What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Just got my engineer to 80 and having a hard time trying to understand what I’m supposed to be doing in WvW. Turrets are virtually useless unless you want to see them get beat up in zerg fights for your own entertainment. Flamethrower kit is just a death sentence with retaliation on just about everyone. Grenades an be fun if I can find a choke point to throw them. The only thing that upsets me about that is line of sight on a keep but it makes sense other wise it would be a little to over powered.

I keep being told Pistol/Shield is the way to go but I like my rifle. It feels like the traits and current kit of engi is trying to force me to play a confusion rabid build to have fun in WvW. Anything else I literally get blown up. I tried to go all support/healing engi but then got told it’s virtually useless by some big time guild. So what’s the deal with engi? What are we supposed to be doing? :/

I would love for someone from anet to answer this one for me. I mean we have elementalists who are basically good at everything. “Let’s turn our mages into ninjas they said!” Warriors do a lot of damage and have the escape potential of a cat. Necros blow everything up and you’re screwed without condi removal. Don’t get me started on mesmer. Guardian seems okay. I just don’t know what’s up with his class system tbh.

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

Engineer is in a pretty strange place for wvw. In roaming/small scale combat, they can be gamechangers, but in zergs, our strongest weapons either get eaten by retal or don’t bring enough to be worth it in zergs. We have relatively low cooldown water fields (Though they are short, so timing is important) and so many blast finishers it causes ele’s to cry.

Makes it seem like we should go for a supporty role, but that, again, is only decent in small scale.

I took part in gvg as an engi, and would spend my time getting ignored and then stomping their backline necros and eles.

DON’T GO CONFUSION BUILD. Perplexity is just stupid, don’t do it.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


In a zerg I go cleric heal bombs. Healing nearby allies for 333 HP and hurting enemies for 1k dmg every three fourths of a second makes me a walking meteor heal rain.

Solo , if you like rifle. Net turret , rifle cooldown reduction. sitting duck trait. and more CC. 2 things may happen. Your opponent tries to flee or they die.

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Engineer is in a pretty strange place for wvw. In roaming/small scale combat, they can be gamechangers, but in zergs, our strongest weapons either get eaten by retal or don’t bring enough to be worth it in zergs. We have relatively low cooldown water fields (Though they are short, so timing is important) and so many blast finishers it causes ele’s to cry.

Makes it seem like we should go for a supporty role, but that, again, is only decent in small scale.

I took part in gvg as an engi, and would spend my time getting ignored and then stomping their backline necros and eles.

DON’T GO CONFUSION BUILD. Perplexity is just stupid, don’t do it.

Well looks like I’m not going to be using engi anymore unless I get a legit bazooka that can blow things up or turrets that actually accomplish something in zergs. I want to feel useful in zerg fights. Not just sitting in the back.. Can we get something for WvW? I don’t do Spvp because I simply don’t like it, it’s too small.

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tien.3865


We can do all sorts of things in zergs. I run a tanky, power-based bomb build on my engi, and I can provide a fire field for might stacking and push with the zerg while dropping bombs everywhere for AOE pressure. I can provide a water field when necessary, and Big Ol’ Bomb is just a great skill for area denial when placed correctly. When I see a group of enemies clumped together, I’ll drop supply crate (stun), glue bomb (immobilize/cripple), and smoke bomb (blind) to make it easier for the zerg to run them over. All of this is a lot easier with stability, of course, but even without stability, I still have -61% stun duration and -53% damage when stunned.

I also run rifle, which may not be the best weapon in a zerg, but it has its uses. With the toolkit, it is good for picking out stragglers. Magnet > Prybar > Rifle swap > Wait for dodge > Net shot > Throw wrench > Overcharged shot > Jump Shot is typically the combo I use to disable the target long enough to get him killed.

My last utility is either Elixir gun (support and stun breaker), Elixir B (AOE stability), or Rocket Boots (blast finisher and easy escape with smoke bomb). All have their uses.

It’s true that we don’t have a specialized role in WvW like guardians or mesmers, I definitely don’t feel like I’m not accomplishing anything in a zerg.

Borlis Pass solo roamer

(edited by Tien.3865)

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

The Pistol/Shield vs. Rifle thing is debatable.

Jump Shot is incredible for zerging when you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. Leap finishers also create auras, which I think are really underrated in PvP.

I also think it’s just really useful as a bomber having an extra snare remover through Overcharged Shot. And as someone alluded to above, Net Shot is a great setup for Magnet.

I’d say that Pistol is better if you’re going full conditions, though.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mnemesis.8257


I keep being told Pistol/Shield is the way to go but I like my rifle. It feels like the traits and current kit of engi is trying to force me to play a confusion rabid build to have fun in WvW. Anything else I literally get blown up. I tried to go all support/healing engi but then got told it’s virtually useless by some big time guild. So what’s the deal with engi? What are we supposed to be doing? :/

More so than any other class, it is important for an engineer to use setups the player is most comfortable with. Everything about this class revolves around your ability to interact with your skills fluidly, which includes but is not limited to combo fields, combo blasts & and kits. Using a weapon that resonates with your play style will determine how you utilize your skills.

Just got my engineer to 80 and having a hard time trying to understand what I’m supposed to be doing in WvW. Turrets are virtually useless unless you want to see them get beat up in zerg fights for your own entertainment. Flamethrower kit is just a death sentence with retaliation on just about everyone. Grenades an be fun if I can find a choke point to throw them. The only thing that upsets me about that is line of sight on a keep but it makes sense other wise it would be a little to over powered.

I am going to become a bit hypocritical in respect to what I said above here. The downside to engineer being so versatile is that our builds and styles are somewhat specialized. That is to say the way each of those examples you provided are used are overly simplified and by my standards grossly abused. Turrets should never be in the “thick of it” if you plan to use them solely for damage purposes, rather a respectable distance away and picking off stragglers or maneuvering the unwary into their path. Flamethrower, as well as each kit, is generally not to be used for auto-attack purposes as they are best utilized for specific skills within that will change the tides of battle in your favor; a good example being swapping to FT when CC’d for Juggernaut’s toughness and instant cast blind. Appropriately utilizing our skill sets takes more foresight and talent than any class I’ve played with GW2 thus far. The complexity of the Engineer is what draws me to them.

Well looks like I’m not going to be using engi anymore unless I get a legit bazooka that can blow things up or turrets that actually accomplish something in zergs. I want to feel useful in zerg fights. Not just sitting in the back.. Can we get something for WvW? I don’t do Spvp because I simply don’t like it, it’s too small.

All I can say to this comment is that “practice makes perfect,” with the exception being it is essential and not an option in regards to Engineer. If you want to play this class effectively it is important to note that you must have a firm understanding of combo fields and remain knowledgable of Engineer skill synergies. It requires time and dedication, the end result being an immensely powerful ally for any group and situation.

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


If i remember correctly our class was built on mid range control not only that we bring a ton of buffs to people around us and our condi pressure is pretty up there with grenades or even p/p can get a heap of condis off on some poor guy that could not dodge the glue shot