What engies need

What engies need

in Engineer

Posted by: zeithgeist.8561


I LOVE my engineer, but if ANet insist in keeping my main character as trash, i ´ll quit this damn game…

What we need NOW is:
MORE DAMAGE! is ridiculous the dmg we have, really, even being a glass canon…
MORE HP IN TURRETS. Our turrets are becoming useless, since a simple punch from a mob can bring them down easily. And turrets are targeting anything but what we want or need. Pure crap.
MORE HEALING/BOONS. in case we choose a support build. Our support features are so pathetic now…

Are you going to do something about it? Or just let all your engineer players go kitten themselves and choose another game instead Gw2?

I want to be a good class for any party, and now i have to almost beg to enter to any group. DO SOMETHING!!!!!

What engies need

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


How about some developers that actually, intimately, play this profession. You’ll see some fixes and buffs right fast i can guarentee it.

What engies need

in Engineer

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


miracle should be fine.