the engineer in wvw now.

Arenanet, if you’re listening, fix the engineer class, or simply delete it.

Funny how I keep stomping thieves in both spvp and wvwvw then, haha.
Go up against a good engy and enjoy getting trashed.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


OP is absolutely right. It’s not just a 30% nerf it’s a nerf across the board. Unless this is prep for an upcoming fix to allow all kits to scale with gear we’re going to continue to see fewer and fewer people play this class. It’s really not that difficult to see. (speaking of PVE that is.)

To the elitists that keep posting:

Thanks so much for supporting the other players that don’t pvp by completely missing the point of this post and other posts like them complaining about all of the bugs.

Thanks for showing us that your niche build works so well in pvp while pve players are suffering.

Thanks for supporting your community by not contributing to the outrage of being ignored for 4 months. (Altho I do have to thank JonPeters for adding sigils that was a much awaited boost)

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: raahk.2786


It’s extremely disheartening to hear people defending the current state of the engineer. It is currently the weakest, most bugged profession in the game, and has been since launch.
It might be that the reason why nothing is being fixed with the engineer is because there are still many people who feel as if their profession is still as viable as the others.

It just flat out isn’t.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Guss.2504


If I’m honest, I’m a pretty old player (Since the BWE’s), but I never really got round to rolling an engineer. My main, a thief, was notably ridiculous when it came to PvP, so much so that I got no enjoyment out of it, even in PvE environments.

I recently rolled an engineer to level to my next 80, and I am having a blast. There may be complaints at endgame, and weakness in PvP does feel like a LITTLE bit of an issue (I actually really enjoy the support role I’m performing in) I would urge new players to definitely invest some time in the engineer, if only to see if you enjoy it or not.

Heck, something must have gotten most of you to 80

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


Funny how I keep stomping thieves in both spvp and wvwvw then, haha.
Go up against a good engy and enjoy getting trashed.

That a good player will beat an average or bad player is entirely irrelvant, what matters in regards to balance is that in tPvP for example a good engy will be outperformed by a good guardian as a bunker, a good engy will be outperformed by a good thief as a roamer, etc.

(edited by Sylosi.6503)

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Shinya.8014


So much conplaining…….. Grrrr…
Yes Engineer is Difficult to PvP with.
Yes Engineer has a Few bugs
No they’re Awsome PVE’rs
No, if you’re à New player, just go and create one!
Engineer is kitten!

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


So much conplaining…….. Grrrr…
Yes Engineer is Difficult to PvP with.
Yes Engineer has a Few bugs
No they’re Awsome PVE’rs
No, if you’re à New player, just go and create one!
Engineer is kitten!

That would be an improvement.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Dantos.1065


I love the feel of my engineer. I really do. But the kits I love using, grenades, bombs, and FT just FEEL so awkward to use. With grenades and bombs its the 11111111 spam, (yes, i do use the other ones too) and with the FT its the missmissmissmiss bugs. Give me a sniper rifle dps kit or something, take away the mortar and make it the new 30 pt elite =P.

I rolled a necro, and yes I am a glutton for punishment >_< stupid pets.

Warning: Do not roll an engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: binidj.5734


Is the Engineer fun?
Yes, without a doubt.

Is the Engineer capable of performing well in every aspect of the game?
Yes, if played with a high skill level.

Is the Engineer as good as any other profession?
No, all other professions perform better in their specialisations given an equivalent skilled player.

I love playing my Engineer but then my motivation isn’t to be the best in terms of any aspect of the game, it is simply to have fun. Engineer delivers fun by the bucketload. It could be stronger if some of the bugs and flaws were ironed out, I would like to feel that I was contributing more when I went into dungeons, but don’t create an Engineer if you are expecting that to happen any time soon.

If your aim is to have fun then roll an Engineer.
If your aim is to face a challenging profession then roll an Engineer.
If you want to dominate in any field of the game then roll something better suited to the task.

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