(edited by JMadFour.9730)
Weapon/Kit Stat Priorities? (and other ?s)
What game mode? wvw spvp? you could might stack be a hybrid and do both condi dmg and power. You could run rifle and carry three kits and which have lots of condies on them. Quite a few options though yes pistol scale better with condi and rifle does scale better with power but you could spec either way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxnsNysvq9w SoloQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyXEr-C65g8 wvw
both rifle build and condi damage is a big part of both.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
(edited by vincecontix.1264)
I’ll give you my opinion on what kits belongs with what stats pvp/wvw wise in my opinion for maximum bang for your buck.
Grenade Kit: 1st Celestial, 2nd Condition
Bomb Kit: 1st Condition, 2nd Celestial
Flamethrower: Power
Tool Kit: N/A Utility Kit (Works with either)
Elixir Gun: 1st Condition, 2nd Support Kit (Can work with any for stunbreak + heal)
I’d say everything can work with either, beside if you go for rifle, it should be for power focused build.
Dunno about you but nades and BK scale a lot better with power, especially if it’s about the “bang for the buck”.
Going for condi builds drastically decreases your dps with any kit but allows for incredible survivability.
For pvp I’d go with a condi / celestial build for bunkering and decap, but stay with power for everything else, including all aspects of wvw.
Turrets don’t scale to Power or Precision, but do scale to Condition Damage, Condition Duration, Boon Duration and Healing Power – where said stat is applicable, of course.
For example, Flame Turret benefits from both Condition Damage and Condition Duration, while Rifle, Thumper and Net Turrets benefit only from Duration.
That said, I’ve heard of people running ’zerker with Turrets, though I usually stuck to Cleric with some Carrion to give myself a fair bit of Healing Power and Condition Damage.
Dunno about you but nades and BK scale a lot better with power, especially if it’s about the “bang for the buck”.
Going for condi builds drastically decreases your dps with any kit but allows for incredible survivability.
For pvp I’d go with a condi / celestial build for bunkering and decap, but stay with power for everything else, including all aspects of wvw.
Nades and BK do scale better with power, however, the thing with power builds to be effective they need three stats to do so. I’ve tried my best with power builds, but condition for small fights will always be best in my opinion. But yes, i was referring to mine from a roaming/dueling perspective. In big zerg fights, unless you’re trying to knock out guys at the tail, then power would easily be the best option. I was also taking into account survive ability of the kits.
Roaming in zerker gear is quite awesome.
Stealth, sneak upon a thief (simply because I like to assassinate these dolly-snipers), trigger elixier U, drop mines, and stomp them before they even can shadowstep in downstate.
for warris switch elixir S to Nades and light them up from afar.
Condi-builds taking way too long to get people into downstate. Welp, my personal preference, tho.
Let’s simplify this a bit, because I am not asking for a specific build to be dictated to me for a specific purpose. I think that’s been misunderstood. I’m just asking a general question.
In General, under which category would the following skills fall under, between Power/Precision and Condi/Condi Duration.
Flame Turret
Rifle Turret
Tool Kit
Elixir Gun Kit
Grenade Kit
Bomb Kit
GadgetsI.e. would you say the Flamethrower is a “Power” weapon or a “Condition” weapon set?
I’m really more trying to figure out my options in regards to the two different playstyles, and how each playstyle differs in its skill usage.
Flamethrower – both.
Flame Turret – Condition.
Rifle Turret – Neither, it does not scale. so your armor does not matter.
Tool Kit – both.
Elixir Gun Kit – Both.
Grenade Kit – Both.
Bomb Kit – Both.
Gadgets – Trash, please buff. But untraited, i wanna say power.
Almost all kits are both. EG 1/3 are condition and do poor power damage. but 2 and 4 scale quite nicely with power. I take EG often on my power build cause 4/5 and 2 are all good swap cooldowns to use.
2/6/6 is apothocary healing conditon bombs. Shrapnel can proc on each pulse of bombs. So you can get quite a few bleed stacks with bombs. And confusion/burning is condition, but bomb 1 and BoB scale godly with power.
FT can proc mad bleeds on crits with the right set up, burns. Lots of condition pressure. But it 2 and 1 if buffed up a bit, are nice power scaling.
Toolkit 1 is tons of damage and vuln, and 3 is HUGE damage. power. but confusion/bleed stacks are conditions that can be abused. its both.
Nades can stack mad bleeds/poison/burn/blind/chill/stackvuln and scale well with power. op.
Gadgets id stick in neither but fury from goggles/vuln from them, and mines and PBR are all power based. So id say power.
Is it a matter of dual pistols CAN work with Power, but work BETTER with Condition damage?
or are the dual pistols just terrible with Power? I’m trying out an engineer and leaning towards dual pistols, cause I just don’t find the Engy rifle as fun as I find the Warrior one. I mean the Rifle isn’t BAD, it’s cool. It’s Just, I dunno…I can’t call it. the Rifle just seems awkward to me on an Engy somehow.
also, is it really an issue of Power OR Condition Damage? can you get both in decent amounts without sacrificing a mountain of damage?
last question(for now)…does Prybar still hit decently hard, in a Condition Damage based build?
(edited by JMadFour.9730)
Well. . . .
Pistol’s damage is typically tied to the 1-3 keys. Sure 4 is a good burn, but if you are running power that isn’t dramatic.
Pistol 5 is used to slow down the enemy.
On the other hand, your only other option is shield which has some incredible benefits:
1) 4 is a reflection.
2) 4 is also a push back
3) 4 is also a blast finisher
4) 5 is a block
5) 5 is also a stun or daze
In either condition or power builds the offhand choice is tied to utility not damage (more or less).
As far as pistol (main hand) vs rifle goes for a power build, both work. Rifle is more naturally power based.
Pistol is more naturally support (blinds are important as is poison for the -healing effectiveness).
The damage isn’t bad, but you will use your kits for the real pure damage!