Weapon Kits

Weapon Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Entaurrus Silver.3820

Entaurrus Silver.3820

I use an Asura Engineer as my main char, and starting the game I was very confused by the functionality and benefits behind using a weapon kit. Instead, I went with what seemed to be more conventional skills such as elixirs, turrets, golems, and other attack-based skills. I’d like to hear from all Engineers, however, as I don’t think I fully understand how weapon kits are supposed to work for the benefit of the player. How should weapon kits be used? How do they help Engineer builds? What in-combat benefits do they provide? What strategies should one use to get the full effect of a weapon kit?

Weapon Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Weapon kits provide us with the different gameplay styles that other professions get with a variety of weapons. E.g. bombs are our melee kit. Elixir gun is our support kit.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Weapon Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


@Entaurrus Silver.3820

I suggest you check this old topic, specifically my own post https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/My-opinion-about-Engineer/first#post540687

Weapon Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Entaurrus Silver.3820

Entaurrus Silver.3820

@Entaurrus Silver.3820

I suggest you check this old topic, specifically my own post https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/My-opinion-about-Engineer/first#post540687

Cool thanks for the post! A couple questions though:
1. Bomb kit may be nice in PvP, but what about in PvE? How would I use it effectively there? Making NPCs follow me gets to be a bit of an annoying battle tactic.
2. How can I make up for the Flamethrower’s lack of range when battling?
3. Would grenades be a better melee weapon choice? Or should I just consider not using grenades at all?

Weapon Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Ploppy.2917


People can have very different opinions about engineer kits, to the point where I’d recommend spending 10 minutes of your time making a test character and heading to the mists instead of trying to make sense of all the conflicting opioins.

For instance, both grenades and bombs are excellent high damage kits whose utility to a given player depends entirely on his or her ability to lead targets/run cricles and spirals around monsters in melee range.

Weapon Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Mazra.1625


Kits can be treated like weapon sets and swapped in and out of to allow the Engineer access to whatever abilities are needed at the time. They can also be treated as a specialization which the Engineer then creates an entire build around.

The thing I love about the Engineer is that you can switch out three utility abilities and it becomes a completely different gaming experience. Probably the most versatile and customizable profession in the game.

Weapon Kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


@Entaurrus Silver.3820

You see the cool thing about kits, is that there’s many kits, and you can equip many of’em at a time, it takes time to truly master them “situationally” (understanding the surroundings and enemies to learn when to switch kits, either comboing, enemy-control skills), I’d suggest as previous people said: try’em in the mists, especially if you still have to spend the points, though you won’t regret grenades, ever.