What is the best part of playing an engineer?
It’s rewarding for me as a higher apm player, so it’s a nice change of pace from my main.
The best part about playing an Engineer is watching group leaders tell you to gtfo because you’re considered a hindrance to any real PVE group. If you’re not a Warrior, Guardian, or Mesmer you should just reroll to one of those classes, or play an MMO with actual class balance.
The best part of playing an engineer is being underestimated.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
The best part of playing an engineer is being underestimated.
They’re right to underestimate us as a class. It would take three engineers to equal one of any other class as whatever role we try to play.
Running around in spvp with only turrets. Nothing feels better than protecting a capture point with rifle turret/net turret/rocket turret, getting attacked by a glass cannon backstab thief looking for an easy kill, yet last long enough to drop crate on them and watch them get downed by turrets.
You aren’t escaping with those rocket and net turrets around
Ohhh another thing that happened today that made me enjoy engies even more. I was playing around with the turrets, placed them on a high elevation but happened to be knocked down by an ele. So the ele tries to destroy my turrets but doesn’t have enough damage to destroy any of them, so she just has to keep backing off before she took too much damage LOL (Was traited for metal plating, turret regen, and rifled turret barrels) I stopped fighting just to watch her try to destroy my turrets for some time it was really entertaining
Getting to be the biggest kitten in a ZvZ fight because Magnet is awesome.
switching just 1 utility to have the build i like in various game modes
i definitely feel like my warrior needs major retraiting and full utility swap between dungeons and wvw, which is really annoying.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Ya I would say underestimated. We’re so rare people are forgetting our skills.
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)
The best part of playing an engineer is being underestimated.
They’re right to underestimate us as a class. It would take three engineers to equal one of any other class as whatever role we try to play.
hahah agree with you bro, love being the underdog!!
and, if you really believe so then you’re not playing your class right, with so many options and skills we actually can play most roles better than other classes, its just a metter of doing it right!! that requires skill and not just 1 2 3 like most classes
the most fun thing about the class the unique depth that it has, you’re always thinking about different combos, discovering new ones and having fun as you play along, something that other classes lack!
We run around more than any other class (except possibly thieves), we get to use a lot of different abilities each combat, our abilities have cool animations and we get to use/see lots of them whenever we play.
I remember the first time my Eng took on a L80 champion with just one other. That was 5 minutes of kiting, dodging, skill swapping, tracking cooldowns and we were actually winning – what a blast. Not very effective compared to other classes perhaps, but a lot of fun.
(Of course, the guardian I was partied with – not the other combatant – had already raided the chest using Aegis and Block and as was on the sidelines wondering why we were wasting time actually fighting the champion.)
Best part for me is that I can withstand almost anything but the price for it is 100% focus and perfection. With my 4 kit build I can tank two people on spot for a long time, sometimes even 3 if they are not that good (not sure how it would go in high ranked games). Of course, I can be bursted down if I get stun and a lot of dps goes on me, 4 kit build has a big disadvantage, no stun breaker. Only thing I use when I’m stuned is blind from flamethrower. Engineer is about compromise probably more than other classes. But for me, the feeling when I’m tanking a thief, warrior and a ranger who are just trying to kill me and I’m shrinked cause of my trait elixir, after that I block stuff with my shield on tool kit and after that I pull everyone back with shield 4 or flamethrower 3 while trying to dodge every high dps skill or stun it goes on me and getting all conditions off etc. Its a huge challenge to me and always I die I know almost exactly what went wrong. That I made a mistake.
So my most favourite thing as an engineer is the challenge you get from this class. They might say our dps sux, yet I was able to kill people with my tanky build by spaming conditions, keeping poison on an enemy, also confusion, burning and cripple. Yea, enjoy that one, slow death against a guy who just doesn’t want to die.
A moose. It was a moose.
The best part of playing an engineer is being underestimated.
They’re right to underestimate us as a class. It would take three engineers to equal one of any other class as whatever role we try to play.
and, if you really believe so then you’re not playing your class right, with so many options and skills we actually can play most roles better than other classes, its just a metter of doing it right!! that requires skill and not just 1 2 3 like most classes
Please tell me, which role can we play better then other classes?
Dps did you say? Well we might get lucky with grenade kit, but in comparisment to a thief with his auto targeting of strikes and not having to wait about 3 seconds untill his strikes land, his dps might be a bit lower, but his class as a whole makes him mich and much more efficient in using it.
Support did you say? Half of our support is based on elixers, where have to rely on this RNG crap.
“Ooh you need stealth you say? Well good luck! Because you might get stability!”
“Ooh you want swiftness? well good luck! you might just get fury or might or retaliation!”
The other half is turrets and CC. Ok you got me there. Our CC is really the best in the game imho.
Something else you say? Please tell me!
Best part? Beating ppl with turrets (because they ignore them all the time) in wvw then pressing /sleep as they sloooooooowly kill them in the downed state.
The best part of playing my engineer is when I stack cripple for years on enemies in WvW and they die to engineer not because of the damage he did, but because I CCd and screwed them good in one of the most hilarious ways possible.
There’s a nice schadenfreude to be had with someone hobbling away slowly while you shove bigger and bigger staccks of cripple up their butts with the wrench’s auto-attacks.
With an engineer, at least you know that every kill you earned.
(edited by Chickenshoes.6250)
Utility. It wins fights.
Thes best part is that feeling of downing 2-3 players and knowing they are going “wtf, wasn’t that an engineer? aren’t they supposed to be weak?”
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
Best part of playing Engineer is ability to greatly steal loot from mates. Dosent matter PVE or WvW.
Even if you know your DPS is not enough to kill your foes.
The only thing Engi can doing good - is stealing loot. And do not trust anyone who will talking about good DPS of Engi, good CC or good survive - another classes can do all of that musch better.
Thes best part is that feeling of downing 2-3 noobies
Little fix.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Thes best part is that feeling of downing 2-3 noobies
Little fix.
Guess you don’t play engineer.
A moose. It was a moose.
Could you be any more of a stereotypical forum tough guy Silver?
It’s become way clear that you have little affinity with engineer and are envious of the players that do handle engineer well.
But then again, you act as if you are the only good player and everyone else is just horrible.
What’s the point of trash talking on forums anyway? Grow up man.
I usually ignore rampant kittens like you.
I can’t even believe I’m dignifying your useless post with an answer.
Just stick with warrior and don’t come back here. Please.
And on topic, as stated by Emerge,
Utility. It wins fights.
Could not possibly agree more.
Thes best part is that feeling of downing 2-3 noobies
Little fix.
Guess you don’t play engineer.
Guess you can’t read signs
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Could you be any more of a stereotypical forum tough guy Silver?
It’s become way clear that you have little affinity with engineer and are envious of the players that do handle engineer well.
But then again, you act as if you are the only good player and everyone else is just horrible.
What’s the point of trash talking on forums anyway? Grow up man.I usually ignore rampant kittens like you.
I can’t even believe I’m dignifying your useless post with an answer.
Just stick with warrior and don’t come back here. Please.
You wrong if you think you know what I’m talking about. And yes, condemnations from teh some PVE-noname it’s… it’s… it’s so sadly! ^^
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Best part…Never having to be on cool-down.
pulling a thief just before he is about to stealth combo you and then 100nading him, or coating a thick layer of condis and just watch your target trying to cleanse them(doesn’t work well vs rangers tho!)
Nah but best is probably what Might Favazz.1546 said
My favorite thing about the engineer is it’s sheer variety in attack positioning/AoE types.
Long range pass through shots on rifle or pistol, 600 range cone on flame thrower, large radius pbaoe on bomb kits, long range splash on grenades, even melee with wrench. I guess mortar counts too but who ever uses that? :p
I don’t think any other class has as many options as we do in this particular aspect.
The mini-stomp,it never gets old.
Thes best part is that feeling of downing 2-3 noobies
Little fix.
Guess you don’t play engineer.
Guess you can’t read signs
Guess your engineer is low lvl
Guess you dont know how to play