Weapon Skills Not Activating?

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


Recently I have been experiencing some issues with my weapons skills. When the enemy is behind me or really close to me and I press a weapon skill like Static Shot, it goes on a 3 sec cool down even though I have not been stunned or dazed. These 3 sec cooldowns are really starting to annoy me because it messes up some of combos. This has also happened with my elixir H skill except it happens randomly. Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me? Is there anyway to avoid/stop this?

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


If your character is not facing them, he cannot shoot them. Been that way for some time now.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


But sometimes I am facing them. One time I was fighting a pirate who was in front of me but when I hit the skill it did not activate and went on the 3 sec cool down.

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: cottage.3274


pistols are very bugy (still).
what you described will often happen when you strafe and shot.
if you say it happened when you face your enemy it might be something new i never had it happen for me when using static shot tho.
it bugs out when someone moves behind you at the same time you fire it.
also i seen some pathing bugs happen.
it occurs with blowtorch you can be in someones face and still miss it.
also poison dart volley will miss one or two of its shots if your 600 or more away from your target but they dont consider it a bug.
explosive shot also miss randomly now and then for no reason.

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Oddly enough, if my character stands with its back to a mob and I activate pistol skills, my character turns around and hits it.
Oh this game…

Red Guard

Weapon Skills Not Activating?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Skills that require you to be facing your target sometimes bug out when you are strafing. They will turn you around if your character is stopped, though. Go figure.