Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Vadon.1496


Who is going to stop playing engineer and roll another class for pve and wvw? (good thing they didnt touch bunker engineers)
30% grenade damage nerf is too much and sigils are really not worth 30% of damage.
The only other option is the flamethrower that still cause crap damage and the miss miss miss…

Well I’m going to play on my warrior since they never get nerfed.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Who is going to stop playing engineer and roll another class for pve and wvw? (good thing they didnt touch bunker engineers)
30% grenade damage nerf is too much and sigils are really not worth 30% of damage.
The only other option is the flamethrower that still cause crap damage and the miss miss miss…

Well I’m going to play on my warrior since they never get nerfed.

As you can see from my signature I completely feel you, i think tho we should at least let people spend some time testing what this is like now before complaining that way we are backed with figures and numbers. I’m the first person to complain trust me.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


Probably not, but I wasn’t using grenades to begin with so this patch is really nothing but good things for me.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Garadon.3189


There are a lot of interesting ideas and mechanics behind the Engineer class that I’m still intrigued by. I wouldn’t mind checking it out again once it’s out of beta.

Garadon Dral <<Engineer>>
Talarion Dral <<Mesmer>>

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: havoc.8569


Guardian or thief, everyone GOGOGO.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Grizor.6543


I already play my guardian instead of engi in dungeons, far more effective in group situations IMO with much more utility(aoe pull, reflect shield, aoe protection.. list goes on).

Grenade nerf was just the final straw I guess.

Grizor – Charr Engineer – Gandara

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Tekyn.5376


I was already using sigil of bloodlust before the patch so all this did was reduce damage by 30%. With the bloodlust buff I was not overpowered so it’s completely nuts that they felt the need to nerf our damage by 30%.

I don’t understand wtf arenanet is doing.

“I feel like I’m getting trolled here. Good day sir.”
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


I stopped playing my thief after the last patch (the one before this one). The class is quite boring and predictable, and the patch only emphasized dagger/dagger burst further. Any seasoned player would hand a glass cannon thief his kitten 9 times out of ten.

Guardian is pretty damn fun though. Playing as an effective bunker was a nice change of pace. That said, there’s this sort of rather popular Engineer bunker build you could also try. If you read the forums at all you should be aware of it.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

Probably not, but I wasn’t using grenades to begin with so this patch is really nothing but good things for me.

Same. Bug fixes should a priority to make this class work.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Unless they do some kind of rebuff within the next few days I am going to retire my Eng till the next major patch next month.
They removed the only useable PvE spec (Grenades/Elixir Gun Supporter), It was the only thing useable in even mid level (20ish) FotM. Now Eng is just a dead class not even worth taking into anything.

The worse part of it all was Warrior getting a buff even when people are running around soloing end game dungeon bosses on them. This is honestly the worst game balancing I have ever seen and at this rate they are going to drive me away from the game.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


I want to play a versatile class, so I guess I’m supposed to be an Elementalist.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


I will still play my Engineer, because I find the class fun. The relative power level does concern me but it isn’t gamebreaking for me.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


I think I may be done with engi….this time around. Mainly because grenades was basically the only thing that made me feel viable enough in pvp. I am actually really good with them in pvp and I don’t miss much the way I play. But at least with all the kit swapping I can say I would probably make a fine elementalist, so I will most likely go that route.

The funniest thing about grenade kit is they nerfed it again but failed to fix the short fuse trait to give correct cd reductions they broke after last grenade nerf. Insane

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Who is going to stop playing engineer and roll another class for pve and wvw? (good thing they didnt touch bunker engineers)
30% grenade damage nerf is too much and sigils are really not worth 30% of damage.
The only other option is the flamethrower that still cause crap damage and the miss miss miss…

Well I’m going to play on my warrior since they never get nerfed.

As you can see from my signature I completely feel you, i think tho we should at least let people spend some time testing what this is like now before complaining that way we are backed with figures and numbers. I’m the first person to complain trust me.

Engineers can use Elixir S and become immune to damage just like Warriors, is your signature supposed to mean something?

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Who is going to stop playing engineer and roll another class for pve and wvw? (good thing they didnt touch bunker engineers)
30% grenade damage nerf is too much and sigils are really not worth 30% of damage.
The only other option is the flamethrower that still cause crap damage and the miss miss miss…

Well I’m going to play on my warrior since they never get nerfed.

As you can see from my signature I completely feel you, i think tho we should at least let people spend some time testing what this is like now before complaining that way we are backed with figures and numbers. I’m the first person to complain trust me.

Engineers can use Elixir S and become immune to damage just like Warriors, is your signature supposed to mean something?

Kind of obvious what his sig means. It means warriors which have 1 of the highest health pools/armor/dps have barely received nerfs

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Raine.1394


I don’t have an engi, but had to come to the forum to share my sympathy after seeing a 30% reduction in Grenade kit because you can use a sigil. Pretty funny and sad at the same time. As if any sigil is going to make up a 30% reduction in damage. I’m sure they went through a perfectly rational process for this nerf. And, they are comfortable justifying it this way with a straight face so I guess all is good, eh?

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Addice.3852


Who is going to stop playing engineer and roll another class for pve and wvw? (good thing they didnt touch bunker engineers)
30% grenade damage nerf is too much and sigils are really not worth 30% of damage.
The only other option is the flamethrower that still cause crap damage and the miss miss miss…

Well I’m going to play on my warrior since they never get nerfed.

As you can see from my signature I completely feel you, i think tho we should at least let people spend some time testing what this is like now before complaining that way we are backed with figures and numbers. I’m the first person to complain trust me.

Engineers can use Elixir S and become immune to damage just like Warriors, is your signature supposed to mean something?

It is a joke. “Shake it Off” is not the immune skill, it takes off a condition. “Endure Pain” is the immune skill.

I am going to retire my engineer for a bit. I have other 80s but my engi was my first and my favorite. I am more disappointed I wasted all that time farming fractals to get the tokens to make a back piece I put on my engi. I should have just put it on my ele along with the rings.

Nerfs happen. I should be used to it, just a little shocked. I still don’t understand why this particular nerf happened. It’s not like we were that OP and for the most part we had to work on timing to get all the nades to him moving targets.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: popeye.7546


I re rolled a gs shout warrior and named him rage quit nerf after nerf slight fixes on a class that is under powered enough jeez anet who cares if we may have put out numbers similar to warrior for a change its not like engis would have become completely op with out that nerf are u gonna nerf us again when u fix the weapon stat issue with our kits this is just a slap in the face throw us a bone and take it away in the same fix

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Grizor.6543


I don’t have an engi, but had to come to the forum to share my sympathy after seeing a 30% reduction in Grenade kit because you can use a sigil. Pretty funny and sad at the same time. As if any sigil is going to make up a 30% reduction in damage. I’m sure they went through a perfectly rational process for this nerf. And, they are comfortable justifying it this way with a straight face so I guess all is good, eh?

This stuff makes me think they don’t quite know what they’re doing with the engi -

- We see the elementalist as the king of versatility.

- The Engineer is a highly versatile class. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.

Engineers, the second most versatile class (with downsides that the ele doesn’t have)!

Grizor – Charr Engineer – Gandara

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


This stuff makes me think they don’t quite know what they’re doing with the engi -

- We see the elementalist as the king of versatility.

- The Engineer is a highly versatile class. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.

Engineers, the second most versatile class (with downsides that the ele doesn’t have)!

Just needed to quote this.

I came to the conclusion Engi was just a filler because they needed another class (maybe something steampunk to fit certain recent trends eh?) and someone came up with a quick idea. Basically its a good idea, in my opinion, but the realization is half kittened and in terms of fixing or balancing, other things apparently have higher priorities than the engi.
And since it seems to be a class not played a lot, compared to other classes, there isn’t a huge lobby either.

Red Guard

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kontrolle.3514


Finally! All this mass Engineer zergs destroyed WvW! Now we can finally play our Thiefs, Mesmers and D/D Eles again!

Im glad i bought that fractal back for my mesmer, which is already superior in PvE/WvW/PvP.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


Just play a Thief. If they haven’t nerfed their damage now, they never will.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Netheren.3261


Yep, I have an 80 warrior that specced for full tanking can still do comparable damage to my grenade engi(main). Its funny how many grenades before this nerf we had to throw to kill something, and now it will take another 1/3 more grenades thrown to kill something. Awesome my wrist needed more pain.

Oh wait thats right. I have a warrior I can play…. except I just kinda dont want to play anymore.

IN MY OPINION, engineers get too many built in handicaps to compensate for the crazy amount of awesomeness they can put out(in any build really), but the balancing factor was PLAYER SKILL.

IN MY OPINION, now an engineer has to play tip kitten top if they want to be as viable as a guardian or warrior spamming 1.
And fractals? GFL. I already was getting booted just for being an engi, kiss that goodbye.

Get back to your overland event farming engineers, your not good for the rest of the game. (Every class can do anything you can do better.)

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: havoc.8569


Just play a Thief. If they haven’t nerfed their damage now, they never will.

Thieves and warriors got buffed, yay!

Well , they buffed their more underwhelming weapons (longbow, pistol respectively).

If only engineering kits got that kind of treatment. Nope just nerf the only good one down to the level of the others and call it a day.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Apollyon.7015


I was a pretty dedicated engineer, now I just don’t fell like playing him any more. Just feels so pointless to play an engineer now.
I don’t understand the logic behind nerfing the least played class, doesn’t make sense.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Travail.7390


I was already at a point where the only reason I was playing my Engineer was because it was my sole Asura character, and that’s my favourite race to just run around exploring with.

From the moment I tried out an Elementalist, it became my main. From the moment I made a Guardian, I was impressed. I was completing level 8 content at level 4 on my Guardian, just stumbled into the level 8 area and didn’t even notice. I was finishing those fights with full health. My Engineer couldn’t dream of doing content 4 levels above his own; even with the old Super Elixir I’d get walloped.

I’m not one for shelving characters, so I’m sure I’ll continue to run around as my Engineer from time to time. I’m done trying to do anything competitive with him, though.


Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Dante.1508


I’ll play it rarely, my Support Heals will now be no good in Dungeons so whats the point of using it anymore, i’ll play something else or move on i guess.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


- We see the elementalist as the king of versatility.
- The Engineer is a highly versatile class. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.

Engineer the second most versatile class, biggest slap in the face since they launch Nov 16th update.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


So ele versatile or stellar warrior. Warriors dont get kill off nerfs. Which is more suitbale pve dungeons (a bit) and mostly wvw?

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Cosine.1786


“- The Engineer is a highly versatile class. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.”

I do hope they update this section to be more accurate. Something like “but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their absolutely bloody everything.”

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

- We see the elementalist as the king of versatility.
- The Engineer is a highly versatile class. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.

Engineer the second most versatile class, biggest slap in the face since they launch Nov 16th update.

Not gonna lie, a tad bit demoralizing….I wonder what the ele’s sacrifice to keep their crown?

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Portal Master.9146

Portal Master.9146

Yep, I have an 80 warrior that specced for full tanking can still do comparable damage to my grenade engi(main). Its funny how many grenades before this nerf we had to throw to kill something, and now it will take another 1/3 more grenades thrown to kill something. Awesome my wrist needed more pain.

Oh wait thats right. I have a warrior I can play…. except I just kinda dont want to play anymore.

IN MY OPINION, engineers get too many built in handicaps to compensate for the crazy amount of awesomeness they can put out(in any build really), but the balancing factor was PLAYER SKILL.

IN MY OPINION, now an engineer has to play tip kitten top if they want to be as viable as a guardian or warrior spamming 1.
And fractals? GFL. I already was getting booted just for being an engi, kiss that goodbye.

Get back to your overland event farming engineers, your not good for the rest of the game. (Every class can do anything you can do better.)

I feel the same way. Shelve this damn class…
I played my kitten off to get to the higher level fractals and groups are already not letting me in because I’m an Engineer. Really who would you want at level 24: A really good Engineer or a mediocre Warrior?
What exactely is this “VERSATILITY”? Another word for kittening sucks? Tell the groups that know engineers aren’t worth kitten compared to the Warrior on Guardian that I’m “VERSATILE”.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Kvothe.4136


Engineer was my first class, and I had a blast making it to 80, but I now find that I don’t know what build to make. I cant find one that does a good amount of DMG, even a glass cannon rifle power build is underwhelming, and I would rather not develop arthritis early in life by spamming grenade skills, which have been nerfed by 30% anyway.

ArenaNet: I really like the IDEA of your Engineer class, and would enjoy it SO much more if I felt like an effective member of a party or even Dynamic Event. Please stop nerfing me.

Thank you,

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Zoel.9154



what class is closest to old engie? War or ele?

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Netheren.3261



what class is closest to old engie? War or ele?

None really. But perhaps an elem who didnt have to have fire or lightning flying all about, and still have some nifty wow look at them go moments.

Elem will give you the thrill of the swaps like Engie, just with way more effective abilties.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Liquid.9672


I may just roll Elem, finish my Thief of quit the game altogether. Thanks Anet. You seriously don’t have a clue.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: danjlo.8124


After this nerf I stop playing my engineer, of course. ArenaNet makes me tenderness, do not realize that there are now only warrior and mesmer, heh. They make no sense to nerf classes already recently played. A logic by drunken monkey.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: scorezoid.9210


Good that i quit the game months ago. Was still waiting for a engineer fix and keep the game on my pc. Now i can remove it. :p

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: OnlyBlix.2613


I was looking forward to some fun WvW on my Engineer, now that finals week is over, but instead I was greeted with craptacular news. As someone who uses bloodlust sigil all I got was a 30% damage nerf. I would have to completely redo my engineer to be somewhat decent and I am not willing to shell out the gold for that. I think I’m going to play my guardian more often, but I’ve lost the spark I had with the game.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


(good thing they didnt touch bunker engineers)

Bunker got nerfed EXTREMELY hard just as well by reverting the super elixir from the elixir gun to previous amount of heal…

i was AOE! healing for 12K over 10 seconds prior to his nerf.. at least 1 reason to pick engineer bunker over guard bunker

Sooo yeah no more healing bunker for me – no more grenades for me…

I`m rerolling thief..

kittening broken kitten kitten profession engineer pile of crap useless monkey kittening kitten kitten kitten kitten

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591



Those are a lot of kittens there, but I agree, just that I’m stopping playing entirely ‘coz I can’t play anything but my engineer, no way I’d love other classes so bye.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Shoyoko.7309


- We see the elementalist as the king of versatility.
- The Engineer is a highly versatile class. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.

Engineer the second most versatile class, biggest slap in the face since they launch Nov 16th update.

I soo agree…what the hell are we then?
At Arenanet: (bs events from a now disillusional and broken-hearted engineer)
“Hey, what is that thing with that huge backpack?”
“I think that’s an engie”
“Engie! How rare! Oh yeh, what is an engie?”
“hmmm…i don’t know…they just have guns and other little gadgets”
“are they even a class?”
“i think so….maybe”
“what should we do with them?”
“I don’t know, it’s in my way, lets just nerf it so my warrior can walk all over it”
“Sweet! I will take my now extremely versatile ele and smash it with my aoe through the ground!”

No two engineers are the same.
Passionate engineer; self-proclaimed kitmaster. <3

(edited by Shoyoko.7309)

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


I´ve leveled a thief to 80 lately and I realized I could do far better damage in green equip on that thief on the same vets than on my downscaled engi in full exotics.

Every class-patch so far has been a frustration to me, ascended gear and the grind for it even more – and now this!

I´ve been playing Age of Conan since release in 2008 – until GW2 was released and I´m still doing T4-raids in AoC almost every week on a Ranger, which in the meantime has even less sustained DPS than all 3 AoC-priest-classes and 2 of 3 soldier-classes. So I don´t give up easily on a game or a class.

I´ll always remember what this moron Craig Morrison and Failcom did to AoC, especially in pvp.

I was close to leaving GW2 before and now feel tempted to press “delete” even more.

And I will remember Jon Peters and what he thinks about versatility – as far as versatility can go without options for compareable DPS, heals and support – and Chris Whiteside for betraying me with ascended gear and the grind for it.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Mokinokaro.2158


I’m done with the game.

GW2 has 3 viable classes: Warrior, Guardian and Mesmer (and even mesmers are behind the other two.) Engineers are possibly the worst class in the game when we were middle of the road before.

Engineer was the only class that really clicked for me, but now they’re so broken that even getting mine to 80 would just be an exercise in frustration.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


Im really confused at the moment. I love gw2 but the only prof i really like to play is kinda out of job. Before we were “the working class, jack of all trades”. Whats our job now? People are posting might stack builds but they have been played and done long ago. On paper they look good and for fast pace pvp action might aswell work but for wvw bleeh. The way of gaming in mightbuild is boring. u keep an eye on some boon rate rather than focus battle. Sadly, at now its the only way to go with tankcat.

I loved my grenadier engineer to the bits. Ive played it from beta1 and have had all exo sets and alot different runes to test variations. I always found something new there knowing skill1 gets me dps if i can make surroundings right. (how to survive bursters attackin, retaliation? Go for elixir S or more dmg on static charge etc.. ) Finally Anet anounced sigils will come in. I went all peanuts. Finally its here! I specced my build to defensive side so nades sigil power would bring it to higher lvl. Berserker nadiers are easy prey, tanky ones are the kings in these days. (were)

I and other nadiers have been punished for some reason and I clearly dont know why. Have there been any videos of nade engi killing big groups or owning in 1v1 constantly? Have there been any threads of grenades being op? (some say they were in pvp when throwing close to ur body = dps) I play wvw so nade engineer would never survive to bash grenades around him close range. Sigils would have made nadier to competite with thief, guardian, warrior, mesmer equally. (well guardian still might too much)

(edited by ikiturso.4026)

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Tekyn.5376


Yeah, i’m still not convinced that arenanet knows how grenades really work, i.e. you have to throw them and then they have to actually hit the target. Any calculations they did to figure out this magic “30%” must have assumed that 100% of a Engineer’s grenades are hitting the target. This hardly ever happens, especially in WvW.

“I feel like I’m getting trolled here. Good day sir.”
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Well at least we know all the kit swapping will make us excellent elementalists

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Merwenus.7108


Don’t be silly, you can get 2×5% damage ^^ it was totally worth it!
I read the Mesmer forums few days ago, mesmers were crying about the phantasm cooldown. The dev said “oh we didnt test it in PVE, but it worked well on dummies” (and still took 1 month to fix this bug)

So I ask you wtf do we expect about these “developers”?

Reroll to guardian or warrior, they will buff the kitten out of them soon, these 2 must be their main chars in civil.

With full berserker stats, I do 1800 damage with rifle, and if ALL the 3 grenades do crit, they do the same amount of damage
Warriors do 4k DPS and +20k every 6 seconds with GS.

I am so kittening mad now, but wont be sad, just go play another game, and let the “developers” balance things till every1 leave the game, and I really really hope Arenanet will close his gates in a few months, just because that 2 employe.

Just remember happened to other MMOs, If the player base was not happy, they just stopped playing. Good example: Aion, the developers kittened up things badly, 3 months later huge amount of players left.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Engineer was my first class, and I had a blast making it to 80, but I now find that I don’t know what build to make. I cant find one that does a good amount of DMG, even a glass cannon rifle power build is underwhelming, and I would rather not develop arthritis early in life by spamming grenade skills, which have been nerfed by 30% anyway.

ArenaNet: I really like the IDEA of your Engineer class, and would enjoy it SO much more if I felt like an effective member of a party or even Dynamic Event. Please stop nerfing me.

Thank you,

Why should we have to change every time there’s a patch. See i went thru this in WoW when they put that marine biologist in charge of class balancing and guess what Every week I had to relearn my class EVERY WEEK. in this game however if you have to change your build you have to change your entire expensive as hell gear and rune sets and even weapons. So guess what, more money more money or endless farming hours just to make a new set that might not work.

So here we are again, with yet ANOTHER broken spec that no one can use so people will be scrambling to get the gold they need to make a new armor set and weapons with the appropriate sigils so they can actually do something with this class again.

It’s NOT versatility when you keep breaking every single viable build we have left!

And now we have people denying engineers into dungeon groups because they can’t support, they can’t dps. What’s left CC? Yeah show me Jon show me the engineer that is viable in a dungeon run that can only do CC. Seriously.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Engineer was my first class, and I had a blast making it to 80, but I now find that I don’t know what build to make. I cant find one that does a good amount of DMG, even a glass cannon rifle power build is underwhelming, and I would rather not develop arthritis early in life by spamming grenade skills, which have been nerfed by 30% anyway.

ArenaNet: I really like the IDEA of your Engineer class, and would enjoy it SO much more if I felt like an effective member of a party or even Dynamic Event. Please stop nerfing me.

Thank you,

Why should we have to change every time there’s a patch. See i went thru this in WoW when they put that marine biologist in charge of class balancing and guess what Every week I had to relearn my class EVERY WEEK. in this game however if you have to change your build you have to change your entire expensive as hell gear and rune sets and even weapons. So guess what, more money more money or endless farming hours just to make a new set that might not work.

So here we are again, with yet ANOTHER broken spec that no one can use so people will be scrambling to get the gold they need to make a new armor set and weapons with the appropriate sigils so they can actually do something with this class again.

It’s NOT versatility when you keep breaking every single viable build we have left!

And now we have people denying engineers into dungeon groups because they can’t support, they can’t dps. What’s left CC? Yeah show me Jon show me the engineer that is viable in a dungeon run that can only do CC. Seriously.

This is what’s forcing me away, there isn’t any other viable damage source to turn to