Where is the hobo sack fix?

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Where is the long awaited hobo sack fix for engineers?

Colin Johanson acknoledged the issue in this thread over 2 months ago:


“It’s something we’re absolutely aware of and want to address in the future, one of my main characters is an engineer so I feel ya on this one. My poor quaggan backpack is visible like 2% of the time I play as I kit swap, never mind my weapon skins.

“We’re currently focusing our engineering (programmers, not guys with net guns) resources that could work on solutions to issues like kits/skins on major systems that address issues higher priority and wider reaching like lag in large battles, LFG, custom arenas, spectator mode and so on but this issue is absolutely on our radar.

As always, please post your ideas of what you’d like to see solution wise, we love to see the fun ideas y’all come up with too!"

It seems the resources that could be working on solutions to issues like kits/skins were in fact NOT reassigned to higher priority and wider reaching issues.

We have seen a multitude of new skins come out over the last two months. Am I to believe there is time for new weapon skins and new back pieces but not time for a hobo sack fix?

Not only are we Engineers still being ignored and brushed under the rug, we are getting all this new content and new skins that we STILL can not enjoy.

New weapon skins are almost useless with our access to 3 weapons and these weapons being hidden the majority of the time due to kits.

New back pieces are useless with the big hobo sack issue that renders back pieces garbage while in a kit.

I can not even enjoy any of the new content, because the new rewards only rub salt into an old wound.

You obviously have resources available to work on skins. Do the right thing and allocate some time to get the hobo sack issue fixed finally. Do this BEFORE allocating resources to designing new skins once again.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


The resources spoken of are programmers, therefore the fix spoken of would be one involving programming—that is, something like the ability to hide the engineer packs or such.

If you’re expecting a solution via new custom art assets you’ll probably be waiting a long time.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


If you’re expecting a solution via new custom art assets you’ll probably be waiting a long time.

Is it really that hard to make some alternate backpiece skins for Engineer kits? They pump out like a dozen new skins every month.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


I would like that. If my asura engineer has asuran neon engineer kits, I’d buy cultural armor. Right now, I’m using the rugged adventurer look to match my sacks.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


Now this is a thread I can get behind!

I would love to have the option to at least hide the kit backpacks.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Hybelkaninen.3087


If you’re expecting a solution via new custom art assets you’ll probably be waiting a long time.

Is it really that hard to make some alternate backpiece skins for Engineer kits? They pump out like a dozen new skins every month.

Yea, but those skins are put out on the eShop…aren’t they ?
Free skin to fix something isn’t a priority.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


Program team is too busy on more important things.
Fair enough.

Art asset team clearly isn’t too busy, so use art asset changes to solve the problem.
Have all back pack kit arts changed for graphics that appear on forearms and biceps.
Now legendary weapons, fun back items etc can all stay irrespective of the forearm & bicep kit items being on or off.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: beostigma.2183


I understand that anet has a lot of work with more important stuff, but I think that we would all like to hear some progres in this field.

If you dont have the time, community does so drop some solutions guys.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


I like the idea of the slimming down, also an Invader Zim style backpack wouldn’t go a-miss:


A smaller, more convenient back pack could simply be clipped over by ornate back pieces or would sit nicely twixt the dragon wings. Pretty much as Zenguy said in his post.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


If you’re expecting a solution via new custom art assets you’ll probably be waiting a long time.

Is it really that hard to make some alternate backpiece skins for Engineer kits? They pump out like a dozen new skins every month.

That’s what I’m seeing. New skins monthly but no fix for the backpacks. Not even new visuals for the backpacks they don’t sell in the stores. Seriously folks?

I say they rework the backpacks AND the turrets to reflect the race of the engineer, that would be awesomesauce if they did that! (sortof like what happened with totems on shamans in the elephant in the room).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


If you’re expecting a solution via new custom art assets you’ll probably be waiting a long time.

Is it really that hard to make some alternate backpiece skins for Engineer kits? They pump out like a dozen new skins every month.

That’s what I’m seeing. New skins monthly but no fix for the backpacks. Not even new visuals for the backpacks they don’t sell in the stores. Seriously folks?

I say they rework the backpacks AND the turrets to reflect the race of the engineer, that would be awesomesauce if they did that! (sortof like what happened with totems on shamans in the elephant in the room).

That would indeed be awesome… but you’re talking about more art assets than are devoted to player equipment for entire events, and regardless of opinions that the art team is “obviously not busy,” new skins for one class is simply not more important than new skins for all of them.

Even if all they did was custom packs for legendary weapons… you’d still be doubling, tripling or quadrupling the workload required to create each individual legendary weapon, all for the sake of one class.

Like I said, it would be awesome, but I’m not holding my breath.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

How if new skins for every other class every month more important than fixing or reskinning the hobo sack?

To continuously pump out new skins month after month and claim your talent is too busy with higher priority stuff is ridiculous.

One month of no new skins for everyone else in order to fix the problems with the hobo sack is not asking too much. If that is what it would take.

I’m being asked to stand by and watch new skin after new skin get released that I and just about every other engineer can’t use and appreciate like every other class can.

Why is bringing new joy to everyone else a higher priority than bringing that little initial joy to the Engineers of the world? Bringing new skins to everyone is more important than granting engineers the reasonable means to enjoy the existing skins.

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Next content update will feature a new rifle, pistol and shield skin. Aswell as a full set of light, medium and heavy armor. And some unique stuff from the new dungeon.

Dont get me wrong, i love the look of the pistol and shield, they look awesome for Engineer. Atleast, the time you actually have them out.

But they just released a new skin for every single weapontype with the dragonbash, and now they are comming out with 3 full sets, some other things (i know there is a headpiece atleast from the dungeon) and some weaponskins.
You cannot convince me that they dont have the manpower to have atleast a few alternative backpieces by now if they really wanted to.

The only conclusion is that it’s simply is not a priority, and that just sums the Engineer profession up pretty well doesnt it?

Where is the hobo sack fix?

in Engineer

Posted by: wolfyrik.2017


Next content update will feature a new rifle, pistol and shield skin. Aswell as a full set of light, medium and heavy armor. And some unique stuff from the new dungeon.

Dont get me wrong, i love the look of the pistol and shield, they look awesome for Engineer. Atleast, the time you actually have them out.

But they just released a new skin for every single weapontype with the dragonbash, and now they are comming out with 3 full sets, some other things (i know there is a headpiece atleast from the dungeon) and some weaponskins.
You cannot convince me that they dont have the manpower to have atleast a few alternative backpieces by now if they really wanted to.

The only conclusion is that it’s simply is not a priority, and that just sums the Engineer profession up pretty well doesnt it?

I R sad now……