Why are we seeing more engies?

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Engineer is still a low population class BUT recently in relative terms there are quite a number of new engineers I see (often veteran players now rolling a new engineer).

What is the reason for the increased popularity on your server (if there is such an increase)?

1. Commanders getting a sense of abilities in a zerg?
2. Familiarity built from Spvp and the decap engineer?
3. Just needing something different?

The skills and utility we bring to any game aspect really hasn’t changed much. What are people seeing now in the engineer that they were not seeing about our class say even 3 months ago?

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

I came back to game after maybe year or little lekittenus, and the “meta” then didnt really might stack in dungeons, it was the Warrior/Guard/Mes meta, and those three classes were the most wanted for dungeons etc. I shelved my ranger during this time and started on an Engineer and immidiate fell in love with the sheer number of options.

I think there is a huge number of them because of their recent lime light in pvp where turrets are getting a bunch of hate. Ive seen quite a few turrets in meta events popping up in pve too. its kinda silly.

I think engie still needs some buffs personally so would suck for this huge increase to get them nerfed.

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfar.6508


I believe this is because of the many youtuber that play Engineer. Names like Teldo, Koroshi and Yishis are quite big. I am not aware of a lot of popular youtubers that play another profession other then the DnT guys (Oh and Sizer on twitch).

Other than that.. I don’t know.. people might want to challenge themselves nowadays?

Wolfineer.com - Everything Engineer!

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


1) Having the highest skillcap is fun for some.
2)Having a lot of utility at your disposal is also fun.
3) Accepting you’ll never be pretty because of hobosacks makes you a better human being by being less judgemental to the shortcomings of others.

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: oZii.2864


Personally I made a engineer since it I like to press alot of buttons to do something simple which is why I main elementalist. After going through all the other classes at 80 and making my last character engineer at 80 it is now my second favorite class.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: lakdav.3694


3) Accepting you’ll never be pretty because of hobosacks makes you a better human being by being less judgemental to the shortcomings of others.

This made my day, thank you

As for why we see more, i guess its partly because of engi-hate on forums and PvP, people figure “if you cant beat’em, join’em”, and partly because they are starting to run out of Alt professions and want to play something different. And they get stuck with the engineer as if a glue shot backfired.

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Arius.7031


1) Having the highest skillcap is fun for some.
2)Having a lot of utility at your disposal is also fun.
3) Accepting you’ll never be pretty because of hobosacks makes you a better human being by being less judgemental to the shortcomings of others.

1) Ele and thief provide similar skill caps.
2) Like ele :o.
3) True.

To the OP, I think it’s for numerous reasons. A lot of people thought power builds died last patch, outside of the new might stacking power meta (everyone is strength/hoelbrak etc…). Tons rerolled condi builds/classes. Engineers saw build diversity increase as turrets were buffed hugely, and now a good turret engi is virtually unbeatable on a point. SPvP Engis are in a very good place, roaming in WvW, etc… Engineer itself hasn’t really changed, it has always been high skillcap and always had high utility, but that didn’t make people play it before so idk why it would now. I think it’s due to the most recent patch and the (perceived) shift in the meta.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


in wvw I haven’t really seen any more engies than usual. way more mesmers than before tho.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


Here in EU gold league PU mesmers and P/D condi thieves (and thieves in general) are a plague.
Engineers are an absolute rarity.

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: MeanCoffeeBean.2073


Anecdotal Observation: I mostly see an ocean of (in order) Guards, Warriors, Thieves, then Mesmers in Bottom-tier WvW, where I live when I am playing. On the other hand, Eles, Rangers, and Engineers do not seem to be as well represented as a portion of the population at all.

To be fair, some of this is the difference between roamers and zerg/ktrain runners. The roamers almost always seem to be small groups of thieves/mesmers. The zergs are full of hammer/staff guards and hambow warriors.

It is honestly a surprise to me when I come across an opposing engineer, and I actually get excited to see how they play and what kits/turrets/utilities they use because it is so uncommon.

This could be a bottom-tier thing though.

Fluttershy – Mesmer
Clarishy – Ranger
Tinkershy – Engineer

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: hihey.1075


Engineers have been completely wiped off the WvW (solo) roaming meta due to the rise in popularity of PU Mesmers and (more recently) PD thieves. Even DD eles can now totally wreck engis without many problems.
Engineers were good when D/x thieves were the majority of WvW roamers. Now that everyone rerolled to cheesy specs there is no point in using engi for roaming.

This is from an EU Silver League viewpoint.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I don’t agree on the fact that eng has been wiped out from wvw. I think eng has many viable build for both pvp and wvw but with actual rewards system many eng like me prefer PVP to wvw . Sometime i go in edge and i find engeneer really viable with the right build but in any case i prefer (from begin of GW2) pvp to WvW. I belive it is only a matter of players’ preference on pvp. i hate zerg fighing …

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: alofear.9637


I love WvW i just don’t have time to play it as much as I would like. sPvP is easy for me to hop in and get a % of my Daily

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Barquiel.5610


I have never really seen engi’s out side of spvp. Some times I will see 1 or 2 in WvW after 3-4 hours of straight play.

That being said I switched to Engi because I needed some thing new. I lvl’d him up and actually had so much fun with the class that it is currently my main. I play spvp and solo roam. My reasons for the change based on my other characters.
1. Warrior – Just to easy to play
2. Guard – Same as above
3. Thief – Fun but perma stealth gets boring.

Personally I love roaming on my Engi. Those people who say we can’t roam or were pushed out of roaming, I don’t see it. Yes, there are havok groups of multi thieves groups and other set ups. However in most 1v1,1v2 or even 1v3 we hold our own.

Potenkon Zombieland [WvW]

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


1) Having the highest skillcap is fun for some.
2)Having a lot of utility at your disposal is also fun.
3) Accepting you’ll never be pretty because of hobosacks makes you a better human being by being less judgemental to the shortcomings of others.

1) Ele and thief provide similar skill caps.
2) Like ele :o.
3) True.

To the OP, I think it’s for numerous reasons. A lot of people thought power builds died last patch, outside of the new might stacking power meta (everyone is strength/hoelbrak etc…). Tons rerolled condi builds/classes. Engineers saw build diversity increase as turrets were buffed hugely, and now a good turret engi is virtually unbeatable on a point. SPvP Engis are in a very good place, roaming in WvW, etc… Engineer itself hasn’t really changed, it has always been high skillcap and always had high utility, but that didn’t make people play it before so idk why it would now. I think it’s due to the most recent patch and the (perceived) shift in the meta.

1) was from a pve standpoint. Ele and maybe thief have higher skillcaps in pvp.

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Engineer is still a low population class BUT recently in relative terms there are quite a number of new engineers I see (often veteran players now rolling a new engineer).

What is the reason for the increased popularity on your server (if there is such an increase)?

1. Commanders getting a sense of abilities in a zerg?
2. Familiarity built from Spvp and the decap engineer?
3. Just needing something different?

The skills and utility we bring to any game aspect really hasn’t changed much. What are people seeing now in the engineer that they were not seeing about our class say even 3 months ago?

spvp popularity. before people figured out how to play it in spvp, i would run into maybe 1-2 a day in wvw. yes there’s a connection.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


Eh its only really in spvp that engi has gotten more popular in. Thats just because the game mode plays to the engis strengths, ie point warfare.

WvW they’re decent roamers, but thieves and pu mesmers and warrs are far more popular. They’re still rare in organized wvw zergs.

PvE engi is still rare.

Why are we seeing more engies?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tman.6349


I don’t know if this was stated already in the above posts, but I think a very likely reason is that GW2 has been out for over a year and a half now and most people have leveled all the other professions already. Thus, many people have rolled Engis as there final character for a full set of 80s. Not a for sure answer but seems very plausible.

I have 10 geared 80s for over a year now and two of them are Engis. They are such a fun profession, but I can understand why many people would hold of on leveling an Engi till the very end. The ‘completionist’ in people is maybe driving them to finally level one. (It could just people feeling more confident in their skills and ability to understand combos and rapid skill rotations.)

Just some conclusions that can be taken with a grain of salt. (PS. It could be that with the new Megaserver, many players have ran across my EPIC looking Engi and wanted to roll one in hopes of looking like me.)