WvW 25+ engi build?

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jack.8510



Anyone knows any viable engi build for WvW large groups(25+)? I’m feeling really useless by playing engi WvW. What can we give to the group?

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Esper.3721


Sadly everything an engineer can do in these fights, other classes can do better.

You can either go tanky front-line bomber or damage-dealing back-liner, basically.

A tanky bomber has to use a lot of stats, traits and utility slots just to survive as well as warrior and guardian. You have less group-utility and stability uptime. Bombs also have no range in front and the delayed detonation doesn’t really help either. It still can be fun, though…

A grenade-spammer has less useful AoE than Elementalists, less useful and less damaging AoE than Necros and of course nowhere near the utility a mesmer brings to the fight.
You can still do decent power-damage with a bit of blind, poison and chill mixed in, but grenades aren’t even instant (they have to fly through the air) and can easily be blocked (unlike Ele/Necro AoE).
Oh and did I mention retaliation stacking will wreck you? Yeah, fun…

Healing Turret is one of the few really good things you can provide. It’s a 3sec water-field with a huge radius on a 20sec cooldown. If you can save it for regrouping, it helps a lot.

If you insist on playing an engi in those fights, I’d say go for grenades (I use rocketboots and toolkit with it). Use blinds and chill against incoming melee-trains and save poison for when they regroup to limit their healing.
In Explosives use Shrapnel, Short Fuse and Grenadier, as IA and Exploit Weakness only trigger on single enemies.

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: pza.8024


With Healing turret you can heal almost like a devoted ele, bombs make you almost as strong as a melee, mines and minefields make a good substitution for nullfields, blocks from shield and toolkit make u as tough as a melee. We lack support, because apart from fire fields, cc, alot of blasting, and boonstrip we cannot offer much more to the group.
In the end the engineer is pretty ok in zergs.

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maiden England.3491

Maiden England.3491

well the reason ele waterfields are better is because they last much longer. in a group of this size the guardians/warriors will all blast together, so engi isnt needed for blasting either.

Street Regulator

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: pza.8024


well the reason ele waterfields are better is because they last much longer. in a group of this size the guardians/warriors will all blast together, so engi isnt needed for blasting either.

you mean, if an engie is in the group, a warr/guard doesnt need to throw out his cooldowns. i’m speaking of 6 blast finishers and 2k healing power > 3 warrs stomping a waterfield.

also a good group doesnt regroup for more than 3 seconds, which is the time our waterfields last.

(edited by pza.8024)

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mindscapes.1589


I used this build and it seemed to work just fine. It is a bombing heal build that provides stability from Elixir B toss to stay in the fight long enough till it finishes. Also throw mine has boon striping that could possibly strip stability off the melee train incoming. You can switch the two tiers from the invention line to your liking but I prefer all the protection bonuses if I get caught in a bad spot and yes they do stack!

It is a fun build I run with the melee train but it can get boring just dropping bombs all night long. But it works!


Hired Assassins [Hire]
Frost Knuckles – Guardian
Im Such a Tool – Engineer

WvW 25+ engi build?

in Engineer

Posted by: daydream.2938


Engies are great in big fights, grenade kit , literally hitting 5 ppl non stop over and over.

and if you run hgh you can cleanse, and buff your group mates with elixirs also.