What would YOU like to ask the devs?

What would YOU like to ask the devs?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


any ideas for improving the downed state at least the #3 skill ?

HARPOON GUN- will be be useful in the future ? #1 skill is pretty much slower than a non swiftness swimming player as it stands #2 is slow and unreliable as well unless combined with #3 wich has a short range #4 i actually like it its fast and hits hard #5 skill is good as well

Opinion on Gadgets will we see reduced cooldowns/better effects in the future ?

Why not give turrets a 50% damage reduct and replace the 30% damage reduct trait for Deployable turrets?

Mine Kit -Can we get this back however working this way:

Skills 1 to 5 = 1 boon stripping moderate damage mine and Tool Belt skill = The Knockback multiple boon stripping high damage mine ? (this would allow engineers to place mines defensively if all mines had Ground Targetting)

will kit refinement skills ever have separate cooldowns again and/or longer duration on some effects?

Slick Shoes why not make this utility skill work like the elixir gun’s kit refine effect so it leaves a trail of oil instead of the engineer having to kamikaze run into the target to knock them?

i know this sounds like suggestions but im just curious Why all ideas offered are simply flat out rejected or ignored

(edited by Rezzet.3614)