Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Toxe.5340



When you equip a weapon kit like the flamethrower or the grenade kit you lose the stats of your weapons and sigil bonuses.

Is this intended?

From a realism standpoint this might be valid (after all you put your weapon aside to pick up another one) but in my humble opinion this is detrimental for gameplay and fun. If I am running aroung with a weapon kit all the time why would I want to try to get a better weapon? This kind of takes the fun out of finding better items.

“Yeah so I just found / bought a better weapon. Big deal, it won’t benefit me in any way… So why bother?”

Gameplay + fun should come first, before realism. Devs, please change this game mechanic.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Andazeus.1928



This has already been answered by ANet during the beta:

sigils not working on weapon kits is a bug and will be fixed. There was no ETA on this.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aleksander.2965


A lot of people really have no idea how this game is designed, it’s quite astonishing.

What would you all say if the kits had +4*level Power as a stat?
I guess most of you would be happy about it. The fact is weapon scaling are designed individually, which means attack rating have no real value. They could give you a kit that deals the exact same damage (and utility) with a 320 power stat … and it would do the exact same thing (well there is a little exception I guess : the damage of your utility and toolbelt skills but I’m not even sure it is true).

So, offensive stats as a whole are completely irrevelent (because that’s part of how they balanced the kits). Defensive stats on the other hand do make a difference. As some people has already said, you should put as little defensive stat possible on your weapon and as much offensive because that’s how kits are designed.

I do agree though that it would be cool to have sigils to work with our kits but well they don’t really need it (they balanced the kits knowing there won’t be any).

“TLDR : It’s not cool not having sigils and stats work on kits because they take away customisation (and weapons aren’t as important) but it’s not a problem for balance or a flawed mechanism because weapon skills are balanced individually (by that I mean the scaling to stats).”

This is just a quote from another forum. If the quoted person should have a problem with me quoting him, he shall let me know.
I hope this helps at least a little. I myself am fine with the weapon kit mechanics for the most part. What buggers me is the lack of cosmetic customization (and also various clipping issues with hairs and armor) to them, but that’s maybe something they can add later on.

(edited by Moderator)

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: CptCosmic.3156


the kits have their own damage values that scale with your level thus I think this is intended.

flamethrower with sigil of strength would be really tasty, perma 25 might stack

(edited by CptCosmic.3156)

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Haralin.1473


And what if i have 56 Vitality on both weapon and i switch? Right 1000 HP Lost and when i have 56 Toughness on the weapons? right i get more Burst.

I have 2 PvP Weapons with defensive stats and this is really a reason why i not use any kit besides the medkit but i always weaker when i use my medkit.

Haralin Engineer

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: CptCosmic.3156


And what if i have 56 Vitality on both weapon and i switch? Right 1000 HP Lost and when i have 56 Toughness on the weapons? right i get more Burst.

I have 2 PvP Weapons with defensive stats and this is really a reason why i not use any kit besides the medkit but i always weaker when i use my medkit.

it is your decision what stats you have on your weapons. the same will happen with any other class that switches weapons when one of your weapon sets have defensive stats. this is a common knowledge to not have defensive stats in your weapons.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


And what if i have 56 Vitality on both weapon and i switch? Right 1000 HP Lost and when i have 56 Toughness on the weapons? right i get more Burst.

I have 2 PvP Weapons with defensive stats and this is really a reason why i not use any kit besides the medkit but i always weaker when i use my medkit.

it is your decision what stats you have on your weapons. the same will happen with any other class that switches weapons when one of your weapon sets have defensive stats. this is a common knowledge to not have defensive stats in your weapons.

That’s silly.

Its very good sense and good logic, to focus on one of the types of stats on all your gear. It does not make sense to just have random stats on your gear, and PvP shows this.

You have a single amulet which gives you all your stats. So, lets say you use the soldiers amulet. Toughness, Vitality and Power. That is a good set of stats to have as an engineer due to the damage and survivability elements.

However, in PvP, you get your stats through one simple way: the amulet. An amulet gives the same amount of stats as a full set of armour, much like you would have in PvE.

So… if it is balanced that kits can gain stats from amulets, then it must be balanced that kits can gain stats from weapons…

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


This has already been answered by ANet during the beta:

sigils not working on weapon kits is a bug and will be fixed. There was no ETA on this.

It was also a bug that auto attack does not work, and that was acknowledged months ago in BWE1, and promised to be fixed by launch.

I think its safe to say that we ought to keep reminding Anet of these issues.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Andazeus.1928


I just wanted to prevent people from discussing whether or not it is intended. We do know it is a bug.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Toxe.5340


I just wanted to prevent people from discussing whether or not it is intended. We do know it is a bug.

Well, obviously we do not, otherwise I hadn’t asked this question on the new and shiny official forums.

BTW, it would be nice if one of the Devs could clarify this or give further input.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Andazeus.1928


As I said, there was an official dev response on the beta forums. I can’t show it to you as proof since the beta forums are obviously not accessible any more.

I’m just answering your question

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


the kits have their own damage values that scale with your level thus I think this is intended.

flamethrower with sigil of strength would be really tasty, perma 25 might stack

Kill-stacking sigils are easy to use for FT or kits since they don’t go away when you swap to your kit.

1) Drop the enemy down to a very low level.

2) Swap out of your kit to your normal weapon.

3) Finish off the mob with your normal weapon, or let the bleeding/burning/poison do the rest. (???)

4) Get your kill-triggered stack. (Profit!)

This way you can raise your stat and make you dangerous at the end. If you really wanna be a dangerous thing in WvW, then go with a group and destroy a few NPCs to buff yourself a little before going into actual PvP.

That’s my idea. Hope people like it.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Flocke.8302


Really hope this gets fixed as well.

Does any other class loose weapon buffs when they are transformed or anything else that takes over your skill bar? I have not tested this out on any other class, but being an engineer I sometimes think twice before using a kit because of the stats I will loose when doing so.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: SixSins.7610


And what if i have 56 Vitality on both weapon and i switch? Right 1000 HP Lost and when i have 56 Toughness on the weapons? right i get more Burst.

I have 2 PvP Weapons with defensive stats and this is really a reason why i not use any kit besides the medkit but i always weaker when i use my medkit.

it is your decision what stats you have on your weapons. the same will happen with any other class that switches weapons when one of your weapon sets have defensive stats. this is a common knowledge to not have defensive stats in your weapons.

That’s silly.

Its very good sense and good logic, to focus on one of the types of stats on all your gear. It does not make sense to just have random stats on your gear, and PvP shows this.

You have a single amulet which gives you all your stats. So, lets say you use the soldiers amulet. Toughness, Vitality and Power. That is a good set of stats to have as an engineer due to the damage and survivability elements.

However, in PvP, you get your stats through one simple way: the amulet. An amulet gives the same amount of stats as a full set of armour, much like you would have in PvE.

So… if it is balanced that kits can gain stats from amulets, then it must be balanced that kits can gain stats from weapons…

They are weighted to your level independent of your Power stat, to my knowledge this is fair and easy way to set them. Also, Defensive stats on weapons is silly on any character except maybe elementalist simply because of Weapon Swapping and is no different for the Engineer and his/her kits. If I’m a Guardian with +56 Vitality on my Greatsword, and +56 Power on my Hammer then making the switch from Greatsword to Hammer means I lose hp. Period. Unless you can secure the same stats on both weapons for your entire gaming experience it is not worth it and doing that will out you a LOT of money as you go. It’s just a product of the way the game works. I feel most kits, all except grenade, could use a small buff. But I don’t feel that this is the problem.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


And what if i have 56 Vitality on both weapon and i switch? Right 1000 HP Lost and when i have 56 Toughness on the weapons? right i get more Burst.

I have 2 PvP Weapons with defensive stats and this is really a reason why i not use any kit besides the medkit but i always weaker when i use my medkit.

it is your decision what stats you have on your weapons. the same will happen with any other class that switches weapons when one of your weapon sets have defensive stats. this is a common knowledge to not have defensive stats in your weapons.

That’s silly.

Its very good sense and good logic, to focus on one of the types of stats on all your gear. It does not make sense to just have random stats on your gear, and PvP shows this.

You have a single amulet which gives you all your stats. So, lets say you use the soldiers amulet. Toughness, Vitality and Power. That is a good set of stats to have as an engineer due to the damage and survivability elements.

However, in PvP, you get your stats through one simple way: the amulet. An amulet gives the same amount of stats as a full set of armour, much like you would have in PvE.

So… if it is balanced that kits can gain stats from amulets, then it must be balanced that kits can gain stats from weapons…

They are weighted to your level independent of your Power stat, to my knowledge this is fair and easy way to set them. Also, Defensive stats on weapons is silly on any character except maybe elementalist simply because of Weapon Swapping and is no different for the Engineer and his/her kits. If I’m a Guardian with +56 Vitality on my Greatsword, and +56 Power on my Hammer then making the switch from Greatsword to Hammer means I lose hp. Period. Unless you can secure the same stats on both weapons for your entire gaming experience it is not worth it and doing that will out you a LOT of money as you go. It’s just a product of the way the game works. I feel most kits, all except grenade, could use a small buff. But I don’t feel that this is the problem.

So if my warrior was to use mace/sheild and greatsword, i should not have defensive stats on my defensive weapon? Because that makes sense right? Its the slow hitting, no conditions control weapon, GOTTA HAVE ME SOME POWAH!

Because my warrior can not use his squishier weapon to engage in combat and then when he was been weakened, switch to his tougher set to mitigate damage from mobs?

If what you were saying was true there would be no defense stats on weapons.

Engineer as it is is like having a power based weapon no matter what. No ability to choose mace AND hammer for defensive abilities on both, and not even the ability to spec for critting on both weapons, despite the fact weapons like flamethrower obviously rely on crit due to the fact it does 10 weak hits a burst.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


as people have already stated, It’ balanced so that engineers can build defensive/supportive stats and still have moderate damage.

Tho they still need to fix the traits :/

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Thorgald.2485


This has already been answered by ANet during the beta:

sigils not working on weapon kits is a bug and will be fixed. There was no ETA on this.

It was also a bug that auto attack does not work, and that was acknowledged months ago in BWE1, and promised to be fixed by launch.

I think its safe to say that we ought to keep reminding Anet of these issues.

If you failed to notice, they kinda have been occupied fixing the stability and login errors… They only just started to get enough time to focus on other things.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Snow Valkyrie Z.2641

Snow Valkyrie Z.2641

Since Engineers and Elementalists effectively lose three weapon slots in inventory due to the lack of weapon swapping (main, off, & underwater)… activating those slots in a “reserve” state, would allow players to equip class weapons in those slots for use in applying sigils and damage modifiers to the equiped kit or conjured weapon.

The problem with this would be the “extras,” such as a dropped flamethrower or conjured bow, that any class could pick up and use… unless the attributes were either set by player level to a basic damage setting or set upon creation by the summoner’s “reserve” items.

With the auto-attack being fixed, this could be a potential solution to the sigils & damage issues people have brought up… or at least something to look at on the road to that solution.

In the frequencies of energy, you go from light to sound… how much further is flesh and bone?

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Haralin.1473


And what if i have 56 Vitality on both weapon and i switch? Right 1000 HP Lost and when i have 56 Toughness on the weapons? right i get more Burst.

I have 2 PvP Weapons with defensive stats and this is really a reason why i not use any kit besides the medkit but i always weaker when i use my medkit.

it is your decision what stats you have on your weapons. the same will happen with any other class that switches weapons when one of your weapon sets have defensive stats. this is a common knowledge to not have defensive stats in your weapons.

Sorry but you are wrong, and when you switch to another weapon you got other stats i got nothing by switching to a kit, you got it now?

Haralin Engineer

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


This has already been answered by ANet during the beta:

sigils not working on weapon kits is a bug and will be fixed. There was no ETA on this.

It was also a bug that auto attack does not work, and that was acknowledged months ago in BWE1, and promised to be fixed by launch.

I think its safe to say that we ought to keep reminding Anet of these issues.

If you failed to notice, they kinda have been occupied fixing the stability and login errors… They only just started to get enough time to focus on other things.

Yeah, they’ve had months to fix these. During these months, they did not have the login and stability issues. And they promised too.

Stop pardoning their mistakes.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara