Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Hi there!
Why you are always nerfing Engineers?
Nothing personal, just interesting - why?
Is it very popular overpowered class? Not and never was. So, why?
Last patch - direct Kit-builds nerf (kit refinement nerf) and hidden crazy Flamethrower nerf (Omnomberry food nerf)
Before it - nerf. You are nerfed our most useless skill - FT toolbelt
Before it - greatly Grenade kit nerf
Before it - bug fixes or nothing generally was changed in comparsion with another classes
Nerfs again
I understand another classes recieving nerfs too, but with huge buffs too and:
Engineers are still underpowered
We are recieving nerfs mostly. Even if in the patch notes we will see some "buff" - it will be very little and there will be a huge nerf too.
It’s pretty obvious at this point that Anet has absolutely no idea what to do with this class.
the number of viable builds for engineer certainly is decreasing
If that make you feel better, rangers are even worse.
It’s ok we can have meetings where we sit in circles, pat on our back and talk about how anet hates us. Free food on sundays.
no necros allowed
yup, with the kit refinement nerf we now need to constantly think about when it’s recharged. we needed to do that to in the past, but atleast we could make a simple healing area around us (equip EG), and then make a cripling and bleeding field for everyone who passes it.
And why would i do that? we need to be in our healing field the whole duration to have a decent amount of healing, and when some guy tries to melee u, u can kite him around that healing field with a bit of practice and skill.
Now… nah, done for. Why would i even want to take kit refinement if it only focusses on one kit? i know it doesn’t but indirectly it does. When the fight gets to tough it was easy to pop EG, get a little bit of healing, pop super elixer again for another bit of healing, and then the toolkit to run away while leaving others crippled, now its like that dredge guy would say in SE : NONONOOONONONONO
I like the buffs on flamethrower to increase the damage and such. But why the hell nerf something like kit refinement? Engineers are constantly swapping kits (and they should, having a wide range of skills) the extra spell u got from swapping kits was something to take into account, now it makes it even more complex by adding an internal cooldown.
Every time patch i hope for bug fixes and everytime we get a big fishslap in the face. It’s tiresome to see alot of people go like : ow… ur an engi? sorry… We’d rather take that lvl 30 warrior cause he is far more usefull.
Alot of us got the point now, we are the joke class. One with references to TF2 (engi, using heal turret and "Dispensers up, healing turrets with ur toolkit). The pyro (with the Flamethrower and air blast) and maybe even Captain America with ur shield (reflect and throw)
Well, if that’s the case. Atleast make us as usefull as those tf2 engi’s. If the other team had an engi bunker nest, ur done for unless u focus fire with ur hole team on that 1 little sentry. Now even a jagged horror is like : LOL NOPE, GG turret.
A pyro was something u don’t want to close to your face. Something that is kinda achieved
But then captain america? Its more like captain amurrica….
also, u might wanna change your toughts over the engineer.. “keeping alive allies with their boons”. A guardian does a better job, has more damage output and is tankier.
’nuff said
Couldn’t disagree more.
Some people may be unhappy, but the FT/EG build has simply gotten stronger month by month. It’s now gotten to the point where I may just drop Kit Refinement and run 10-20 points in Inventions since Super Elixir works better with Cleric’s/Healing Power now.
OP does raise an interesting point.
Many classes have been allowed to be very overpowered for months on end, with many people complaining about them, and they either don’t get nerfed, or have very tiny adjustments.
Engineers on the other hand seem to get nerfed everytime they have a strong, yet not OP build, even with no one complaining. Furthermore they seem to have no problem nerfing Engineers “to the ground” despite their stated goal of small adjustments to balance (Exhibit A: Grenades 30% nerf as a first step).
Furthermore they seem to have no problem nerfing Engineers “to the ground” despite their stated goal of small adjustments to balance (Exhibit A: Grenades 30% nerf as a first step).
And yet Grenade Kit is still arguably the best sustained AoE DPS in the entire game. From 1200 range. Which synergizes perfectly fine with the Elixir Gun that offers 100% upkeep of a Light field for condition removal with Kit Refinement.
It’s pretty obvious at this point that Anet has absolutely no idea what to do with this class.
This. There is a lot of shizophrenia going on in these updates, with major nerfs shrouded in a series of minor buffs. I think they just don’t have a clue what they want to do with the class.
It’s pretty obvious at this point that Anet has absolutely no idea what to do with this class.
This. There is a lot of shizophrenia going on in these updates, with major nerfs shrouded in a series of minor buffs. I think they just don’t have a clue what they want to do with the class.
They failed to give the class a role in the game and an identity, most players came into the game thinkign they were gonna be using lots of gadgets, powerful turrents and an awesome flame thrower but … trolol
people just focus alot on that one nerf each patch and forget the buffs.
it’s really nowhere as bad as most would have you believe, in my view.
Like I said in the other post, you are using a build that is unaffected by those change.
Don’t spit in the air, it might come back in your face.
Couldn’t disagree more.
- They’ve made it to where sigils and weapon damage accumulate into kit damage.
- They’ve changed the Flamethrower from a tank kit into a Might-stacking damage dealing kit (which can really get quite ridiculous with 25 Might and 25 Bloodlust).
- They’ve increased the Healing Power coefficient for Healing Turret and now Super Elixir (the previous “nerf” was actually a fix).
- They’ve made Flame Blast much easier to use as PBAoE DPS
- Flame Jet now gets a flat 10% damage increase any time your target is burning (i.e., 100% of the time if you’re with an Ele and Guard).
Some people may be unhappy, but the FT/EG build has simply gotten stronger month by month. It’s now gotten to the point where I may just drop Kit Refinement and run 10-20 points in Inventions since Super Elixir works better with Cleric’s/Healing Power now.
1. It must worked from the release, coz it’s obvious things.
2. Lol, stop dreaming, theorycrafter. I’ve tryed Sup Sigil of Strenght with the Juggernaut trait and, you kow… it’s impossible to stack more than 10-12 stacks of Might. Dreamer ^^
3. It was a obvious bug – regen from HT healed by… 5 (FIVE!) HP! Lol! EG#5 still useless.
4. Wow, you will use FT only for #2? Wanna see that
5. Even with 5 elems and guards FT dps still too low. And if remeber about retaliation and about Omnomberry nerf – usinf FT is really dangerous.
Stop dreaming and login to game and come to the WvW at the high tiers. You will be wondered about Engineer “strengh”, I promise.
I’ve understood something...
1. There is a TONS of Elems, Thieves and Warriors around - it’s obvious and visible to anyone.
What if they will nerf them, coz this classes REALLY need to be nerfed?
You all can imagine that: a HUGE tons of the whine threads at forums, massive leaving game, bad reputation, etc.
2. How many Engineers around who are really playing Enginers most of the time? Really low number.
What will happens if they are nerfing us? generally, nothing: 2-3 whine threads - it can be easly handled with just one moderator.
3. Why they need to nerf someone?
very easy: Arena.NET have top-management. They are didnt know anything about their own game, over it’s name: no any classes, no any builds, no any WvW ratings or sPvP ladders - nothing. Only they are know - the game with name "Guild Wars 2" exists, this is their own game and that’s all.
But sometimes one of the Top-managers hear some strange thing, what everyone talking about: "Huge class disbalanse in the GW2!! This game not so good as they promised!"
He saying to the mid-manager: "Hey! WTF with balanse in the our game? Investigate it and fix it!"
Mid-manager talking to low-manager: "Hey! WTF with balanse in the our game? Investigate it and fix it!"
Low-manadgement and community management know about points 1 and 2 (see above). They are nerfing Engineers, waiting for some "Why Engineers nerfed again??" threads, showing it to the upper management with commets "Disbalanse was fixed!" and all is done.
managment will have a good dreams, OP-classes will pwn all around as always. What? how about Engineers? God, who cares about low-popularity class?!
Phineas Poe.3018, I undersand, you are "Always NO!" trollkind.
Lol, look at this:
"At maximum potency, Bloodlust offers 250 Power. This will stay with you so long as you do not “zone” from the area you are currently in or enter “downed” state in combat.
At maximum potency, Strength offers 5 stacks of Might. This is due to the internal 2-second cooldown that affects all on-crit sigils in Guild Wars 2. One stack of Might offers 35 Power, which means that Strength offers a total of 175 Power.
Now, I’m not a math student. I’m a disciple of the Humanities. But I’m pretty sure 250 is a larger number than 175. So Bloodlust outclasses Strength in all situations, right?"
So, where is 25 stacks of Might in the your OWN article??
Looking at your "last" build and crying...
Just get out, troll
(edited by SilverWF.4789)
Like I said in the other post, you are using a build that is unaffected by those change.
Don’t spit in the air, it might come back in your face.
sorry, I was referring to the op which stated that all patches were engineer nerfs. You know as well as I do that that is simply not true.
1. It must worked from the release, coz it’s obvious things.
2. Lol, stop dreaming, theorycrafter. I’ve tryed Sup Sigil of Strenght with the Juggernaut trait and, you kow… it’s impossible to stack more than 10-12 stacks of Might. Dreamer ^^
3. It was a obvious bug – regen from HT healed by… 5 (FIVE!) HP! Lol! EG#5 still useless.
4. Wow, you will use FT only for #2? Wanna see that
5. Even with 5 elems and guards FT dps still too low. And if remeber about retaliation and about Omnomberry nerf – usinf FT is really dangerous.Stop dreaming and login to game and come to the WvW at the high tiers. You will be wondered about Engineer “strengh”, I promise.
1. Let me be clearer—you could use Sigil of Bloodlust and then swap to your Flamethrower, but Sigil of Bloodlust would not increase in stacks off kills used with bundles like Engi kits. And I don’t think I need to tell you what 10% extra crit damage from my pistols does to my Flamethrower.
2. I’m not theorycrafting.
Juggernaut gives 7 stacks of Might.
Sigil of Strength gives 5 stacks of Might.
Rune of Altruism gives 3 stacks of Might.
That’s a flat 15 stack of Might I can keep up all the time that can be further re-enforced through food and group buffs. I don’t usually bother trying to hit 25 all by myself because in group situations that’s usually already done for me. I just make sure I have at least 15 on me by swapping to Rune of Altruism which grants me 3 stacks of Might and Fury for my entire group.
3. Not sure what you’re talking about with Healing Turret. I just tested dropping it and picking it back up and gave me 165 health/second with Zerker/Ruby gear.
4. Don’t recall saying I “only use FT” for any one skill. I use Flame Jet fairly often because it’s the easiest method to getting full potency from Sigil of Strength, but it’s not beyond me to use the other 4 skills on the bar as often as they come up/are as needed.
5. I’m not scared.
6. I’m not sure what you mean by “higher tiers.” I play on Sanctum of Rall. We’re second only to Jade Quarry at the moment.
Phineas Poe.3018, I undersand, you are “Always NO!” trollkind.
I don’t understand what this means.
1. It must worked from the release, coz it’s obvious things.
2. Lol, stop dreaming, theorycrafter. I’ve tryed Sup Sigil of Strenght with the Juggernaut trait and, you kow... it’s impossible to stack more than 10-12 stacks of Might. Dreamer ^^
3. It was a obvious bug - regen from HT healed by... 5 (FIVE!) HP! Lol! EG#5 still useless.
4. Wow, you will use FT only for #2? Wanna see that
5. Even with 5 elems and guards FT dps still too low. And if remeber about retaliation and about Omnomberry nerf - usinf FT is really dangerous.Stop dreaming and login to game and come to the WvW at the high tiers. You will be wondered about Engineer "strengh", I promise.
1. Let me be clearer--you could use Sigil of Bloodlust and then swap to your Flamethrower, but Sigil of Bloodlust would not increase in stacks off kills used with bundles like Engi kits. And I don’t think I need to tell you what 10% extra crit damage from my pistols does to my Flamethrower.
2. I’m not theorycrafting.
Juggernaut gives 7 stacks of Might.
Sigil of Strength gives 5 stacks of Might.
Rune of Altruism gives 3 stacks of Might.That’s a flat 15 stack of Might I can keep up all the time that can be further re-enforced through food and group buffs. I don’t usually bother trying to hit 25 all by myself because in group situations that’s usually already done for me. I just make sure I have at least 15 on me by swapping to Rune of Altruism which grants me 3 stacks of Might and Fury for my entire group.
3. Not sure what you’re talking about with Healing Turret. I just tested dropping it and picking it back up and gave me 165 health/second with Zerker/Ruby gear.
4. Don’t recall saying I "only use FT" for any one skill. I use Flame Jet fairly often because it’s the easiest method to getting full potency from Sigil of Strength, but it’s not beyond me to use the other 4 skills on the bar as often as they come up/are as needed.
5. I’m not scared.
6. I’m not sure what you mean by "higher tiers." I play on Sanctum of Rall. We’re second only to Jade Quarry at the moment.
1. It must be worked like it working now since release, coz this is obvious - sigils must works with kits! So, for me, it was just bug fix, not buff.
2. So, where is 25 stacks of Might anyway?
3. Before patch it have healing nearly 5 HP/sec. So, this was bug fix too, not buff. How long are you playing Engi?
4. Full potency? It have "full potency" with ANY weapon, coz 2 sec cooldown, wow. And for FT it mostly useless coz it’s CD sharing with Flame sigil - it way more useful.
Yes, my Engi using P/P or P/S weapons. Dislike rifles since point 1 fix.
5’n’6 So, now, try to find really big and famous WvW guild and take part in everyday mass WvW fights for month or so
Try to remeber about "kit will have the power of most rare weapon of that lvl" "buff" (yeah, in quotes too)
Two-handed kits have a Power stat like ... one handed Exo Pistol have, not two-handed Rifle even if rifle currently equipped!
And (this is most funny moment) - not like DUAL pistols, but like ONE SINGLE pistol! God, LOL, is it was Buff too??
(edited by SilverWF.4789)
keep in mind that you would have to go to med kit to get Altruism to work and this will mess up FT’s stacking
ps: check out enchance performance ( explosives X ), gives 3 might whenever you use med kit, goes well with Altruism and you would be stacking 9 mights just by going on med kit
@SilverWF — calm down just a little bit, please. Your entire post about ArenaNet is just simply fabricated nonsense. Phineas and others are trying to have a rational discussion while you’re slamming them and calling them trolls. I understand you are not a fan of the Kit Refinement change, but you don’t have to be nasty to your fellow players in explaining that.
@SilverWF — calm down just a little bit, please. Your entire post about ArenaNet is just simply fabricated nonsense. Phineas and others are trying to have a rational discussion while you’re slamming them and calling them trolls. I understand you are not a fan of the Kit Refinement change, but you don’t have to be nasty to your fellow players in explaining that.
If honestly, I’m not so disappointed from KR nerf as from Omnomberry food nerf, coz it makes FT mostly useless and weak kit for the massive battles.
And sorry – there wasn’t anything personal in my words.
keep in mind that you would have to go to med kit to get Altruism to work and this will mess up FT’s stacking
ps: check out enchance performance ( explosives X ), gives 3 might whenever you use med kit, goes well with Altruism and you would be stacking 9 mights just by going on med kit
Don’t forget this is kinda trick and it will be nerfed (fixed) too - what you’ll say after that?
(edited by SilverWF.4789)
1. It must be worked like it working now since release, coz this is obvious – sigils must works with kits! So, for me, it was just bug fis, not buff.
2. So, where is 25 stacks of Might anyway?
3. Before patch it have healing nearly 5 HP/sec. So, this was bug fix too, not buff. How long are you playing Engi?
4. Full potency? It have “full potency” with ANY weapon, coz 2 sec cooldown, wow. And for FT it mostly useless coz it’s CD sharing with Flame sigil – it way more useful.
Yes, my Engi using P/P or P/S weapons. Dislike rifles since point 1 fix.
5’n’6 So, now, try to find really big and famous WvW guild and take part in everyday mass WvW fights for month or so
1. Bug fix or not, it buffed our damage. Meaning: the class has been improved.
2. 10 stacks of Might is not very hard to get through group buffs and food. Ghost Pepper Poppers give 5-second Might buffs with no internal cooldown with a 40% chance on crit during daytime. But with the 10% damage increase to Flame Jet to burning targets, I’ll probably start eating condition duration food. Depends on how that works out.
3. Considering it’s my first class and I bought the game Day One … quite a while. The only class I’ve dedicated a lot of time to beside my Engi is my Guardian, which I mostly play only when I’m bored of my Engineer. I just wasn’t aware that there was a bug to Healing Turret though; mostly because I don’t use it since I have Rune of Altruism and prefer swapping to Med Kit for proc. I was just thinking of an alternate route one could take with the FT/EG build. Why so serious?
4. Dude, are you just splitting hairs now? The point is that Strength works great with the Flamethrower. I’m sure it works well with other options.
5. Why? WvW is just one aspect of the game and I don’t care to center my experience around it. You’re the one who dragged in into the conversation in the first place, not me. Point is: I play on a top-tier WvW server and deal with top-tier players. Before I was SoR I was on Jade Quarry. Before that I was on Isle of Janthir. I have enough experience with WvW to draw on, thanks.
keep in mind that you would have to go to med kit to get Altruism to work and this will mess up FT’s stacking
You can swap to the Med Kit while Flame Jet is channeling. I just tested to see if you lost any Might stacks in the process. I waited until I was at 7, swapped to Med Kit, and was still at 10 stacks with the Flamethrower while channeling my next Flame Jet.
No loss in DPS.
If they consider this a bug and “fix” this at any point, that’s fine. I would just re-order my kit rotation to Flamethrower → EG (Super Elixir) → Med Kit (Altruism) → Flamethrower. This is practically what I do already.
keep in mind that you would have to go to med kit to get Altruism to work and this will mess up FT’s stacking
ps: check out enchance performance ( explosives X ), gives 3 might whenever you use med kit, goes well with Altruism and you would be stacking 9 mights just by going on med kit
Don’t forget this is kinda trick and it will be nerfed (fixed) too – what you’ll say after that?
the runes won’t be nerfed as for the skills i highly doubt it, as the game has introductory classes like guardian or warriors ( very simple and straight forward that require little to not skill at all ), every class has its own introductory build which enables players to learn the class at relative ease, and that’s what might stacking elixir build is for engineer, an easy, safe, fun, reliable build that is no where near overpowered which is perfect for new players or people who don’t want to bother pressing 646547 bottoms
Couldn’t disagree more.
- They’ve made it to where sigils and weapon damage accumulate into kit damage.
- They’ve changed the Flamethrower from a tank kit into a Might-stacking damage dealing kit (which can really get quite ridiculous with 25 Might and 25 Bloodlust).
- They’ve increased the Healing Power coefficient for Healing Turret and now Super Elixir (the previous “nerf” was actually a fix).
- They’ve made Flame Blast much easier to use as PBAoE DPS
- Flame Jet now gets a flat 10% damage increase any time your target is burning (i.e., 100% of the time if you’re with an Ele and Guard).
Some people may be unhappy, but the FT/EG build has simply gotten stronger month by month. It’s now gotten to the point where I may just drop Kit Refinement and run 10-20 points in Inventions since Super Elixir works better with Cleric’s/Healing Power now.
1. It must worked from the release, coz it’s obvious things.
2. Lol, stop dreaming, theorycrafter. I’ve tryed Sup Sigil of Strenght with the Juggernaut trait and, you kow… it’s impossible to stack more than 10-12 stacks of Might. Dreamer ^^
3. It was a obvious bug – regen from HT healed by… 5 (FIVE!) HP! Lol! EG#5 still useless.
4. Wow, you will use FT only for #2? Wanna see that
5. Even with 5 elems and guards FT dps still too low. And if remeber about retaliation and about Omnomberry nerf – usinf FT is really dangerous.Stop dreaming and login to game and come to the WvW at the high tiers. You will be wondered about Engineer “strengh”, I promise.
Couldn’t disagree more with Phaneas.
Those items didn’t fix a thing.
1: Sure we can use sigil damage but it hardly makes up for what they’ve taken, nowhere near the damage that grenades have lost in any sense. Do you hit multiple mobs with multiple lightning bolts from sigil of air? Me neither and sigil of fire doesn’t even do enough damage to come close to what grenades lost. And don’t get me started on how grenades fly faster, do more damage, and have the proper explosive radius and tab target underwater like they should on land for the #1 skill. Physics much?
2: does not work, try keeping a stack of 20 might at all times, you’ll be drinking potions like a lush at a family reunion.
3: Actually they nerfed the one ability that gave us an actual heal. Imagine that a supposed bug was actually making a healing skill actually heal properly on this character. Now +healing doesn’t do squat to anything anymore, and please tell me again how it helps to have a regen get a minor buff from the healing turret? We need less regen more direct heals and we need them to actually scale with our +healing otherwise you might as well call it something other then support.
4: They did make flame blast easier to use, I’ll give you that one. However how many skills like this one don’t cause burning on an engineer that specializes in explosions and fiery blasts? We’re supposed to take it for granted that nothing we do no matter how hot or fiery or explosive will cause burning, that we’re supposed to trait into it and it have a longer cooldown then the effect (without runes of course). Like i said before, physics.
5: The omnom berry nerf is just the limit imo. They should not be playing around with food buffs, engineers had to use those more then any other class to actually keep ourselves alive because of the crappy way this class has been handled since launch.
Here’s a little history for you. We were never meant to be an adventurer class, originally we were supposed to wear heavy armor.
When they changed the class over to a medium adventurer class they failed to relook at the traits to make them on par with thief and ranger so we don’t have 1 out of the three roles in the AN trinity, DPS.
They failed to look at the skills and how they work together in a support role so we end up with far too many overlapping regens only 1 of which is affected in a minor way by +healing and then nerfed the 1 direct healing ability that actually worked properly. there goes support.
so what’s left. CC.
See the problem there?
I’ve pretty much given up. Maybe in a year they’ll recognize the glaring issues in this class but I doubt it will be in 2013 at this point.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
Sure we can use sigil damage but it hardly makes up for what they’ve taken, nowhere near the damage that grenades have lost in any sense.
I stopped using the Grenade Kit in October, so this does not affect me.
2: does not work, try keeping a stack of 20 might at all times, you’ll be drinking potions like a lush at a family reunion.
I think you misinterpreted my statement. I said at 25 Might stacks the damage is quite ridiculous, not that I sustain 25 stacks of Might. I sustain 15 stack of Might 24/7 while gladly receiving buffs through food and group play that will often push it over 20 and sometimes 25. Even at 15 stacks of Might the Flamethrower’s damage is great. It’s not the best in the game by any measure, but I contribute while additionally providing great control and condition removal.
We need less regen more direct heals and we need them to actually scale with our +healing otherwise you might as well call it something other then support.
Not sure what you mean by this. The Med Kit is our “direct” healing kit. If you want that, use that. The Healing Turret provides some of this through Regenerating Mist + Detonate for an area Heal (Water field + Blast combo), but it is mostly used for Perma Regen which can be stacked with dual Super Elixirs.
4: They did make flame blast easier to use, I’ll give you that one. However how many skills like this one don’t cause burning on an engineer that specializes in explosions and fiery blasts? We’re supposed to take it for granted that nothing we do no matter how hot or fiery or explosive will cause burning, that we’re supposed to trait into it and it have a longer cooldown then the effect (without runes of course). Like i said before, physics.
Flame Jet offers burning. It’s a 1-second Burn, but with condition duration food it’s closer to 2. Never mind the fact that any time you’re with a Guardian or Elementalist, you guys always take turns applying Burn anyway. This is not an issue other than solo-play.
5: The omnom berry nerf is just the limit imo. They should not be playing around with food buffs, engineers had to use those more then any other class to actually keep ourselves alive because of the crappy way this class has been handled since launch.
I seriously don’t have this problem.
yeah… about the CC thing…
I once locked up a thief for (what felt like) 7 seconds. He then got up, dusted himself off, called me a kitten, and then walked away.
why?..simple…..because you have kittenes out there who put up threads saying engis are powerful and that players using them just dont know how to use them.
The juggernaut nerf was justified atleast, on demand stability with no cd.. i mean come on, was fun as long as it lasted though..
If that make you feel better, rangers are even worse.
It’s ok we can have meetings where we sit in circles, pat on our back and talk about how anet hates us. Free food on sundays.
no necros allowed
at least rangers can stack up dozens of bleeds by the second so rangers just need high condi builds.
The juggernaut nerf was justified atleast, on demand stability with no cd.. i mean come on
, was fun as long as it lasted though..
as it stands it wouldnt be overpowered at all, bring this back :L
Because lion’s arch chat / that lfg site are constantly filled with “need 4m zerker engies”, the ulimate OP / cheese composition in tPvP is double engy bunker (for the non-stop sustain), plus another engy to bring IoL, timewarp and portal, and in WvW 60% of zergs are made up of plate wearing engies waving their greatswords around and the ultimate small group / roamer class are those special stealth engies that can escape a bad situation 90% of the time.
(edited by Sylosi.6503)
Increase damage by 20% across the board, except for Grenade Kit and Bomb Kit by 15%.
Fix all bugged traits.
Tweak some skills here and there. (Pistol 1, Recast on Turrets/Turret TB Skills)
Do something with Gadgets
Fixed the Engineer class with 4 sentences.
The juggernaut nerf was justified atleast, on demand stability with no cd.. i mean come on
, was fun as long as it lasted though..
what you mean in a class that may or may not get stability have the time with regular abilities? yeah that was poetic justice when we could use it CD or not.
If that make you feel better, rangers are even worse.
It’s ok we can have meetings where we sit in circles, pat on our back and talk about how anet hates us. Free food on sundays.
no necros allowed
at least rangers can stack up dozens of bleeds by the second so rangers just need high condi builds.
they do better with poison and burn then we do as well. my ranger 43 in a 40 zone with low level gear can three shot everything with traps, try doing that on my engi with grenades all exotics all condi gear and specced for it, not gonna happen no way.
Increase damage by 20% across the board, except for Grenade Kit and Bomb Kit by 15%.
Fix all bugged traits.
Tweak some skills here and there. (Pistol 1, Recast on Turrets/Turret TB Skills)
Do something with GadgetsFixed the Engineer class with 4 sentences.
Fix all bugged traits is an understatement, but pretty much.
Flamethrower and pistol do not do competitive damage when compared to bomb or grenade kits. The amount of legwork you need to do to get these to work is immense and ties you down to only either buffing yourself or damaging. Very little CC, and no support.
These weapons just need to be on the level of grenades and bombs and maybe people will stop playing keyboard pianos to get them to work.
The juggernaut nerf was justified atleast, on demand stability with no cd.. i mean come on
, was fun as long as it lasted though..
what you mean in a class that may or may not get stability have the time with regular abilities? yeah that was poetic justice when we could use it CD or not.
He’s right, it was blatantly overpowered in PvP. Stomp any time you want, rez any time you want, bunker as long as you want. It was fun but no other profession could even get close to that kind of stability.
It was with constant -60% speed "bonus", do not forgot about this
If that make you feel better, rangers are even worse.
It’s ok we can have meetings where we sit in circles, pat on our back and talk about how anet hates us. Free food on sundays.
no necros allowed
rangers are great in spvp, and remain one of the top 4 classes. (mesmer/ranger) come after guardian/ele, in the power curve in tournies. At least at higher end play. Now of course w the nerf to eles we will see if they can hold onto #1 for long, but they still appear to be the top class.
The juggernaut nerf was justified atleast, on demand stability with no cd.. i mean come on
, was fun as long as it lasted though..
And now…. no stability.
Who are the main designer of the Engineers?
We get nerfed because we own WvW, PVE, dungeons and are the most popular class in the game. ohhh…now I think about it maybe thieves own WvW, PVE maybe warriors or elementalists?, dungeons probably warriors, most popular not sure but it sure isn’t an engi.
Who are the main designer of the Engineers?
Good question and I’ve been wondering the same thing myself; does this game have Class Devs?
God knows we could do with someone on the inside fighting our case.
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