WvW Engi

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Just wondering, what are the most common builds being used for Engineers (or Scrappers) in WvW these days. Kinda bored with PvP and PvE lately, and I want to jump back in to WvW but it doesn’t seem Engineers are generally useful there.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


Inventions: 2, 3, 2
Alchemy: 2, 2, 1
Scrapper: 2, 1/3, 1/2

The alternates in the Scrapper line depend on if you’re using gyros or not.

As for gear & utilities use what suits your meta and playstyle.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


In short: power/hammer/above tree in the frontline, power/hammer or condi/pp when roaming.

I still use a rabid + celestial hybrid p/p build with inventions/firearms/scrapper and 4 gyros + elixir gun (have been pretty much forced into elixir gun rather than 5 gyros due to the proliferation of perplexity builds). While it may not be the absolute best 1v1, it’s a top tier small group roamer due to it’s ability to off stomp.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Is flamethrower useless in zergs due to retal?

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Engineer as a whole is Useless in wvw

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Engineer as a whole is Useless in wvw

Why is that though?

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Also, what would it take to make Engineers useful in WvW?

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: santenal.1054


Engineer is pretty good for roaming/small scale fights.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


Is flamethrower useless in zergs due to retal?

I wouldn’t say it’s useless. Just don’t have FT #1 on auto. Until I bought HoT I was using a Power FT build without serious Retaliation issues. FT is great for a short CD blast finisher, Fire Field, safe down/res from the AE Blind, and you also have an Interrupt.

If I didn’t have HoT I’d still be playing Power FT.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Pride.1734


Engineer as a whole is Useless in wvw

Why is that though?

Kind of a weird place of having no role. They don’t have unique stuff that makes them viable like warriors or mesmers. Ele’s also got the waterfields and do more damage. Guardians and Revs give more boons. And Thiefs make a better focus party. Doesn’t help that lots of the things engi does is projectile based. And the more players the more reflection walls and such are you gonna see.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Yeah, at this point I’m thinking of going with hammer and ft scrapper, with inventions and alchemy. As far as heal, th other 2 utilities and elite, what is recommended?

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Engineer as a whole is Useless in wvw

Why is that though?

Kind of a weird place of having no role. They don’t have unique stuff that makes them viable like warriors or mesmers. Ele’s also got the waterfields and do more damage. Guardians and Revs give more boons. And Thiefs make a better focus party. Doesn’t help that lots of the things engi does is projectile based. And the more players the more reflection walls and such are you gonna see.

sorry i have some issues with forums so couldnt reply much

but you pretty much summarized what i meant

guardians,revs,eles,rangers,mesmers,necromancers all provide offense and support from 600+ range and radius and good one while at it

meanwhile outside of heal turret’s 480 regen radius all of engi skills require to be stacked sitting ducks having 180-240 radius

for roaming and small fights engi is ok but for average and zerg fights engi offers nothing other than being able to use a function gyro to finish or rez people

the mortar kit thanks to the 30% damage nerf barely damages enemies and the fields have extremely short durations,condi durations and radius so they are easily avoided and negated
grenades thanks to the 600 range and total of 60% damage nerf is useless against zergs as well

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: guildabd.6529


Our ranged damage isn’t bad at all.
I’ve downed 10+ with thunderclap + orbital strike + takedown round + grenade barrage combo.

For meleeing just use full nomads, all gyros and final salvo.

Really only our support and condition part are lacking.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Rocknull.2986


NOt useless at all. Very difficult to play well. Not worth the trouble for most. and most people are still saying GWEN to this day so its hard to break old ignant ideas. ::shrug::

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


It’s more a problem with humanity which does zebra thinking: instead of accepting that all characters are a dynamic mix of roles, humanity tries to break down every class and determine one or two roles for every class. This isn’t bad because it simplifies the coordination but engineer does not fit into this grid.

But engineer isn’t useless, it’s just if you apply this one strategy of simplification (zebra thinking) it seems a bit useless.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: funghetto.1584


mmmmmmmm no support? no utility of engi in wvw? looooooooool

sorry, but i dont agree…

play berserk-knight stats with rifle-toolkit-healing turret (or even better medic gyro) – a bulwark gyro and elixir gun – with mortar kit and alchemy?

you have 1200 range and 1500 with mortar kit – a defense for yourself – so many water fields for zergs to blast – so many condi removal (for yourself and for the allies)

inventions? with autosmoke bomb? so op combined with bunker down in melee!!

alchemy? seems a lot selfish but elixir gun 3rd skill and 5th skill – keep all alive in front of a ram under acs!! and so on…

with healing turret 2 water fields – mortar kit 1 – can have 3 with 2 skills….


“There’s no such thing as balance, fairness or honor.”
a Fissure Of Woe player that has no home.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Pride.1734


^ so you are like a guardian and ele put together only worse at what they do?

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: funghetto.1584


here we are speaking if a class is useful or not.
engineer in the way i described is one way of beeing useful. and that is a fact.

even with pistol-shield with bombs-mortar kit elixir gun same as above.
with tons of fields with mortar kit or bombs.

then some classes are better than others for this or that. but don’t say engineer is useless.

all class can be useful if used properly and set up properly.
elementalists-mesmers-thiefs-etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

then some classes do some roles better than others. thats sure

“There’s no such thing as balance, fairness or honor.”
a Fissure Of Woe player that has no home.

(edited by funghetto.1584)

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Snakebyte.2804


In zergs I use my Engi for group super speed. It does a lot more than give super speed but that’s where Engi scores Best In Class. Super sped hammer trains can really mess people up.

Gringo Pls, JQ Engineer

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: coro.3176


I mean, it’s not a must have class for wvw zerging or anything, but I feel useful.

- Explosives (for Mortar Kit)
- Tools (for Swiftness on Kits)
- Scrapper (for defense/regen)

- Heal Turret – mandatory. It’s the only condi cleanse on this build, and a blastable water field. The increased cast time really hurts though. I don’t know what they were thinking with that.. it’s almost always interrupted in combat now..
- Rocket boots – personal favourite skill. Movement is king in WvW. Chase someone down or escape. Could be swapped for Egun or Elixir S.
- Grenade Kit – a solid hit from grenade barrage will drop squishies 50% or more health. That alone makes it worth taking. Other skills are decent aoe fights.
- Toolkit – mandatory – Magnet pulling an enemy into your zerg is almost always a free kill. This is a huge asset to your team and one reason to take Engi. Gear shield is a lifesaver too.
- Sneak Gyro/Mortar Kit – Run with Sneak Gyro equipped unless in a large zerg or at a tower. It’s better in skirmishes and small fights and lets you get away when outnumbered. You can swap to Mortar when out of combat, so I’ll usually start with stealth, then mortar right before engaging a large group.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Pride.1734


Yea sure anything can be usefull if you know how to play it. Doesn’t change the fact that you’d probably be quite a bit more usefull picking another class in larger encounters.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Engineer is pretty good for roaming/small scale fights.

Pretty good being high damage output with insane personal and group sustain.

Multiple fields and blast finishers including water.

Ranged AoE stun.

Several evades and damage immunities to sustain focus fire.

Access to AoE reflection which severely cuts down incoming damage while increasing outgoing damage.

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


wonder what servers you guys are fighting autistic servers at that single engineers can stop 4 ACs with 4000 hp heals

or protect a whole zerg with a bulwark gyro that only has 300 radius and a 5 target limit

my points remain everyone has further proven it engineer for big scale WvW is terrible

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


my points remain everyone has further proven it engineer for big scale WvW is terrible

With scrapper they make a decent frontliner. The rest is just as bad for large scale as it has been for 4 years.

As a havoc flanker against enemy zergs, I find it excellent if not one of the best classes. Sure a thief will singletarget alot harder, but they are complete glass compared to a engie that can accidentally kill thieves. You only want a few of them. With the sneak gyro you can intentionally confuse enemies by “showing” the gyro and expected solo engie yet hiding a small group. 2 engies is enough for permastealth.

And before you complain about how kittenty gyros are at following so this cant be done… zigzag

WvW Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Dash.8027


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