Woah... turret to FT is a big change.
Turrets are broken in nearly every way possible. Flamethower is vary good in comparison, but sevearly lacks when taken to WvW, sPvP or any actually difficult dungeon. Play a grenade build until they add another viable engineer build. And level another class to 80, because engineer won’t be viable for much longer
(which i rage against. I have leveled two engineers to 80, and have more individually invested into them then any other characters, except my elementalist)
Is OP nakoda’s alternate account?
Is OP nakoda’s alternate account?
I have no idea who Nakoda is but you asking that either means you don’t spend much time on forums or I don’t post nearly as much as people accuse me of.
Flamethower is vary good in comparison, but sevearly lacks when taken to WvW, sPvP or any actually difficult dungeon.
I’ve been taking the FT into CoE and Arah for months now. Never had a problem, though I do have to fight Lupi at range during phases 1 and 2 of his fight.
The FT just got even better in WvW too, because now with Juggernaut as a 20 point trait you can sink a full 30 into Inventions now, better improving your survivability. Same with sPvP. It’s an incredible bunker spec now.
For sure OP always said: “It works fine for me”.
Flamethrower is awesome? U should try grenades or bombs. Anyway – healing turret got a big buff, no nerf. There was no healing reduction of 50% – with overcharge and combo explosion it heals more then it did before. Plus, your team get heals too.
I don’t have an alternate account.
Nice to see people stumbling on the FT for the first time.
PS: All of my builds have worked in PVE with appropriate gearing.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
(edited by nakoda.4213)
There was no healing reduction of 50%
Healing Turret skill:
Reduced the deployed heal by 50%.
generally if you doubletap healing turret it heals for about the same as it did prepatch, plus the waterfield lasts much longer. Its almost entirely a straight up buff from before.
Borlis Pass
@Tolmos: Therefor the overcharged healing was doubled. Plus the water field which gives u 1340 ( additional healing power) for every explosion combo in the water field – minimum one if u detonate the turret in it. So overall u now got 2520 heal from placing turret, 2520 overcharge, 1340 detonate in water field = 6380 healing in 20 sec. This is an amazing buff for healing turret. Healing turret is one of the best healing skills in the hole game.
Flame Blast pretty much makes it for me. Combined with the gear and buffs, I can just about 2 shot anything below level 80 in PvE, and 3 shot 80s in Orr. >_>
It’s madness!
Is OP nakoda’s alternate account?
I have no idea who Nakoda is but you asking that either means you don’t spend much time on forums or I don’t post nearly as much as people accuse me of.
I spend quite a bit of time on the forums. I’m being facetious because nakoda sings the praises of the FT daily.
Is OP nakoda’s alternate account?
I have no idea who Nakoda is but you asking that either means you don’t spend much time on forums or I don’t post nearly as much as people accuse me of.
I spend quite a bit of time on the forums. I’m being facetious because nakoda sings the praises of the FT daily.
Bi weekly, let’s be fair. The rest of the time in just a cantankerous prick calling out general stupidity.
I have an inflammatory personality.
@OP; I’ve been posting/promoting FT centered advice since February. Apparently this buff suddenly made a kit/spec I’ve been using since forever now become viable.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
(edited by nakoda.4213)
Is OP nakoda’s alternate account?
I have no idea who Nakoda is but you asking that either means you don’t spend much time on forums or I don’t post nearly as much as people accuse me of.
I spend quite a bit of time on the forums. I’m being facetious because nakoda sings the praises of the FT daily.
Bi weekly, let’s be fair. The rest of the time in just a cantankerous prick calling out general stupidity.
I have an inflammatory personality.
@OP; I’ve been posting/promoting FT centered advice since February. Apparently this buff suddenly made a kit/spec I’ve been using since forever now become viable.
Don’t feel bad. I’ve been pushing a turret build since day 1 of headstart and it never did become “viable” lol. It worked great for me, but more folks just couldn’t stand it. I still love it, I just finally decided 900 hours with 1 type of build was too much and it was time to shuffle around a little =D
@Tolmos: Do you mind sharing your turret build? It’s what drew me to the engi when I rolled the class but I could never find a good combination of weapons/skills/traits/runes to make it work (especially for WvW).
As you have spent 900 hours with turrets I would GREATLY appreciate your experience.
There was no healing reduction of 50%
Healing Turret skill:
Reduced the deployed heal by 50%.https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Game-Update-Notes-April-30-2013/first#post1932877
Healing Turret is AMAZING, overcharge, the blow ur shield 4, detonate turret, and rocket boots for 3 blast finishers. If u’re running bomb kit also, u can drop bob before for 4 blast finishers @ 1.5k heal each depending on gear. Plus the regen…
There was no healing reduction of 50%
Healing Turret skill:
Reduced the deployed heal by 50%.https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Game-Update-Notes-April-30-2013/first#post1932877
Healing Turret is AMAZING, overcharge, the blow ur shield 4, detonate turret, and rocket boots for 3 blast finishers. If u’re running bomb kit also, u can drop bob before for 4 blast finishers @ 1.5k heal each depending on gear. Plus the regen…
Or just use the med kit and heal for more, with less buttons.
There was no healing reduction of 50%
Healing Turret skill:
Reduced the deployed heal by 50%.https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Game-Update-Notes-April-30-2013/first#post1932877
Healing Turret is AMAZING, overcharge, the blow ur shield 4, detonate turret, and rocket boots for 3 blast finishers. If u’re running bomb kit also, u can drop bob before for 4 blast finishers @ 1.5k heal each depending on gear. Plus the regen…
Or just use the med kit and heal for more, with less buttons.
Is that…is that a joke?
Deploy with 6 – heal/regen, overcharge with 6 = cleanse/heal/waterfield, detone with f1
2 keys
Heal kit: Open kit with 6, small heal with 1, small heal with 2, small heal with 3, cleanse with 4, Swift with 5, medium heal with F1
Turret is as effective at least, with fewer keys
@OP; I’ve been posting/promoting FT centered advice since February. Apparently this buff suddenly made a kit/spec I’ve been using since forever now become viable.
I’m a casual player – I’ve run a static discharge and a grenade spec in WvW for quite some time. I’d seen posts about FT, most bashing, yours and a few others promoting.
One day prior to this patch i got in a mood and switched to a flamethrower/elixer gun build, and was amazed to find how effective flamethrower was. Reading these forums you mostly just get the numbers (if that). But the flamethrower is a much, much handier weapon then grenades, which take effort to target, take time to fall, and telegraph their targeted area. The flamethrower is point and click.
It’s insanely effectively with zergs. As long as you avoid the point of the zerg (yes, if 20 people come at you then you most likely die <g>), you can do tremendous damage nipping at the flanks of the group. I was much more effective doing this at close range with the FT than at long range with grenades.
Besides…it’s a freakin’ flamethrower! Who can’t appreciate that? :-)
Healing turret used to heal double? That would have been OP, fair nerf imo
Honestly dude, if you enjoy FT, you will LOVE nades/bombs. FT is our weakest kit by a looong way imo, the animation (of flame jet) reaching double the range of the actual hits doesn’t help either. (why the fug is that still an issue 9 months in by the way? Perhaps it is only an issue for large races? i.e. Charr?)
Pick up the elixir gun and run a condi/elixir build, you will thank me, seriously x
For WvW where you can pick up real Knights (power, prec, toughness [vitality is trash in PvP without tough]) run a nade/bomb build and enjoy some of the most brutal AoE in the game (although, hardest to land).
Not everyone wants to use grenades. I personally can’t stand grenades.
Healing turret used to heal double? That would have been OP, fair nerf imo
Honestly dude, if you enjoy FT, you will LOVE nades/bombs. FT is our weakest kit by a looong way imo, the animation (of flame jet) reaching double the range of the actual hits doesn’t help either. (why the fug is that still an issue 9 months in by the way? Perhaps it is only an issue for large races? i.e. Charr?)
Pick up the elixir gun and run a condi/elixir build, you will thank me, seriously
For WvW where you can pick up real Knights (power, prec, toughness [vitality is trash in PvP without tough]) run a nade/bomb build and enjoy some of the most brutal AoE in the game (although, hardest to land).
This post is full of misinformation about the flamethrower.
If you have targeting problems with flame jet, you need to practice more. 425 range is shorter than you think.
Get closer. It is a bunker weapon.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.